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Posts posted by Calax

  1. it is acknoleged that she is very very young to be a jedi knight and it shows. but this is a time of war and in times of war it is not uncommon to have young people fufilling roles that you normally expect sombody older to fufill. She's the same age as anakin and he was a jedi knight

  2. Personally i would like to see some timed stuff. Actions happen 1 hr after landing on a planet with no char influence. that sort of thing me and meta went over it earlier in another thread. Also i would like to see somthing come of the romances. i mean in Kotor 1 the best you could do is kiss. 2 didn't even get that far. Also i think that tossing in a child somewhere might add a new dynamic to the game. Or you could break it in half... Have half the game be with the parent and based on the parent's role model the second half will be based around the child. If the parent was sith you play out the child either trying to break his father's empire, or trying to make it impossible to break.

  3. Who know's maybe they destroy the clothes their wearing while they do it and you can't use them anymore. Kinda wierd considering these are supposed to be able to turn aside blasters but hey.



    You could also have a desiple Atton battle that eventually Bao joins. Depending on influence who ever you want' could win (had to do it for the fangirls) except this time its' no shirts.

  4. just hope it's not nuked into a ball of frozen glass. Anyway, Sith empire are odd things because they fall usually within a year of their inception because of the nature of the sith. Technically Treya is the only true sith because she is the betrayer. Sith are always betraying and backstabbing one another. I really don't know why Vader didn't do this but hey, stuff happens... :lol: That was a bad line but hey it works :*

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