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Posts posted by Calax

  1. Revan could be entering republic space after a battle with the true sith he crashes and is helped by some character.Revan as soon as he heals starts asking what has happened in the last years or blah. the other character would be like "revan joined the ds and killed his friends and companions" in which you would answer revan did no such thing but whatever im getting off topic.


    Ummm you mean Exile right?



    anyway, this reminds me of the Malak thing. where only this time it would be half way throught the game and the opponent is reverted to LS. you almost could with Malak (made me wonder why you would want ls ds points at the last battle of the game........ hmmmmmmmmm you'd already made your decision).

  2. The title of dark lord of the sith was brought into effect under Exar Kun. He was the Dark Lord for a really long time (depending on who you ask at least.) his spirit was excised from the temples on yavin where Luke set his Academy up. Those were his personal playground. Anyway either you believe that he kept the title for 5000 years and thus negate all intervening Dark Lords. (meaning that Reven couldn't be Darth Revan and so on) or he lost his title along with his body. Now Vader is called the Dark Lord because he is, for all intents and purposes, The strongest sith. The title of Dark Lord goes to the Strongest Sith until he dies, Usually from his apprentice. The other major player during Exar Kun's reign is Ulic Qel-Droma, this guy was named First apprentice. meaning that you can technically have a dark lord academy. but you only work one on one with the first apprentice. Course this totally invalidates the Academy on Korribon from Kotor but who cares. :lol:

    Hee Hee

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