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Posts posted by Jad'en

  1. How about I get a patch via XBOX live, wait they said they weren't going to do that.  Can you explain that??




    X-Box live doesn't exist to allow publishers and developers to patch X-Box games.


    Im not sure on this matter, i think they download impartial data onto the harddisk of a X-Box via Live Hades and then that runs in toe with the game, acting as a patch...


    However im not sure and merely speculating as i dont have an X-Box of my own

  2. How is my signature abusive?


    Maybe i overestimated your intelligence. That is my problem. Look through it carefully and think hard... if you cannot get it try asking for some help.


    What the hell do you expect them to do about it?  They can't patch a console you know.  COnsole systems don't get patches for their games.  THAT IS THE WEAKNESS OF GOING CONSOLE!


    If you want patches to fix problems, PLAY A FREAKING PC!


    plain and simply put: ----------> :p

  3. Ok let me see trade it in, hmmm, and get about 15 dollars for it no.  Try and contact Obsidian about my troubles, hmmmm, already tried that also but no one is returing anything I send them.  Maybe if I keep complaining on here then one of them will actually see it and do something about it.  Probably not.  Plus everyone has their right to an opinion on the game.


    You as a respectable individual have the right (on this forum & in most places around the world) to your own opinion.


    However i think you are completely out of order and should seriously consider seeing a psychiatrist as you can not deal with dissappointment in a healthy manner.


    Your signature is hostile and no doubt offending, you are merely making yourself look infantile and immature. By all means complain about the game, that is your freedom, but do it in a mature manner and try not to be abusive.


    Thanks in advance

  4. I somewhere gained the immpression that their will be robe model's with the hood up and down somewhere along the line, however noone seems to have found a hooded robe therefore im beginning to lose faith.


    Was this idea scrapped or is it just a rare loot?





    I don't believe there's any player equippable robes where the hood is up. That might have been a plan at one point, but as far as I know the only two characters that are ever seen with a hood are Kreia and Handmaiden.






    Well there you have it folks, no hoods for us >.<


    (P.s thanks for clearing this matter up Akari)

  5. Well then I assume you just expected too much from this game. It offers all this stuff and you just basically shrug off every positive feature that Obsidian worked their butt to get into the game.


    Sequels need improvements, this sequel had that kind of improvement, maybe not on all parts though. Perhaps all the negative parts of KOTOR 2 blind you to all the great things that is also given to you. There is no need to focus on the negative only


    I expected a quality product.


    Animations, force powers that are unimportant, new cloaking "look", new crystals (many are useless still), and a workbench/lab station that doesn't allow you to create stuff you can't normally find/buy don't amount to anything in the overall scheme of things.


    I expected the game to be beta tested. It wasn't.


    Shoddy writing, poor story presentation, near non-existant combat AI, and a completely flawed influence system that forces you to bend to your NPC's, and not the other way around. Those are just a few things that are wrong with this game, and any one of them is far more important then watching your lvl 10 character swing differently than he did at lvl 1.


    Shoddy writing is just your taste in a good story. Therefore dont make it out to be a fact

  6. Yup and you keep on senselessly bashing it all over the forum... its what your highness obviously does best :-


    Lets see...


    I spent my money on this game.

    This game does not deliver what was promised.

    This game does not convey the story in a sensible fashion.

    Horrible endings.

    Broken influence system.

    Disgusting item randomization.

    Enemies with absolutely no decent AI.

    Impressively small maps with quests that require you to run from map to map to map to map, spending more time loading then actually playing.




    This game does not deliver a remotely bug/glitch free experience.

    This game no longer has Live support, therefor destroying the chances of getting some kind of fix for that.


    So, I feel XBOX users were screwed as used as the test monkeies for this game. I'm going to voice my opinion on this until *I* get bored with it. You have four options, in a sense.


    Grow up and deal with it.

    Leave the forum.

    Stop reading my posts.

    Continue your crusade of defending a game you don't even own.


    Man, I used to be that way. Hmm... Well, my suggestion to you is to act responsibliy. No one forced you to buy the game. No one forced you to play the game. No one forced you to be a test subject. Don't like the game, return it and get something you will like. I am not defending the game, just using some common sense. If you feel like you were screwed, well welcome to the 20th century America where getting screwed over is a common place if you are dumb. Next time, be smarter.



    Roflmao... couldnt of put it better even if i was a trained professional :D

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