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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Weren't the fans going to try to "ddos" the bioware booth by being annoying jackasses?
  2. Tvtropes just put me in the finnish version of their website.
  3. Blizzard put up sites showing Warcraft authenticators will now be made into tamogochis'... with zerglings They have an all new line of kids products (basically take a well known kid software like "where in the world is carmen sandiego" and Blizzify it... so now it's "Where in the labryth is Deckard Cain" Also, new game "Supply Depot!" (basically making fun of RPG's and Mass Effect in general) Cute-overload provided a faux Huntington Post front page
  4. You forgot he's basically pulled out of one of the nations.
  5. Edi was a much better character, when not in your party.
  6. Hmmm... if I contribute to this can I scream about winning the Lotto again?
  7. With Disney? Don't know about that doctrine, what's it about? Cause rapid consumption/spending within the nation, and have a monopoly on entertainment, while also utilizing emminent domain to provide for "government" expansion (literally).
  8. I'm probably going to end up with a D in my History 411 course... but I learned two things about it. 1) The teacher is probably getting fired (He'd told us "I'm fed up with the educational system and thus I'm quitting" before), or at least not offered tenure because, as my favorite teacher put it "He's boring, he's terrible at teaching, and can't get anything published". 2) I'm am not the only one, by a long shot, to have gone to academic advising to complain (and promptly be sent to the department chair). Still need to go back to the adviser though to figure out how to mitigate the disaster this is shaping up to be.
  9. It does with Disney, and disney has more clout than mcD's (trust me) Cholesterol kills more people than Donal Duck. Killed? Maybe, Ruined? AWWW HEELLLLLL NAAAWWWW
  10. It does with Disney, and disney has more clout than mcD's (trust me)
  11. It could have been if bioware hadn't botched a few things (customer service is HORRIBLE , and there were some serious issues with the release)
  12. Honestly, with the level of polarity being espoused between the parties, yes, there are enough numbnuts to be wavered by "Dude putting gas handle to his head to commit oil-based suicide"
  13. My main point was that everyone is up in arms over this, and yet a GENUINE hate crime goes down in Cali (here) and the only coverage you find is one article on each major news site, while this.... kids death is played to the masses as a hate crime and compared to a landmark case from the 1950s. Hell, even the article I linked spends a good 1/3rd of it's length talking about the Martin kid's death.
  14. Why do I get the feeling we're in the equivalent of the 70's era shlock fests that movies went through? (Exploitation flicks etc) games aren't dumb, but they certainly aren't an independent art.
  15. Wondering why the hell people are up in arms over this Martin kid being shot... Given how there isn't much known over all, but the racist beating of an Iraqi mother of five in southern California ends up as a foot note to the martin issue. Also am worried about one of my history courses, which is taught by a guy who is going to retire.very soon, although rumor had it he's being forced to retire by the school for generally being a terrible teacher
  16. Two things personally 1) So, these kids were behind a wall in the first place right? Admittedly we dont' exactly know the architecture, but I highly doubt that the wall would be something porforated by ak47 bullets, and thus the soldiers actions, while good natured, were ultimately just flash, as you could kill the insurgents, and get the kids out normally, without exposing yourself to damage, or the kids to serious psychological trauma. 2) As to Viromurs quote, that's really semantics. Soldiers attack, kill, rape, plunder, and pillage just the same as warriors (sometimes worse). It'd be like saying that "I'm a Marine" somehow makes a person inherently better than "I'm a Soldier", or even "I'm in the United States Army" because Marines have magic fairy dust applied to them at the Boot Camps. Never mind the fact that they have to get their rear ends carted around by the USN.
  17. Chambers shows up on the refugee deck before the Cerberus attack, she gets killed during the attack as retribution for leaving the group. Conrad shows up there too, later though. *grumbles something about a liara-shepard baby having been entirely possible and having an effect on the game where you pick between your kid and lover, and members of your crew*
  18. Well, she wasn't a romance interest (I was femshep in my run) but even after the second hospital visit she was still unsure of Sheps loyalties until shep gave her evidence against the usurper.
  19. I thought she didn't fully commit herself back to shep until after she had been made a spectre by the Council and the Uprising.
  20. Annoyingly, you can't keep all of your previous partners as love interests. Jack is really just a "OH HAI! *kiss* I've moved on!" And Miranda just seems to be "Get your clothes off for one more time... for memories sake"
  21. Well, Prey1 was also known for being Doom, without the flashlight, more bewbs and some lady parts tacked onto the walls. Oh and a good gravity yutzing mechanic.
  22. I know I'm supposed to be a Mass Effect 3 and BioWare hater, but Christina Norman said she was doing it for personal reasons (though I don't recall what she said exactly she stated exactly what they were too). Christina did come out and give a very anti-consumer rant, that Kotaku/Owen Good used to launch his own anti-consumer rant about the Day 1 DLC.
  23. Well, using the 12 light years per day figure that was posited... it'd take... a while to get around. http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/199/6/e/Mass_Effect_Galaxy_Map_by_DWebArt.png that's 100,000 light years in diameter. The Krogan DMZ is closer to earth than anyone else, but the Turian worlds? You're boned. Rhannoc? You're gonna spend at least an entire generation in transit.
  24. Youve got it backwards. Its: Liquor before beer, never fear. Beer before liquor, never sicker. Actually, if you mix booze and liquor you'll be better off than just straight booze. Mythbuster PROVED!
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