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Posts posted by Jad'en

  1. Be a badass guardian / marauder ;)


    Guardian/Marauder = way too over-powered.


    As a 15th level Guardian and 5th level Marauder, I one hit-killed the Jedi Master on Nar Shadda. One hit!! On 'Difficult' setting. I can't remember his name, all I know is he wears earings and looks stupid.


    Prior to this, on Dantooine, it took me 2 hits to drop Vrook. If there was no cut scene B.S. after you first take him to zero health, I would have killed him in 1 hit as well, as a 15/2 Guardian.


    - dr cloak


    Depends on what you bank your templar on...

  2. I havent yet played it but ive seen parts of it from my friend...


    it looks much more in depth and although some may not like ambiguous endings it hink they need to open their eyes and read a series of books...


    yeah... now the pain of ambiguity begins >.<

  3. Anyone else in here that think is't unfair that the PC version is shipped 2 months later than the Xbox version? That's just plain console discrimination for the american PC users. (i'm an eurogamer so it doesn't matter to me anyway)


    will there ever be a game shipping in europe before USA, i wonder (probably not <_< )


    The hard working developers at obsidian had to make a choice way back in production...


    Create the X-Box version and complete the deadline of 6th December 2004, or lose the deadline attempting to complete both versions at once....


    They made a call that the X-Box version should be complete first and therefore American X-Box users get the game first.


    European X-Box users dont get it because the Dvd drive uses different encoding in the 2 different places.


    And the PC version wont be completed, and isnt completed to date so that is that sorted...


    Not completely true. They were done with both versions of games. It was Lucasarts' desicion to release the game early. Trust me, I didn't think Obsidian Entertainment was too happy about it either.


    You know, they could have done some extra content for the X-Box USA, and release it on Feb 2005, but Lucasarts decided not to.


    And if you ask me, they don't have a real reason to postpone the PC game, unless they made some sort of deal with Microsoft.


    Then it did its job... this is what CRPG's do to you... its what they are meant to be like, and i think you will find that the original KotOR ending left some people in a right flare...


    I myself hated it because it was such a Clich'e...

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