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Posts posted by Calax

  1. Personally i think rebellion should rule the market :ph34r: Just kidding I find that Dawn of War is actually very fast paced compared to everyone else's to get recources all you do is capture strategic points then you can make those into a little base to act as a way point for your forces.

  2. or they just didn't think of it until the emperor. You know the emperor in rotj didn't strike me as a sith he just struck me as a crumpled old guy..

    Oh and Darth Bandon was able to get by Armor restrictions and use force lightning :blink: what's up with that? his armor doesn't let you use the force

  3. ummmmm lesse here now then yet.....

    Myth TFL

    Deus Ex (hated invisible war)

    Mechwarrior 2


    Oh in Myth the insane little dudes with the molatov's were dwarves not gnomes. in soulblighter they get mortars :D i just love when they hit an ally


    "whups" Dwarf shrugs and goes twiddling along

  4. well the thing is dispite insinuations by the devs the "true" sith were wiped out at the end of the great hyperspace war. the last of their kind were genetically mutated into the Massassi and they all got wiped out by Exar Kun/Jedi. Kotor meets continuity, things break.

  5. they are far more militaristic and more integrated into the government then the ones of the "current" era. But they do do the wierdest things like blocking a lightsaber with a stick or a sword :geek:


    But the Jedi are very good at combat and using the force to manipulate things. but they suck at being surprised. One of the most powerful jedi was killed by a droid during an attack on a "Jedi Convention"(aka every single jedi who could be there was there i think there was well over 3 million but hey who knows.)

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