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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Most humans (this means YOU) are primarily visual. Hence we use vision as the primary interface. However, when it comes to immersion nothing beats sound. I think this is because our sound reproduction technology is so far in advance of our visual reproduction tech. I can actually sit in a 3D sound representation of an environment while my poor eyes struggle with a 15" flat screen. Moreover, I have never EVER looked at a computer screen and said "wow, it's like I'm back in the swamps of Africa" or wherever. I did precisely this two days ago playing Arcanum. The sound of insects humming away, and the dawn chorus of birds in the trees came over perfectly. Ditto for sound in the Close Combat series.
  2. I actually bought Morrowiind a couple weeks ago, and am eyeing it nervously. Will it drain my lifeforces? Will it giev me supernatural powers? To hear you guys talk I can't tell. Anyway, well done on being made an editor. don't forget you must now chew on an unlit cigar and scream "Where's my goddamn column!?" at people.
  3. Hmmm.. I had not considered the benefits you mention of the other weapons. I just realised in addition that the weapon we were discussing get some kind of negative penalty when attacking certain foes. I think undead in particular. Speaking of which, I was annoyed that the humble shotgun wasn't cooler. Have these people never watched Bruce Campbell? Speaking of mods I have rarely had such an itch to mod anything myself. The game practically screams out for new combinations and items on the tech side. I would also dearly love to construct something along the lines of the Great Game, with stuffy tarantian officers and hordes of spear weilding kites (a kind of goblin). Double dealing, ancient lizard gold, fat landowners.... *drools*
  4. Well, finished Arcanum. Loved it. Only reached level 50 just before the end, and definitely did not visit all the places. Am playing it again once I clear a work backlog. This time I have opted for a swashbuckling young lady human. Who I intend to play uncharacteristically as a creeper talker, to see how good things get. BTW, for you gun heads out there, don't bother building anything other than Everything else is utterly inferior, except perhaps the . Also note that gunsmithy doesn't combine very well with other disciplines. Explosives is a fantastically useful skillset because not only are explosives powerful, and capable of blasting open doors and locked items, but you can sell them for huge profits. Now then, are there any mods you chaps recommend?
  5. But isn't it usually the case that b*tches from our past don't feel that way to us?
  6. It's the Russians. And thanks for the advice on the cleaning kit.
  7. I prefer brunettes because blondes are always playing games I don't enjoy. Like spending a tonne of money of things I don't enjoy, and making vapid remarks. Don't ask me why this is so. I think brunettes have an inferiority complex to blondes, and try to overcompensate by becoming witty and intellligent. Actually, strike the above, my ever helpful electro-brain doohickey just dredged up scads of disgusting personalitied brunettes. And some genius-level blondes. :"> Do ladies have a view on what types of man there are?
  8. I can't understand keeping cats. I've looked after them, and its like having an angsty teenager in the house.
  9. I couldn't read at all until the age of five, then came across a copy of the Hobbit, and taught myself to read it! Maybe this is why I read so fast now?
  10. I'm no techie, so I can't help much. Sorry. I only posted to say I feel your pain, and to mention that when my firend built his PC it turned out that the CPU was default set to too high (or something). It didn't work either, and was a mystery for a long while. CPU got cooked when he turned it on. On a related note can anyone think of a reason why my DVD drive will read DVDs but not CDs any more? It may be dust in there, in which case is there any way to clean outa drive?
  11. From what I heard, it doesn't suck. You just suck at playing it. Kaftan, it's very rpg-like, just without much stats or so. You're effectively playing the role of a miner/contract spy/manager/etc. And player interaction seemst to be vital <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No stats? :ph34r: Come qvuickly my friend. Vee are not talkink safe here. ...
  12. Question: Why thread derailment? Threads don't need rails.
  13. Thanks for the link to the level upgrader. I suppose I wil have to make do with lvl 127. Oh, btw, I got thoroughly sick of the dwarf's constant whining, I left him naked in a temple of ultimate evil.
  14. We always laugh at policemen. It keeps them in their place. And just in case you thought we were educated: http://news.bbc.co.uk/ Man gets trapped in gorse bush for two days. Has to be winched out. I can't work out howto direct link. Just look for the video link in the bottom right corner.
  15. I'm getting nervous now. I don't like the idea of getting stuck without being able to build my grand schemes. Is it really capped at level 64? And if so, where can I get a mod to unlock it? In fact what are the good mods for Arcanum?
  16. Role player has a point. Isn't that the rule, to leave you wanting more?
  17. I meant that she clearly hadn't thought it through. How many of your PCs have done something like "I'll hide the evidence in this policeman's pocket"?
  18. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/4134866.stm Anyone else found stories that sound like the words of people controlling player characters?
  19. I can understand why that would bug you, Steve, but there's little chance of that happening with my characters so no tears on my part. And yes, I was killing pigs. I also noticed that if you absolutely have to kill a good guy Magnus gets upset every time you hit him. The solution is (so far as I can tell) to plant dynamite in in an object near them and retire to a safe distance. This kills them in one go, and is coincidentally highly amusing, albeit rather expensive. As you may have gathered I'm really enjoying the explosives tech. Molotov ****tails have to the most useful weapon in the game so far. They hurt absolutely anything, and once you learn the skill you just buy cheap fuel and pick up rags from rubbish bins. One other thing I really like is the permanent injuries thing. my character is now crisscrossed with scars from getting chewed on by zombies, and one where he dropped a molotov on himself. This really helps you remember the character history and picture them in your head. And yes, having Magnus around definitely adds to the Christmas air when you up levels, since he starts to make you presents!
  20. I assume you've all seen that free running guy who bounces off walls, and leaps the gaps in buildings.
  21. Relationships between men are often more formal and structured. I've noticed that men cope much more efficiently and quickly in a command structure than women. [we're talking averages here, before you bite my head off] Maybe this is why we don't develop that portion of the brain so much?
  22. It turned out the dwarf was getting riled because of his snuff addiction. I needed some dwarven snuff. I mention this because if you don't have some ON YOUR PERSON when you find this out, he sods off. So now I always carry some. Crazy junkie fool that he is. I'm accumulating every blueprint I can find, sensible or not, so if anyone wants low spolier advice on tech designs, I'll be happy to help out.
  23. With the women in my life, my heart has enough enemies right now.
  24. I take both steak and tea seriously. Steak should be seared in good butter, 1.5 minutes each side at a high flame. Most flavours in meat are fat soluble, and this helps them along.
  25. It is a mistake to confuse much talk for good communication skills. Many men simply realise they have nothing important to burden a listener with. This is superior communication, grasshopper.
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