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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Just because we can debate something doesn't mean there isn't a correct stance on it. I mean, we could theoretically debate the color of my X-Box for hours. That doesn't mean it isn't black. I've been trying since this thread started to say just that. Well put.
  2. Local police left baffled by this anonymous caller, identifying himself as "Walsingham" ...When pressed as to his identity he replied "Imagine a small energetic suet pudding, with a monocle."
  3. The age of who's got a better cannon is over. Everything is about 'fly by wire' and the winner is the one who gets the missile lock first. That simple yet complicated to achieve. I know what you mean. However, if one mungs up the missile locking - for example - by dumping lots of energy into the correct spectrum then what are you left with? A shoe on the end of a pole?
  4. Posit: While walking along the beach, happy and content, you see a man standing beneath a coconut tree. A coconut falls on his head and knocks him unconscious. You walk over. Two options occur to you: 1) Torture him by flaying him alive. 2) Help him to medical attention. He can do nothing to stop you. I would argue that in as much as anything human can be absolute the former is evil.
  5. I don't think things are just getting worse, Gorgon. Example, I was in the cinema, and these kids were being jerks, talking all the time. I wasn't too fussed because it was Cloverfield and I was feeling motion sick. But then some other kids behind them told them to shut the hell up. So I think it's obviously true that some kids are empowered to be jerks, while others are empowered to be more cool than I was at their age.
  6. I heard a strange noisewhile doing my ironing, and went to the window, to see a window smashed in a nearby building. I rang the cops to report it, and just as they asked me if I had seen anyone this scrote pops up above the window sill. I exclaimed excitedly and gave them a complete description. Within two minutes officers were on the scene, and they were trying to get the guy while I gave the control room overwatch. Sadly the building is quite big and he got away. Nonetheless good fun. Strange what excitement does. I gave the cops a complete description of the guy, but forgot how to spell my own name.
  7. Don't forget that TORCHWOOD is available for free on the BBC iplayer. That means without ads, and entirely legal.
  8. Yeah, there must be a good reason, I just find it odd that they're adding extra weight for a weapon that is pretty much mostly for show. That depends how you look at air combat. The Chinese may well feel that if their AAMs are not abl to engage US aircraft in the face of ECM and so on, that whonking things with a cannon is pretty smart. That delta tail should make the turning circle superior to an F-14/F-16. Or rather, I'd imagine it would. It's also entirely possible that someone at NORINCO is just an old fart and wanted twin guns. Let's not forget that however smart they are they are pretty corrupt and muddled management wise. Also, Steve is quite correct, as of earlier this year China is legally obliged to declare war if Taiwan asserts independence. Indeed, it may not have to declare it. I think it automatically goes into effect. My own feeling is that China will try to bully Taiwan into rescinding all hope of independence, by threat of force. However, depending on the USA and how jaunty tehir pilots are feeling they may execute landings. All the USA has available at short notice is one carrier group (www.globalsecurity.org).
  9. Best campaign gimmick ever.
  10. My own _feeling_ is that the majority of things which exist as common to most societies are based on what benefits those societies. Some acts/stances are beneficial in limited context, viz the acceptability of killing and pacifism during wartime. However, a large swathe of acts/stances are beneficial all the time. An example of this would be defence of infants. It is almost invariable going to benefit society if its infants are well looked after, fostered, and not damaged. Please note that while I am arguing that some things always benefit society this does not mean such codes are always adhered to by those societies. This is because generally speaking doing the 'right' thing is a huge pain in the behind.
  11. Aaaah... the game TIE fighter. Finally a chance to crush rebel scum. Only I can't get it to work on my PC! *sad face* TIE interceptor for style. Assault gunboat for bullseyeing rebels.
  12. Maybe a lack of a good 20/30mm cannon? Improved reliability? Or more possibly it confused the fly-by-wire.
  13. Check out the new j-10. They've got more fighters than we've got missiles.
  14. I'm bored of teh primaries now. I want to see the main event. Let's start throwing popcorn.
  15. Sounds like the soviet bit is just the hull. All teh electronics and power will be Chinese.
  16. I thought quebec voted to remain in Canada?
  17. Points for using the word 'pshaw'. They do need a navy, though, for two reasons: 1. General muscle flexing on the beach. 2. Securing the transport lanes for oil coming from abroad. 3.* invading Taiwan if it 'tries to secede'** *3! Our 3 main reasons are... ** You know, like more than usual.
  18. I agree. You'd only tempt godzilla to rise from the depths.
  19. Says the man who lives in a swamp?
  20. http://www.sinodefence.com/navy/surface/aircraft_carrier.asp The sneaky sobs are acquiring a carrier by the laughably simple ruse of saying "What THIS ex-Russian aircraft carrier? Why no, we intend to build a war-themed amusement park."
  21. That's because standards have been dropped in the military as well. Standards have dropped. But we still kick ass and take names. Well, maybe not names, precisely. But, you know, major organs.
  22. Its defences are organised around a direct large scale assault. A small, one man fighter should be able to penetrate the outer defence.
  23. "Welll, I don't know anyone named Obi-wan, but old Sluggo lives out beyond the dune sea. He's kind of a strange old hermit."
  24. O rly? But seriously: Sounds familiar. You sure that there isn't an "in-" too much?
  25. That really is weird. I don't LIKE The Office, but I know it is very very funny. It's just too painful to watch. I can only manage three minutes at a stretch.
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