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Posts posted by Maedhros

  1. Watching the winter olympics. "We" (saying that as someone who don't even know how to ski) just set the record for most gold medals in a single winter olympics ever, with 15 gold medals.

    If you ever need a new sport to watch, I recommend biathlon.  Combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. If you miss a shot during the shooting rounds, you get penalty laps or added time. It's really fun, and can be really nerve-wrecking to watch, especially at the last shooting round.


  2. 3 hours ago, Bartimaeus said:

    I haven't seen it...and I probably won't because I just saw that it stars two of my least favorite current big-time actors (Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence - although it does have Mark Rylance whom I rather like)...but I was under the impression that the film was more for how little we're accomplishing in the realm of climate change and the imminent crises that are likely to occur as a result over the next handful of decades. And Wikipedia says it was written and filmed in 2019, before Covid-19 existed, before being delayed because of it...

    Mark Rylance is brilliant. Wolf Hall is the best show no one saw.

    • Like 1
  3. Finished Witcher season 2. Overall quite pleased with it. It's certainly much better than Wheel of Time, but I hope that show gets an equivalent upgrade in quality for its second season.

    Jaskier though, meh. Still annoys me that they're reducing him to almost 100% comic relief. In the books he's learned, funny and cunning in his own way. His friendship with Geralt feels very genuine there. Hope to see more of that in season 3.

    • Haha 1
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/dec/07/kellogg-strike-workers-pay

    “While certainly not the result we had hoped for, we must take the necessary steps to ensure business continuity,” said Chris Hood, president of Kellogg North America. “We have an obligation to our customers and consumers to continue to provide the cereals that they know and love.”

    Obligations to your customers, but not to your workers. Corporate greed ftw.

    • Hmmm 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, majestic said:

    Nitpicky remark: Monologues require the absence of other characters, hence the name. Mono, from ancient Greek mónos, meaning single. Just because someone is giving a long winded explanation to another character doesn't make it a monologue. :p

    A monologue is when you're speaking at people, instead of with them. It's a prolonged talk by a single speaker, hence "mono". It's not because there aren't any other people around.

    • Gasp! 1
  6. I ended up not liking Midnight Mass, despite a promising start. It just tries way too hard to be meaningful, and does it in the least subtle way with the infamous monologues. The only one that worked was the first one, when two characters who clearly care for each other talk about death.


    The one with the Sheriff talking about 9/11 (a story we've heard a thousand times before) has to be the worst one, especially in the context he's doing it in. Recieve urgent news from a character we've never seen you interact with before? Let's tell her your entire background story in the most unnecessarily long-winded way possible.

  7. Train to Busan.

    Korean Zombie film. Somehow the very predictable character arc of the tropey "busy father/working father" worked for me, and helped lift the film up from being a bang average zombie flick to....slightly above average zombie flick. 6/10

  8. I had really low expectations with Wheel of Time, and that helped. It's a mess, but I think it's the kind of show that will get better with time. The actors are doing fine, but everyone else need to step up their game.

    I hope they get some more talented people to do the effects, editing and costumes among other things in season 2. It looks expensive, yet somehow still really bad despite the beautiful locations. Too shiny, colorful and clean. The music is also dissapointingly dull.

  9. 1 hour ago, KP Cross Split Attack said:

    I think Dennis Villeneuve's sci-fi movies just aren't that interesting and end up being boring for me. I dunno.

    I think he's regressed a bit. I loved Arrival, liked Blade Runner and found Dune to be quite dull.

    For me his films are very lacking in "joy", for lack of a better word. Everything is very cold and humourless. It's something he has in common with Christopher Nolan.

    • Like 1
  10. 13 minutes ago, Raithe said:

    Also of interesting note:  Amar Chadha-Patel was actually cast as Lord Agelmar in Wheel of Time and had done all of his scenes for first season, but he's left for one of the key roles in Willow. So WoT have decided to rename his character for the first season (to Lord Yakata), and introduce a brand new Agelmar from season 2 onwards.

    From what I read, it was Ingtar, not Agelmar.

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