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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. You mean like in the 1930s? Because as a European I have to say that worked out splendidly.
  2. I thought the main point with the crusades (alluded to in the film) was that the Christian feudal lords were laying waste to Europe with their shenanigans, so to give us a break it was decided to raid eastwards.
  3. I'll be sure to alert Fionavar to your lustful cravings. So don't be surprised if you all get incinerated. For now, as Fio ***self would say, it's time for bed.
  4. You make an interesting case, Azarkon. I certainly have no hesitation in agreeing that one should accept your nation's history without blinkers on. However, it is my perception that many kids today learn only the bad about their nation's history. You could say some redress is needed. The first black bishop in the church of England, recently throned, said as much in his inaugural comments. Although he is from Uganda, and proud of it, he also said British People should be proud of the many good things the Empire did, as well as repenting the bad. I also note you say history should not be a means of indoctrination, and particularly indoctrination of morality. A devil's advocate might say that public morality can ill afford to turn away any assistance whatsoever.
  5. Yes, because prior to George's birth Iraq was a land of sweetness and light, that had never felt the thunderous tread of War, Famine, or Pestilence.
  6. Serenity, like the Independents, will rise again! Actually, what do we reckon? Is this it? Will there be no more from this milieu?
  7. The backstabbing s.o.b. took up backstabbing full time and we simply had to stop playing with him. He later went to work for a 'certain' massive US construction consultancy. True story.
  8. The NPCs are there for their bizarre interjections in the story, and carrying random objects.
  9. In group infighting gets old quick in my experience, especially when proeprly roleplayed. We once had an entire campaign derailed by the need to subdue our psychotic genius of a navigator. There's nothing like waking up in a cryotube and finding it won't open... Frightening. Much more frightening than any beasty, but wouldn't want to do it again.
  10. Sounds good. I wouldn't have worried about the rules rustiness. as long as your creative juices are fresh and zesty the rules come a distant second.
  11. I not hoppping down or anything, but I totally disagree. What is teh point of losing HP AND CON? Surely lowering your CON drops HP? In any case, lowering Str seems sensible. Less blood = less oxygen = lesss muscle power. It also makes players a bit more leery of wearing tank armour and weapons that they won't be able to heft once they take a kicking. Lowering INt also seems sensible, since the brain is even more susceptible to blood loss. INT 0 = unconscious. Then the evil wizards come and do their strange little dances on your hide.
  12. The Soviet National Anthem.
  13. Nothing to it. Just some nice photos. You Nords should remember that we don't normally get snowed on 24/7. In fact it's pretty rare.
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_pictures/4472970.stm A selection of photos from BBC viewers of recent British weather.
  15. I reckon I've said just about all I have to say on these topics. Will spare you the tedium of scrolling past more.
  16. A chipocalypse? I'll bring the HP. Always up for a fight, me. Eviva kumquat!
  17. Danke. Hmmm... sounds very interesting, as you say. Echoes the Belgian case, where the guys who were caught alleged the involvement of much higher powers.
  18. Whuh?
  19. A lot of private concerns hire mercs precisely because _unlike our regular forces_ they err on the side of protecting themselves and their charges, rather than sticking to the rules of engagement in their efforts to avoid civilian casualties. I haven't watched the video. I know that psychos drift into merc work. I know that not all mercs are psychos. I know that anti-western groups have staged fake propaganda photos before. I know the numbers of mercs currently being used in Iraq ensure that at least some abuses will occur. The specifics of one video are more or less irrelevant.
  20. *singing* Five golden TOOOOOKS! :D
  21. I think it could use more polar bears.
  22. Step away from the personal references, gentlemen. This is about ideas, not people. Er... except George Bush. Unless he starts posting here.
  23. I'm assuming you've played with Jan Jannsen in your group instead of Imoen? With jan and Minsc on board you will have much bantering fun. Jan also brings a few spells for good measure.
  24. Somebody was telling me that in Dutch 'Darth Vader' was basically 'Dark Father'. Which kind of blew the surprise in the second film.
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