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Posts posted by Calax

  1. on the kotor suggestion thread most people assume that it's going to be a new char. with that said they want somebody to be there to teach the newbie. Why not make exile or revan the primary theacher (ie teaches basics of force powers) and the other the more advanced teacher (eachers force crush enlightenment and things of that calibur)


    Username what you want is a rehash of Kotor 1 with Kotor 2's stuff added on. I would love to see it but that just won't happen

  2. LucasArts i suppose. They just tried to rush the game out on revans story....


    The basis for that comes from the lines of Noises Off


    Director: And God said Where the hell is tim?

    Director:(as tim runs in) And there the hell was tim, and god Said Let there be doors that open when they open and close when they close

    Tim: Huh?

    Director: The doors tim?

    Chick on upper level:Tim Dear this door won't open

    Dude on lower level: And this door won't close


    Funny play. makes fun of everything going on back stage

  3. Dev:And God Said Where the hell is Revan, and there was Revan

    Dev:And God Said Let their be plots that work and party member quests

    Revan: Plot's, quests?

    Dev: Yes the plot's and quests

    HK:i mention a droid factory but i never go their

    Kreia: and i have to do a halfassed job tying everything else up


    Dev: because you were so succesful before we thought you could do it again.




    Kudo's to figure out where i got the basis for this :devil:

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