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Posts posted by Maedhros

  1. 22 minutes ago, Guard Dog said:

    My knee-jerk reaction is who the hell does the government think it is trying to tell a citizen of the United States they cannot make a legal transaction with their own money.


    It wouldn't be a legal transaction under this new law. Lawmakers are in a very special position, special rules should apply. There's something very iffy about being able to buy stocks, when you have access to information that could largely affect the market days before it becomes public knowledge. If the ones who enrichened themselves due to inside information were actually seized and jailed, this would be a different story. But nothing seems to be done about it?


    • Gasp! 1
  2. I had forgotten about this, I don't know why I specified it to be about "cities", when my intent was rather "where you live". So to clarify, if you live in a small town, or in a remote desert and want to show and tell us about it that's fine too!

    Since I'm very into wine and fine dining, I like visiting big cities with a rich food scene, where beautiful countrysides (& vineyards) are a short drive away. Both Vienna and Brisbane seem to be good candidates in that category.

    • Like 2
  3. Orderered the MSI GeForce RTX 3070 VENTUS 2X OC (don't feel like I need a better GPU since I use a 1080p screen anyway). I read afterwards that the temperatures can get really high on it, but apparently undervolting the GPU (never done that before) removes that issue.

    I hope it arrives before Cyberpunk does! Will be a decent upgrade over my good ol' gtx 970.

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  4. I see many are scared that Biden will allow too much "leftist" influence. I hope for America's sake that he will. This is a country that still doesn't have guaranteed paid holidays for workers, no paid sick leave (except in certain states), no protection against being unjustly fired from your job, the only OECD country that has no laws guaranteeing paid paternity/maternity leave...and where free (ish) healthcare isn't considered a human right. I'll add that 69% (!) of the population supports medicare for all.


    I'd go as far as to say this isn't even a "leftist" agenda anymore. It's just common sense.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, ShadySands said:

    The Mandalorian season 2. I really loved the first episode but the second episode was terrible.

    I like The Mandalorian, but for me it has way too many "filler" episodes. I found myself just skipping forward every now and then this episode and not missing much.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Skarpen said:

    If this would be the will of the people then I would agree. As this was clearly a fraud I say Trump should use every legal option to make this right. I would even say that he has an obligation not as a candidate but as a president to make sure american people weren't robbed.

    Where is the evidence? I suspect he'll try his best, but I don't see how he can win as there is nothing to support his claims. He'd whine about the opponent cheating even if Biden won with 90% of the votes.

    Hillary, in a moment of clarity, sums it up nicely here:

    “Every time Donald thinks things are not going in his direction, he claims whatever it is rigged against him. The FBI conducted a year-long investigation into my emails. They concluded there was no case. He said the FBI was rigged. He lost the Iowa caucus; he lost the Wisconsin primary. He said the Republican primary was rigged against him. Then Trump University gets sued for fraud and racketeering. He claims the court system and the federal judge is rigged against him. There was even a time when he didn't get an Emmy for his TV program three years in a row and he started tweeting that the Emmys were rigged. This is a mind-set. This is how Donald thinks. And it's funny, but it's also really troubling."

  7. "It could well be that at 10 o’clock on election night, Trump is winning in Michigan, he’s winning in Pennsylvania, he’s winning in Wisconsin, and he gets on the television and he says, ‘Thank you, Americans, for reelecting me. It’s all over. Have a good day.’ But then, the next day, and the day following, all of those mail-in ballots start getting counted, and it turns out that Biden has won those states, at which point Trump says, ‘See? I told you the whole thing was fraudulent. I told you those mail-in ballots were crooked. And we’re not going to leave office.’ So that is a worry that I and a lot of people have."

  8. 7 minutes ago, Keyrock said:

    It's interesting how so many people living outside the US take such keen interest in American politics. I couldn't tell you who the prime minister of Great Britain or France is, just as an example, nor do I care.

    Because American politics is extremely important for the rest of the world, and for other countries economies. American politics is world politics.

    (It's also great entertainment).

    Edit: You seriously don't know who Boris is?

  9. 18 minutes ago, Guard Dog said:

    Whether a change is for the better is strictly a matter of opinion. It sounds awesome when you hear they are giving everyone a free house. Less so when you hear they are giving away YOURS!

    Just an example. I'm not seriously suggesting they are taking anyone's house away. You gotta clarify s--t like that areoudn here lately! 

    Yes, of course, it's a matter of perspective. THEY think they're fighting to change it for the better. All I'm saying is it's silly to say someone hates their country just because they want to change it, and because their opinions differ from yours.

  10. 16 hours ago, MedicineDan said:

    but Biden is a flesh golem enthralled to the forces of the left, and the worst thing about them isn't a socialist agenda.  It's a self-loathing hatred of the very country that has afforded them the opportunity to attack it.

    Are we in the the Breitbart comments section? I'll ignore the good ol' socialism scare, but why do certain people always think wanting to change a country for the better has anything to do with hatred? Criticising your country isn't the same thing as hating it. To advocate positive change is the patriotic thing to do.

  11. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/22/us-trump-administration-signs-anti-abortion-declaration

    "The Geneva Consensus Declaration was signed by a total of 32 countries: Bahrain, Belarus, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eswatini, Gambia, Haiti, Hungary, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Kuwait, Libya, Nauru, Niger, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, the United Arab Emirates, the US and Zambia."

    The holy alliance.

  12. 3 hours ago, Guard Dog said:

    The reason I most attribute to the disparity, and this might make you laugh, is the prevalence or religion and (as a consequence) moral instruction of kids. That is not to suggest children brought up without a heavy dose of religious instruction are not given moral instruction by their parents. Many certainly are. But valuing community and Gods fellow creatures are a pretty big part of the church experience. IMO only, the first step to not murdering or exploiting fellow humans is to be taught that they have value. That their lives are meaningful beyond what use the individual thinks they might be. 

    Like I said, purely my own opinion.


    Religion can be a factor, especially in a place where nearly everyone is religious and that adds to people's trust towards each other. However, in many parts of the world where religion isn't that important, you still have the same correlation of violence in rural/urban areas. Personally I think it's got to do more with trust. In places of conformity, there is less conflict and less violence.

    Also, it's not like irreligeous people don't teach their kids morals. Many of the most peaceful places on this earth are largely atheist.

  13. 16 hours ago, Gromnir said:

    have mentioned this in the food thread, except for the southern cook's mirepoix (green bell pepper, celery, onion) for things such as red beans and rice, we never would use green bell pepper. the difference 'tween your fancy red pepper and a green bell pepper is that the green is not yet ripe. is not as if it is a different variety o' pepper from the red.  

    green bell pepper tastes a bit like red wine which has turned. am not joking. pyrazines is a thing in green bell pepper which is one o' the components in bad wine. we don't drink wine and only use for cooking, but we nevertheless may recognize when the liquid has turned and the stink o' mushy green peppers is a dead give away.

    Agree with your point on bell peppers. On a sidenote for those interested (none?), pyrazines in wine isn't inherently a bad thing, and it doesn't have to mean a wine has turned bad. Herbal aromas from moderate pyrazine levels in wine can be very appealing if done right. All the Bordeaux grapes have pyrazines for example.

    A Sauvignon Blanc can have an appealing "grassy" aroma,  a classic aged red Bordeaux can have a delicious warm red bell pepper scent. The green bell pepper aroma is a trademark of Cabernet franc and not a wine fault. Extreme levels of pyrazine = bad. Moderate levels = can be good and adds complexity.


    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Skarpen said:

    Fake news.

    I hear more menacing chats in bars.

    It's not fake, but yeah, people like to talk tough and it's probably nothing. I remember people talking about civil war the last couple of elections too depending on the result. There's a slight difference now with Trump showing signs of not wanting to accept the election result if he loses though, which could instigate more violence.

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