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Posts posted by Calax

  1. i just have problems getting a job (i realllly hate working in food service). Personally i would love to see a sw game like deus. only problem is that you would have to generate a whole new backround and cast from scratch. of just a event but if you do you have to fit it into the overall continuity.

  2. this is a community college class. im just taking it because i thought it might be fun. only problem is that the class is loaded with christians who think its a theology class. this is philosophy.


    er so this isn't spam. the screen looks like its from the exiles second area of paragus. not where t3 goes. but the level that has the clothing on it.

  3. pc voiceover will never happen because people like to have their own vo


    I agree that the item generator need's to be changed. one of the thing's about rpg's isn't getting things it's the journey but you usually like the reason to be the same. i wouldn't say so much as custom hilts as different hilts. Jedi I think should be master's with lightsabers. If you look at the computer's choices about what the NPC's should do they were always Blaster master's. And if you go up against a jedi with a blaster usually you will have serious problems. In the freedon Nadd temple the first time i had so much trouble because my char's were not very good at being melee rather than ranged. they really need to change that

  4. techincally both trained a padawan. Disiple and Malak were the padawans of Exile and Revan technically. I would think that they are close to the same age. If they were family then why didn't eile help in the jedi civil war as a general and why would revan force Exile to set off the mass shadow generator and put him in charge of the less than loyal troops?

  5. personally i think that Glenn Cook is a very good writer. His books (black Company) became the basis for Bungies (while they still worked on macs) Myth Trilogy. His first three books are the best and his last is one of the better ones. He always has a theme of "darkness is in all of us" and "shades of darkness" because usually his good guy's are either working for the bad guy's to kill even worse ones or they are trying to kill sombody with serious power and that requires some serious power of their own. The main protaganist's are a bunch of angry little guy's who work as mercanaraies (i know i spelled that wrong) and he makes no attempt to change the fact's that merc's are a very ugly bunch.

  6. well i must say, for an old dude you certainly cant talk alot.


    your ds example is a tad bit like what my parents say to me. Instead it should be somthing along the lines of telling him to just buzz off after "giving him a taste of the darkside" Vader style. Or what meta and i have been begging for, being able to use the massive faceless companies like fiddels and make them do good. If i had my way in kotor 2 i would kill Janet Lorso myself but you can't. instead you have to hand her over to justice which may lead her being relaced just because of the fact she works for a big company. Also you need to just kill somthings if your' truly evil you should be able to kill npc's on a whim not just when they give you a flimsy reason too.


    The reason i picked standard chars' is because they have more depth to them in kotor 2 anyway. While the choice chars are either annoying as heck (disiple) or they have no real purpose at all other than as a tank(Hanharr) or they are design'd to infiltrate a nonexistant base with no mishaps (Mira) or you have to wait a really long time before you finially get to have them reach full potential (Handmaiden).


    there's what you paid for.

  7. that is paragus in the mining areas with the fuel pillars.... (i know i'm supposed to know everything but the name escapes me) and yes Kreia is using a second lightsaber. I dare you to put that into fotoshop and focus on it and then contradict me. best guess it's a preproduction shot.

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