I thought Boomerang would never walk again after what Walter "Dark Flash" West did to him?
nope he's still around... well... he got killed at the same time as robins dad... then his son became capt. boomerang... but with superspeed
Marvel isn't dead... He's just... taking the place of His wizard who was killed in Day of Vengance (where spectre went nuts)...
Supergirl is back... and beetle is back but really really wierdly back... (he's like magic in a hat or somthing).
Oh and Robins dad was killed 2 years ago by captain boomerang
No, I count them as attempts of communism and they failed therefore communism failed. It is the inherit nature of greed and lust for power that will constantly make communism fail.
It is an utopian dream that will never be achieved due to mankind's twisted and beastial corruption.
A) Communism has been shown to work in smaller agragarian societies...
2) The reason that PS2 was so popular (well... one of them) was that it was fairly easy to get ON the system. Microsoft had you paying a bundle to get the dev tools for and Nintendo had to give you the go ahead for every step of development.
Do you mean the Cube that outsold the Box 4 to 1, or the one that managed to make a profit out of every sell?
hmm... I was referring to the american showing of the cube... not world wide... sorry. that was my fault.
only problem is that if you change somthing at the very beginning you essencially DOUBLE the size of the creative work. AND it's possible you DOUBLE the amount of information required for the maps because there have to be two versions. One you did X at the beginning so AB and C are set up and the other you did Y at the beginning and you DE and F are set up instead...
Also you might end up having to double the amount of maps simply because that'd be more acceptable than reusing the same map again. (you know... reviewers always saying "the environments are repetitive."?)
and yet when sombody tries to use their "uber-mad-skillz" from xbox on a Pc they get demolished.
Meh... without having the ability to try all three systems you can't really figure out whats going where...
I still think the three sixty is a failure right now... the only real game people like on it is Oblivion and that's just a PC copy. Generally it's entire repitoir of games is either a mildly prettied up version of the xbox and Ps2 version or a port of a pc game. Nothings really made an impact like Halo did early in the Xbox's run.
Yes... in my opinion Halo did really get the Xbox going last round. the Cube appears to be what the 360 will be when the other two really starts going.
meh... zod has returned to life several times... (he was killed in the comics in 1986)
The reason that he's not a major presance in comics is because they tried "Superman can be the ONLY SURVIVOR of Krypton... No dogs, no cousins NOTHING!"
and a few yesars ago they tossed taht out and brought back Krypto... then supergirl... and now zod for infinite Crisis.
It's hard to tell right now... the 360's bellyfloped so far because of a mixture of necessity of addons, very VERY few games, and the fact it was a dreamcast.
Ps3 will probably continue to dominate (but not as much by virtue of it's price) with the Wii sitting in the middle.
we're not actually sure what callisto's powers are... all we know is she's a mutant who runs the morlocs...
hmmm superspeed would halve to be Aroura... but she's not an Xman..
it's Hank McCoy... (whups didn't catch that )
and no Mr Wothington is NOT gay... infact he's been courting a chick who's mutant power is to husk her skin like a snake and change into a different element... of course her brother is invulnerable and basically is a human rocket.
Northstar howerver Is gay... (and he's been trying to get into bobby drakes pants.)