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Everything posted by Calax

  1. They retracted that statement within a day.
  2. I'm agreeing to this but there's one minor quibble. It feels like this isn't one big story that slowly builds to a climax. It's sort of... 2 and a half stories. The first one has to do with what goes down in your Homicide Cases (although for a pair of those cases it feels like they went "Oh heck... we had to change it how do we string this together!?") MO's are the same and so on. The half of one is the little mini-case in Traffic (which had the best sidekick I think), and then there's the one that they sort of tried to build towards when you're on the last two departments.
  3. That's the first STORY based opportunity to play boinky boink, but some of the others aren't as well done, and still better than the few I've seen in DA:O
  4. I admit that there probably is smaller upgrades that are available, but the question is if the current hardware available is being used to it's greatest extent. If it is then it'd probably be a good idea to work on a new generation, if it isn't (like I'm guessing) then there's still a whole pile of life left. Also compare GTA:SA to God Of War 2. Or even God of War 2 to God of War 3.
  5. To quote one of my friends on this "Why would they develop new consoles when there isn't any real major tech breakthroughs since the system came out" Admittedly I don't know how much of the resources of a system the games are currently using but it doesn't seem like you can throw that much more muscle behind the 360 and PS3. I could see a Wii 2 being produced as that thing has about as much strength as a nintendo 60, and if nintendo wants to really compete against the PS3 and 360 in their market then it has to bump up the graphics and processing power behind the sucker. Similarly if MS wants to compete against the wii in it's market it needs to put out games that aren't cheap cash ins for the kinect (although they should just start working to commercialize that in something other than gaming).
  6. Noire of the LA and Witcher 2 ... between the two games that's a lot of boobies.
  7. The question there is how long is the console development cycle. If they're just now talking about how they aren't going to invest as much I'd expect 3-5 years before another system pops out of the pipe. Also consider that a games development cycle is a good 18-24 months... if it was coming out that soon the dev kits should already be out and we'd probably have heard SOMETHING about that stuff. Even if it was just rumor.
  8. You do realize that both Sony and Microsoft poured the equivalent of a next gen budget into the development of Move and Kinect trying to make their systems last 3-5 more years right?
  9. Uh... the difference is a bit bigger than academic.
  10. They find other morons over the internet that agree with them and get together to procreate. blurring the line between us and them a little there. BTW when it comes the time for Obsidianites to repopulate the wasteland I got first dibs on Wals. You really think this board could repopulate? We'd probably kill each other over distribution of goods, and females, and then just who to blame for being in that situation in the first place.
  11. As in the guys who made City of Heroes and Star Trek Online and Champions Online? Huh, be hilarious if they're purchased by Paragon Studios/NCsoft.
  12. Either that, or the other alternatives listed above. Of course, there are more ways of "invading" that the classic use of military force, these days. Lots of high-paying "modeling jobs" to entice young women from poorer countries? Mail order Western brides. Well, rednecks would certainly produce enough offspring for them.
  13. Depends really. Champions online went free to play fairly early in it's life because it didn't keep anyone beyond 2 months due to bad design (IMO) so now it's all micro transaction based. AOC may be able to survive but it's just a question of if they're able to make enough money from micro transactions to keep paying the crews that maintain the game and update it.
  14. *is now wondering what segment of Iowa Oro is parked in*
  15. You really want to see "Let's Play: The Witcher II, in the Lowest Settings Possible"? pmp - I can't say for the cancer reference since I've never seen it in my game. Suffice to say that I agree it's a silly and unnecessary line to insert, but I think it's blown way out of proportion, and one or two comments like this definitely doesn't break down the verisimilitude... especially given we have mutagens and the like. The cancer reference is right before the screenshot I posted. Basically triss comments that the Kyran has a series of mutated cells, almost like cancer, on it that are causing it much pain and will probably kill it. Thing is, all this talk of mutations and cancer and an understanding of both, makes me wonder why medics and doctors (particularly in the first game) still are running around in little more than smock and seem to have about as much information as the medics of the time period in THIS reality.
  16. True, but it's still a little wierd to go from brothels and bleedings to "It's like a cancer cell but slightly modified, and btw, here's a definition of mutant! And Evolution!"
  17. ... You say you're not an immigrant but you say you're a teenage?
  18. Second chapter was longer overall. If there ever was a fan game, that'd be MGS4. I'm not about to say that it's good on it's own merits, but as a fan, it was pretty good to wrap things up as best as possible. Although the whole "Nanites = deus ex machina" thing was kinda stupid.
  19. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Calaxprimal/s...1381?tab=public About the whole "modern terms" bit. This is right after discussing Cells and Cancer.
  20. Tig, where's the no weight mod you gots runnin?
  21. That had better not be zone of the enders 3. Wait, nvm. Wouldn't be on pc anyway. It still better not have been ZOE 3
  22. ... I thought you were referring to Matthias for a second.
  23. True, but some of these issues that are made out as good and evil seem more like common sense vs idiocy, with idiocy being the "good" selection.
  24. I gotta say, with Fable 3 I'm agreeing with Yahtzee in that the entire last segment (where you're the "queen") is... pathetic. All your choices are baby eating or feeding the poor and seem like they're designed for short sighted goals ONLY.
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