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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. -Army of Two - GTA 4 - Mercenaries (Sandbox Co-op just like Crackdown!!)
  2. I thought Gears Co-op was awesome.
  3. I actually thought the demo was fun, but I guess I could see it getting repetitive after a while.
  4. As polluted as it is, I love New Jersey...And it's climate. We get enough snow in the winter so that we get sick of it by Spring, and enough hot weather in the Summer that we're sick of it by Fall. Best of both worlds I guess.
  5. I'll trade you for a copy of Arcanum
  6. Actually, I think that if they were a couple they'd have terrible looking kids
  7. And I think 800 points is like 5 bucks.
  8. Ghost Recon, or Gears of War if you've got a partner to play co-op with
  9. We here in New Jersey had a great night. Food, fireworks, streaking.
  10. it really isn't that hard, it's just annoying at the beginning.
  11. :'(
  12. Well gee, that sounds like a neat idea for a game!
  13. Achievements are just fun, yeah they don't get you anything, but it's a way of getting a little more out of a game. I beat Crackdown in like 3 days, but I played for another 3 months getting all the achievements.
  14. apparently the achievements is all the rage 'mongst the console gaming community. am not understanding, but a significant % o' posts on the me boards is queries 'bout attaining various achievements. searching for mineral not only provides for lots o' 1007 at higher levels, but if you want various achievements such as ally and completion, the goose chase quests is almost compulsory... particularly the ally stuff. gotta get something close to 48 assignments with party member X present, and there is a bunch o' quests (including the goose chase ones) that is (or can be) completed sans party members. ... am not sure why anybody gives a damn 'bout silly achievements, but... HA! Good Fun! They're fun.
  15. Holes It's that guy Shia Labeouf's (transformers) first big screen movie. It's pretty decent, the book was good too and they seem not to stray to far from it
  16. I heard the controls are much smoother on the 360/PS3 compared to the PC. All that wall climbing could get annoying with WASD, but then again you could always use a game pad.
  17. You're asking to many questions, just let the bullets fly and gas tanks explode in an actiony style and everyone will be happy
  18. Search and Destroy is 50 points a kill!
  19. Yeah, my internet connection always seems to crap out after a few games.
  20. So yeah, you could play Forza with Sand!
  21. The end was pretty hysterical I thought, with you-know-who coming back
  22. Still messing around with a few games I got for Christmas. Guitar Hero 3, Assassins Creed, and Call of Duty 4
  23. Yeah, I guess so. Chara is an animal.
  24. Hey guys, I was only on for about 20 minutes last night after hockey, cause I needed to watch the rerun of the NHL Skills Competition
  25. It's official I will be back TOMORROW and yes, we are going to be crazy
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