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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. I just want Canada to lose on home ice. I don't like a fair amount of players on Canada's team anyway. Including Pronger, Brodeur, ect.
  2. USA is demolishing them. + they aren't even dominating the game itself. They are simply ruthlessly effective. I don't like it though...I want a close game so they are ready for Canada (most likely) tomorrow.
  3. Yeah. As always, I heard the book was better than the movie, but I didn't read it and thought the movie was great.
  4. That was lulzy when it happened.
  5. I thought the rule was you can take as many strides before hitting a guy as you want, you just have taking those strides slightly before you make contact?
  6. Jeez, 4-1 Canada after the first. Russia's scoring machine better get cranking or they're done for
  7. What's your friend got left now? Is insurance covering anything?
  8. Lies, you know you want to play us again. I've got class from 7-10pm tomorrow though. Thank you laptop! I'm sure my prof would understand... Well, I mean I want to BEAT you guys again, but lightning doesn't strike twice. Then again, Chris Drury might.
  9. I'm excited to see it actually. I'd like to see Russia knock them out, but only so USA doesn't have to play them again
  10. You know, last time she was here...I think Gabs was single.
  11. When you are Jaromir Jagr, yes you should always make the right play. He shouldn't always stick handle around opponents, no, that would be stupid, he should dump the puck instead of losing the game for his team. Oh and as for "Score goals on every shot", you're just reinforcing MY point, so thankyou
  12. So I suppose breakaways should ALWAYS be saved by goalies because that is their job? "LMAO"
  13. Semin made and great pass and Malkin finished it on one knee. The defense can't do anything about that especially when they are caught flat footed. The puck went the other way immediately. Dump the puck Jagr if you aren't good enough to go around Ovechkin. Jagr didn't put the puck in a safe place and his team payed for it.
  14. lmao "warn" him? "JAROMIR LOOK OUT FOR THE 200 POUND RUSSIAN GUY WHO IS ABOUT TO OWN YOU". look at the quotes, Jagr said he saw him and tried to make a move. he failed. also, if he DIDN'T see him coming, Jagr is a professional hockey player, and even I, an amateur, am smart enough to keep my head up in the neutral zone. hell, that's the first thing they teach in the checking-world of hockey. "keep your head up"
  15. Turn overs in the neutral zone will kill a team. Jagr should have made the right move around Ovechkin or dumped the puck. You can either look at it that Ovechkin (and Malkin and Semin) made great plays, or that Jagr made a crappy one. Even Jagr himself is owning up to his mistake.
  16. Nah, I don't know if you've ever played hockey (or been a captain for that matter) but almost EVERY captain would consider Drury a great role model
  17. Drury's more valuable as a leader than a lot of other people in the league. Still not worth 7 mil but keeping him around isn't a bad idea for ANY team
  18. Is that how much Drury got? Wow, that is too much. He was always more of a solid 2nd liner in my eyes. He's also more of a playoff guy, I just checked out his stats and his points per game are very solid in the playoffs. Although his NY numbers are abysmal. Ah well, still a huge goal yesterday! He was also great in the last 3 minutes. Blocked a couple of shots with the other Ranger Ryan Callahan. He played well on Canada's powerplays also. also...that empty net goal was awesome.
  19. I'm really sorry to hear that Kor. Ah Kor, I'm sorry man
  20. best of luck to your family. update us on his condition whenever you can!
  21. Must be recentish Jersey slang; I've never heard it before. Then again, I was never invited to a whole lot of parties when I lived there. Are you sure it wasn't just a party in Wall Township? Must be something recent, never heard that term before. That or I must be in the wrong county(s) (live more/less on the border between burlington and mercer). Now that I think about the kid who was hosting it moved from England a year or two ago...Maybe it's English slang!
  22. hahahahahhaa a wallparty is like, New Jersey slang for a bunch of people getting together and playing music. a few drinks and some acoustic guitars and stuff. a lot of fun actually.
  23. Yeah... That doesn't make any sense. Obsidian has nothing to do with TOR and BioWare is only making it because they are being paid to make it. If you want to be mad at something be mad at Lucas Arts. Hence the "sort of" that was directed at Bio and Obsidian. Don't mind the Nightshade she loves to pick apart posts and put funny smiley faces afterwards! anyhoozle, today I'm going to play guitar and eat chinese food all day. Then I'm going to a wall-party tonight. Should be fun.
  24. just another way the industry is destroying itself. PC gaming was dying enough as it was.
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