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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. [You have gained a new party member, the Kool-Aid guy.] Jolee: Well, I guess your stuck with me too, where ever Big K goes...I go. KFC Employee: Oh, me too!
  2. Who's this 'gallo' guy?
  3. I like using Atton more becuase you get more of a backstory and you get to turn him into a Jedi.
  4. 6 hours a day!?...you don't get out much do you? I play for an hour at the most. You do have atleast one window in your room right?
  5. ...I've used the donkey if that's what you mean.
  6. Wow, your parents must be proud.
  7. I'd hate to have to pronounce that <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D (w00t)
  8. Very good job, and it does look like Bastila..I noticed it was her before I read the rest of your post.
  9. Nota big fan of either of those colors, but that's just me. I like red and blue...if I duel wield.
  10. Both of you missed an A.
  11. On a K2 related forum? What are you, nuts? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> because LA is so tight with their properties, you need to go to their website to see the concept art. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't like LA anymore <_<
  12. but then I remembered that cannibalism exists in certain parts of the world :ph34r: ) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not at my house though :ph34r:
  13. Too bad you couldn't have both, and remove GoTo instead. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That would have been every nice.
  14. She's dead? Like...completely? That's great, no more Echani poetry!! :D
  15. I think your supposed to place a mine on it. Not throw a gernade at it.
  16. Mage? We are still talking about KOTOR aren't we?
  17. I suggestt using Atton, mainly because if you get enough influence with him, before you leave the planet.
  18. This part took me atleast a half hour to figure out. And when replaying, it still takes me 20 minutes :"> :D
  19. I'd like to see some brand new planets. And I'd also like to be able to land my ship somewhere else other than the one docking area. I'm so sick of only seeing one city/village of a planet. I'd want to visit both sides of the planet.
  20. While there is a lot of evidence that Kreia is Kae, it just wouldn't happen. Although no one really expected Vader to be Luke's father... :ph34r:
  21. I never used that thing, but I do the quest mainly to gain influence with Bao.
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