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Posts posted by Jad'en

  1. Hmmm.  Intriguing thread.  There's always the "frozen in carbonite" ploy.  Revan and the Exile have been captured, frozen in carbonite and set out as bait to lure the pc and pals into a trap.  The game would have you traveling to various planets (naturally) to ferret out the clues to Revan and Exile's location.  But who would be the enemy?  Remnants of the ancient Rakatan Empire who want to destroy both the Sith and the Jedi to reclaim the galaxy/universe? Would that mean the Sith and Jedi have to unite to fight a common enemy?


    Yes? No? Maybe?  Oh well, back to work.


    Possibly ancient Sssiruuk?


    Or maybe just a harmless little mon calamari :wub:

  2. The point of the a *game* is to have you participate in the story, and if the participation becomes too boring, then good story or not, the thing will fall flat.  For something like Myst, (blech), it was in the puzzles.  For an RPG it's in the combat and the role-playing.  If the role-playing's good, that's good.  If the combat isn't, that's pretty bad because it's the most time-consuming part of it, unless you count the running around to find people to fight.  It needs to have all these things.  You say it's about the story and this and that, but it's so defensive though, like it doesn't need to or shouldn't work on a technical level or provide some scalable degree of challenge I really have to wonder if you're all just exaggerating and making stuff up because we're not talking about the story in yet another suck-up or self-justification, (of what, who knows.....), attempt.  You might as well wax poetic about a car's shiny new tires all day, completely ignoring the fact that the steering-wheel's broken and only turns one way.


    Excellent post Naso. Basically people who posted in this thread earlier on, are saying if the story is good, then everything else can be crap, but its okay, because the story is good lol. Keep telling yourself that as you sink even deeper into the bowels of denial.


    - dr cloak


    Ok :cool:

  3. Actually there are people with 1.0 boxes getting no bugs, and people with 1.6 boxes getting bugs.


    Some people have had success getting different discs.  But I've noticed that every person who is getting major bugs and lockups seems to have the Thompson DVD drive, which is notouriously bad for reading various types of media.


    Did LA use a weird type of disc, or print the discs poorly?


    Well im not sure about that but i know there is a new form of Anti-Piracy going around...


    It makes the disk only marjinably workable therefore the copying process is immpossible...


    I havent tested this on K2 though so it may just be a bad batch:)

  4. Hmm, very interesting read. If anything, I hope they take their time with KoTORIII. I've got other games to play in the meantime I haven't caught up on.


    K3 is not in development.


    - dr cloak


    Maybe and maybe not... the truth is noone knows now isnt it...


    LA layed off alot of the designers working on K3 however did it mention "ALL" of them?


    Nope :D

  5. If you want your Lightsaber as fast as possible, go to Dantooine right after Telos.


    I think you spammers should lay off the off-topic posts that aren't really needed. Hades hates KOTOR, great. It doesn't belong here.


    If you read the rules and regulations of the forum then you are commiting spam right there and then... but truth be told rules are made to be broken, we are still vaguely talking about KotOR 2 thus on topic :wub:


    The Dantooine trick doesnt work for Darksiders as they cant beat the Jedi Masters at that level

  6. yes you replied... this is just what ive been waiting for... you've just made a paradox of your own comments :D


    You say that he should not handicap himself even though he ahs the strongest players there are with him. However you contradict you Uber Munchkinism theory as, even if the levels were lower you are suggesting that the levels of the enemies should in turn be higher...


    Either that or alchol and foruming isnt mixed >.<

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