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Posts posted by Calax

  1. well they could have a large duel on a catwalk after which Revan tells exile


    I am your father's brothers uncles sisters former room mate. :)


    er already taken anyway i guess their duel would probably take place in a korriban moseleum. Korriban has always been more grandious than the devs gave it credit, imagine a myan corecant.

  2. the only time i would use hk is on duxn when you go to freedon nadds tomb (which should have already been pillaged according to EU stuff) You initiate the kill all organics protocol and set hk on solo and have him join the fun because he won't get shot at by the droids. certainly allows you to get by that portion a little easier

  3. yeah wll they could have A triple divergant storyline where they have Four seperate storylines based on weather their allied or not and it's all baced on the char's choices (like at the beginning from TSL)


    One for revan DS exile LS

    One for exile DS revan LS

    One for both LS

    one for both DS


    But that would be literally four games in one

    Give you alot of playing time tho

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