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Posts posted by Calax



    Guy's you can't use the "falls for the good so he's light side" 9 times out of ten a sith lord is a former jedi who tried to infiltrate the sith to make them less potent and learn their plans. these guy's soon became real sith and began to hunt their former brothers and try to mop the floor with the order. As i said before Ulic is the paragon of this. He nearly brought down the republic, the only reason he wasn't severly punished was because he made himself dissapear AFTER he lost his power.

  2. If Emperors or Dark Lords could do it, why not my powerful Jedi Master? Since there are no Jedi left, he could start a new Jedi Order with new rules. Like not frowning on love and marriage.

    Egad it's attack of the jedi mormons AGHHHHHH!

    Jedi=Christian(in the us)

    Sith=Everything that don't worship christ/god or abraham.. (in the us)

  3. Kreia: You know when i was a kid i had to walk 15 miles up hill (both ways) to get to my jedi temple. now look at you, you land on a grave in the temple.




    Visas: I have seen all of you without your clothes and it looks (point at mandalore) Scary (Atton) Nice (Handmaiden) Sombody I could sleep with (Bao Dur) Like a Jig Saw Puzzle (Mira) Silky (Hanharr) Ummm i couldn't tell all I saw were organs (Exile) Lucious Expances of skin that i would just love to caress and enjoy and...(Kreia bashes her over the head with a walking stick, Atton promply starts smacking Kreia He wanted to hear more, the ladies follow because they all want to know.)

  4. statement:  I have a  recovered memory about the true sith, master.


    "A Large contingents of the Jedi Knights obsessed with the dark side of the Force were expelled from the Old Republic. After wandering for some time, they came across the humanoid beings known as the Sith and enslaved the species. The dark siders then became known as the Lords of the Sith. For the next several thousand years, their empire would thrive and grow. During this time, the fallen Jedi also began experimenting on their subjects, converting many Sith into deadly Massassi warriors."


    Massassi Order

    Hack Hack Cough Cough the massassi were anniahlated during the Sith War when the Jedi Purged Yavin 4 to kill Exar Kun. He took every ounce of Life force from them to bolster his own so his soul would survive. I would guess that Kreia means that you are true sith because you don't have the same source of ability. you steal otherpeoples force resovoir(?) to get your power. thus you make them powerless, only problem is you kill them at the same time.

  5. being able to command leigons of Jedi always sounded fun to me :wub: But I suppose a massive space battle would be nice too...


    I think somthing should actually come of the romance at the end. In the other two either romance never got anywhere or, It just stopped at the end. (were all sitting up on a platform and theres no kissing no loving at all between bastila and Revan :'( ) I would love to hear at the end the love interest go, if pc male "Hey, you bastard you knocked me up, Now what are you going to do..."


    Or if Female PC "guess what we got the results back and your pregnant. ummmmm i'm going to the outer rim now see-urk"(PC force chokes the Loverboy)

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