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Everything posted by DARTHPON

  1. 1.Name/Quote you want on your sig 2.Theme (maybe provide designers with a picture if the theme isn't very well-known) 3.Color (s) 4.Size (in pixels) Guys im making them for me to make them u must have 100 post
  2. True sith is .......??? waiting for answer
  3. i google it too this wat it says LOL
  4. i liked them all )
  5. it just never come back alive even though i reload it so i just started over
  6. i mean all of them.......
  7. My HK robot Completly got destroyed and it fills in my Party spot and i cant leave Narshadd
  8. 1] Playing Ls Male 2] Playing Ls Female 3] Playing Ds Female 4] Playing Ds Male 5] Playing Ds Male w/LsRevan 6] Playing Ls Male w/DsRevan 7] Playing Ls Male w/Ls Revan 8] Playing Ls Female w/ Ls REvan 9] Playing Ls female w/ Ds Revan 10] playing LS male w/ Male Revan etc..........................................
  9. everything that happen in the game is random so except the main story line so it not surprising that it came tot aht
  10. welll im back and i talking bout the light saber form it says its enabled but nothing happens.
  11. im not that Smart to mod my xbox :"> (w00t)
  12. How do u use them i mean like it was it wrks great wit Muiltple Sith or attackers but i alway turn that on its say [special attack] is enabled + Muiltple attackers - Single opentents[sp] can u guys help?
  13. Are you sure your name isn't Atton Rand? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pure Pazzak.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (w00t)
  14. well i was Playing on Narsharda and i used Force Lighting And It wouldnt Go off it is like forever force Lighting i can still use other Force Powers Like Force Scream but It has the Stupid Image of the Force lighting and i cant get it to stop i even Loaded a new game it didnt have teh problem then i load that same game again it still does it!!!!!!!!!! ITS ALSO AN XBOX!!! <_< :angry:
  15. You are no help are you???? And sorry dude i dont know, maybe try turning off the movies before the enclave and see what happens <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Um i was trying to help and Did u Just upgrade to a different graphic card? if so u should contact the Ppl who make that card ,cuz i had that same Problem wit Unreal Tournament 2004 so i put in my Old one and it wrked again
  16. I was Wondering if i should start Playing DS i mean played LS alot i prolly beat it aleast 5 time wit LS and i havent Played DS should i?
  17. I killed Juniui cuz i thought she was an evil lord So i sriked her wit my Lightsaber and then that friend of Juniui be came a Sith and Then i sliced her too
  18. wat is that cheat i never did it!
  19. Who would also win? Revan Vs Exlie /// Carth Vs Atton/// Keria vs Baslita//// or Malore vs Canderous <--- LOL
  20. um.........Try Ctrl+alt+delete or u can check If the Disc is scrarthed or by a new one
  21. thats annoying writing in Z replacing S
  22. it was good except WTF MALORE WAS THE BEST!!!!!!!!! He was that one dude that Help revan outta Taris [i FOrGot his name] he was great i mean I hated him at first but then when i had to choose 3 ppl to go to Freedon Nadds Tomb i mean he was prolly the best Pickup for me cuz i mean hes good was Darkside so i gave him that on Spear thing that only Dsider can use
  23. I dont Have Pc verison i have xbox but really the game is Ez even on hard ........... wat do u need help wit??
  24. Really u should MOVE this for all those who havent Played that game
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