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Posts posted by Calax

  1. Or do it somewhat similar to Diablo 2 where a certain char has a type of loot (set rare unique and so on) EXCEPT it's not completly random, the have several items that are randomized but not all of them. Or you could try a similar approach to Kotor 1, somthings are random some things are set. Basic soldiers are random in what they generate while the bosses give you certain stuff.

  2. welcome to the boards. You seem to forget that she also would frown upon extreme actions of Darkness. Like when you kill a begger she bitches at you about using your power wantonly. She's just a wierd Char. Ultimatly she wanted the death of the force yes but what she didn't understand is that you can't kill somthing that's in everything. Also she taught the lessons of the force that most jedi would hesitate from in this era. The lesson is that not all emotions must be suppressed. they can reign free and go through things. Kinda like Vergre from NJO.

  3. During the Mandalorian Wars there was a major battle at Malachor, the turning point of the war (though not the last battle) which led to Mandalore's defeat and Revan's victory.  The conventional battle was won because a machine called the Mass Shadow Generator (created by Bao Dur) did something , though I'm not sure it was ever explained precisely what the machine did.

    I tried to explain that in another thread. go look there. it's under "On Star Wars" you have to look for it.

  4. The Krath were a religious sect origionally birthed under Seto and Allema Keto, the heir's to the throne of the empress teta system. This came about because the two went to Corecant and somehow got in contact with the spirit of Freedon Nadd. HE taught them rudimentary sith power's. Afterwords they converted Ulic Qel-Droma who promply killed Seto and Joined Exar Kun in his bid for power. Exar Kun used his sith amulet to destroy the sould of Freedon Nadd. Allema was killed when she made the entire Cron Drift (a cluster of about 40 stars) go nova at the same time. this wiped out Ossus and Ultimatly caused Exar Kun's downfall because of the ensuing battle between Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma.


    With all that said i Summarize it in two sentances. The Krath were destroyed in the Sith War. Their god was Freedon Nadd.


    So there....


    But a resurrection might be in order to make the plot work

  5. Don't get all bent outta shape about  people who rehash  old beatened to death topics. You may be a veteran of the boards, but alot of people here are new comers so it's old to you but new to them. All topics eventually fade away....But 6 months later, some new guy will start the same post all over again. It's a vicious cycle. But still fun.


    Buddy this is my second or third week on the boards... I just post alot

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