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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Down boy. I love fan art. It's aways fun to see a fan's rendition of a game. Though i found it odd that none of the models matched those on the box...
  2. answering questions, responding to others, being very very tired you think that you can make your dinner utensils float and fend off another persons food in a food fight
  3. Darth Gizkaprincess
  4. think how old meta is...
  5. couldn't come up with a IX?
  6. it's what palpitine did. "I hearby dub the Darth Vader." so the first apprentice is given his doom and gloom name by his master if his name is too cheery i guess.
  7. thx, Wesley Snipes with hair dye as jolee!
  8. I forgot how to spell Kernal with a militaristic spelling.... wahhhhhhh :"(
  9. then it's agreed she wasn't good.
  10. Or do it somewhat similar to Diablo 2 where a certain char has a type of loot (set rare unique and so on) EXCEPT it's not completly random, the have several items that are randomized but not all of them. Or you could try a similar approach to Kotor 1, somthings are random some things are set. Basic soldiers are random in what they generate while the bosses give you certain stuff.
  11. eh it's true but i still get out ideas and nobody doesn't spam. If you give up your entire life to these boards. ^I always try to insert somthing on topic
  12. I'm in Califonia even less graduate here. especially with the California High School Exit Exams. Everyone ive talked to about it has said that it's patheticallly easy but there were some inner city schooles that fell screwed up and had somthing like 70% failure rate on this
  13. No i think it's given by their master.
  14. i guess they just make it up... Darth Plageus, Darth Tyrannus, Darth Sidious all are very dark but hey...
  15. horray sombody agrees with me.
  16. I failed miserably at highschool english. actually i just suck at spelling. They don't test you on that in highschool anymore
  17. according to the little rich kids where i am they do.... I'm not saying that all blacks speak like that just like all whites don't speak using long words and show off their new car...
  18. and Kernal Sanders as Kreia..... ok that' didn't go so well.
  19. ok... i guess it depends on the person i'll change it.
  20. yes... according to some people the words are completly different because one is used in friendship while the other is used as a derogitory.
  21. hit escape or just save and exit the game before you leave. and it doesn't need your char to be there it just happens and you have to deal with the consiquences. the other thread explains it better.
  22. welcome to the boards. You seem to forget that she also would frown upon extreme actions of Darkness. Like when you kill a begger she bitches at you about using your power wantonly. She's just a wierd Char. Ultimatly she wanted the death of the force yes but what she didn't understand is that you can't kill somthing that's in everything. Also she taught the lessons of the force that most jedi would hesitate from in this era. The lesson is that not all emotions must be suppressed. they can reign free and go through things. Kinda like Vergre from NJO.
  23. basically if you have x# of hours PLAYTIME, not real time otherwise there would be a lot of missing events, Under your belt somthing happens. Like Wookies taking over tattoine or sum such
  24. Goto flat out call's it that.. and the alligory (i think that's the right word and i'm a native english speaker) works with this.
  25. it's a glitch and you have a better command of english than some americans.
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