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Everything posted by Darth_Schmarth

  1. [Californian accent]I decided to make an attempt att unravelling this mystery through the use of conventional frame analysis. I took a strip of film from the scenes with Cliegg and Anakin, and proceeded to scratch them with a bic pencil, the kind you'd find in any convenience store or petrol station. I then assigned my companion Dave to look for clues to Cliegg's fate while I smoked some illegal substances. When I was done me and Dave went over the results of his scrutiny and to our amazement, nothing of value could be found. We then proceeded to toss the strip into a perfectly normal litter bin, just like the one you probably have at home, and went to a heavy drinking session. We consumed beverages like beer and whiskey, the kind of spirits you'd find in just about any off-license. Me and Dave are seriously wasted now, dude![/Californian accent]
  2. The old spamming game, eh, hardest game in the world. Done it meself, you see.
  3. Over here it's whity whity rise and shine, but even in Stockholm last Christmas was a wet affair.
  4. Well, I know what you mean. They're amongst us, taking our children. Look: The horror she displays trying to shield herself from his assault!
  5. We need more brave young men like Hildegard to light our path.
  6. Since I have not seen aforementioned movie I can honestly listen to that song and not picture all that.
  7. So, in fact you're a Californian scientist spying on the Swedes while actually having pretended to be Swedish, who discovered a French Canadian pretending to be Danish, only to find out that he was actually spying on the Danish trying to find information about their plans to invade Canada with penguins? Something along those lines, yes.
  8. [Californian accent]The proton charges can actually be replaced by just about any in-game blaster. What I did was take an ordinary blaster pistol from earlier in the game and stripped it for parts at a workbench. I then re-assembled the pistol with a permacrete detonator attached to it, but avoided putting the power core back in. I then mounted the power core onto Mandalore's weapon and put the blaster pistol on a wall by the hull. What I did next was take a few steps back and fire at the modified blaster pistol with Mandalore's beefed up gun which made a huge impact. Unfortunately this lead to the breach in the wall starting to pull everything within the ship towards it, and we wound up holding onto the wall to avoid being sent tumbling into space. Meanwhile Nihilus swallowed Telos whole and we're still hanging by a thread. Where's Dave when you need him?[/Californian accent]
  9. Maybe he tripped over a branch and fell on a parked car, implying a car accident.
  10. No! I'm in fact a Californian scientist spying on the Swedes!
  11. No, he's just gathering some information in preparation of the imminent Danish penguin invasion of Canada.
  12. [Californian accent]I decided to make an attempt at unlocking the navicomputer using HK spares and regular power convertors. I took the HK-50 found on Peragus and talked him into lending me some parts that I then crammed into the navicomputer's core complex. I then applied some power convertors to the board and plugged in a microphone. As I switched the power on getting ready to impersonate Revan with the mic, one of the power convertors broke with a harrowing hiss and in the process I got severly electrocuted. The navicomputer picked up a violent vibration and eventually exploded with a deafening bang, hurling me back several feet injuring my back. Could use some help here, Dave...[/Californian accent]
  13. [Californian accent]Hello! I decided to conduct an experiment that would test the limits both of the body and mind, by ordering some snow from the vast reaches of the Greenlandic tundra. I placed a sizeable amount of carefully singled out snow crystals of varying colour into this utensil here, which I in turn placed on this very hot heater. As the snow began melting, it eventually started oozing up some steam whereupon I leaned over to inhale it. I became substantially intoxicated and a few curls of my hair caught fire on the heater, so I started waving and trying to extinguish the fire with my laboratory coat. As I managed to smother the fire on my hair I knocked the utensil over and the ooze came spreading all over the room. Ain't this a mess, Dave?[/Californian accent]
  14. So tell me, Mojo, are you by any chance the the-glass-is-half-full type?
  15. Well, Mojo, life is all about balancing neatly on the bar of doom so keep it up.
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