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Posts posted by Calax

  1. it's been a while since I read the Fall so... I'm not sure about the planets. And if the counsel didn't accept Jolee then they would have serious problem keeping the order on its feet considering that most jedi will break the Code at least once and several won't even pay attn to it. Those who remain static will eventually die (Vrook). I must say that the Counsel you deal with in Kotor2 reminds me of Buddhist monks. always looking for the possible evil in any action whatsoever (I figure Meta's going to love this :)" )

  2. Oh, come on. The "true" Sith is just a convenient term for the descendents of the Sith Empire that attacked the Republic under the command of Naga Sadow a little over 1000 years before the time of Ulic, Exar Kun and Revan. The whole thing is described in the "Golden Age of the Sith Empire" and "Fall of the Sith Empire" comic book series, if anyone is interested.


    We haven't heard anything about those Sith since Naga Sadow's invasion failed, but we know they're still out there, so they're a good and untapped resource for enemies in the KotOR games. They were also rather arrogant and racist about their racial purity, which is probably what "true" Sith is supposed to me - to those Sith both Malak, Sion, Kreia and DS Revan (and DS Exile for that matter) would all be "usurper" or "pretender" Sith, since they're not what they consider to be pure Sith blood. There  is even some truth to that, since the term Sith comes from a humanoid race that the dark jedi expelled from the Republic enslaved and then interbreeded with. Still, by the time of KotOR, all fallen jedi are generally known as "Sith" no matter what their background - the term 'dark Jedi' doesn't seem to be used much anymore.


    Hmm, makes me wonder if the Jedi council (Vandar, Vrook, etc.) would consider Jolee to be a 'dark jedi' since he has clearly turned from what Palpatine would call the 'dogmatic, narrow view of the jedi'...

    Lessee We have heard about the old sith because their great "empire" contained only korribon and that was pretty much depopulated. Naga Shadow at the end of the sith empire ran away to Yavin IV where he performed genetic experiments on his little helpers and actually made them into the Massasi we see in Dark Lords of the Sith and the Sith war. I would think that the Council would treat Jolee as an possible hostile, the jedi refer to those who try to take the galaxy as sith because that's what sith always did....

  3. Good lord they made Cranor Jax the sith lord? THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN! he barely had eanough control to lift a sphere let alone perform with his lightsaber (ugh that sounded bad :shifty:" ) but anyway, I find it odd that they say that it was the Temple at Malachor that changed him, I was led to believe that it was the star forge that warped him because of it's incessant draw to the dark side

  4. I want more lines like this:



    Exile: I know it's an odd request, but do you know any Echani poetry?


    Handmaiden: Personal shields, I love you so... crafting and fighting with you... exhilirates me... You are the MAIN focus of my life... (except for my melee weapons and and my armor)... I love you so.


    Exile: That is the weirdest thing I've ever heard. You Echani have some serious problems.


    Handmaiden: Please do not joke about such things. You speak lightly of serious matters to me.


    Exile: Whatever. Look, I'll be going now.


    I know its in the game its just :shifty:

  5. Echani Poetry



    "I'm Atton. I actually wasn't supposed to make it into the final game, but I was created at the last minute. Blame my agent. I was actually slated for a spin-off to Jedi Knight, but I don't even want to talk about what happened *there.*"



    Samurai Jack: I know it's an odd request, but do you know any Echani poetry?


    Handmaiden: Personal shields, I love you so... crafting and fighting with you... exhilirates me... You are the MAIN focus of my life... (except for my melee weapons and and my armor)... I love you so.


    Samurai Jack: That is the weirdest thing I've ever heard. You Echani have some serious problems.


    Handmaiden: Please do not joke about such things. You speak lightly of serious matters to me.


    Samurai Jack: Whatever. Look, I'll be going now.


    Anyway i was just looking and found these easter eggs. the first one was from when you find Atton in the begging with a high charisma score the other is just there.

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