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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Right. The implicit basis for your reasoning is that whatever fatal malady cancer is substituted with down the road, has an equivalent or greater cost, so decreasing cancer risk means no overall savings. But cancer is a chronic disease that is particularly expensive to treat, unlike other old age-related acute afflictions. In addition, this logic can be used to justify opposing any public health-related reforms aimed at reducing the impact of lifestyle or occupational diseases. Fair point. I am making the assumption that the cancer fail case will just get substituted for something else. But I grant that for younger cancer sufferers this won't be true. However, at the risk of pre-empting the results of discussion I am trying to make the overall point that paternalist government should have a ne plus ultra. Unless and until we, as democratically empowered citizens/subjects, make it clear what the ne plus ultra is ...people held accountable for our health will continuously push for more power.
  2. The sane ones are always the craziest.
  3. Monte. You have to read the comments section! Apparently, all the faults are being overblown because of 'gay rights'.
  4. Except that we have defined 'care pathways' for cancer sufferers. Transfer the failure down the line to 'liquidating bowels' and you have to completely reorient all that care.
  5. I would suggest that refusing to participate in the class betrayed either a ludicrous failure to understand women, or a very great understanding of the same. Possibly both at once.
  6. To be able to have cookies on whatever day you want cookies? Definitely the (store) baker. Pretty much my point, but now they are throwing in the added benefits of a spouse. Neat counter will be the marital stress of having your spouse bake cookies frequently enough so that decent ones are available daily. Should also do work but eh. You have to factor in risk. If you decide to change bakers will the old baker keep your house?
  7. never mind that. You just try setting the non-functional requirement set. UPDATE: The wind and rain are going it so hard now that water is coming UP through the windows.
  8. Tchaikovsky, 1812 overture.
  9. Two elaborations on the theme: 1) Death _by cancer_ is avoidable. Death isn't. Cure cancer by standing a certain way, and the health problems don't diminish one iota (across a broad timeline). 2) I can agree with Mor that current global culture does not encourage self respect or self-control. Most states are either totalitarian, cronyist, or consumerist. But changing the law _about food_ won't address any of those issues.
  10. I think you should totally have us forumites assist you with the case. In the courtroom. I have an ability to read a lot and to say "wub wub wub wub" in an appropriately high pitched voice while running in circles.
  11. Have you considered going for a long tiring walk, and then having a nap?
  12. Every single one of the posts here in favour of intervention argues that government or some sort of regulatory action is the solution. This fails to recognise that the ultimate actor, the last man with a 'hand to the ball' is ...man. I put it to you that you cannot legislate a perfect human existence. I must say that while I don't recognise an either or question here. But if I have to choose between a totalitarian state interfering with my every waking moment, and being left to manage my entire healthcare I'm definitely with GD. And I'd ask him to reserve me space to build a small shack on a remote portion of land, where my plaintive and ineffectual attempts to ward off coyotes will provide him ample evening amusement.
  13. Fantastic! This gives me warm fuzzy feelings of reassurance regarding the competitiveness of my country. Where we may not be able to manage complex multifaceted data centres. But we can at least install a lavatory. EDIT: I'll admit we can only do it by paying Polish and Bulgarian people to install the toilet. but at least we have the good sense to do so.
  14. I never thought I'd feel sorry for starfish. But I do now.
  15. How can it be right that there is actions and personal consequences? I don't follow you. I'm saying of course there are consequences. But that doesn't mean you can avoid all consequences by taking no action.
  16. I do think you're going to see a terrorist incident linked to the games. But I doubt it will be central on the main facilities. More likely some poor bastards will get spanged in a town nearby. I'm basically assuming that if a big showpiece was due then we wouldn't have seen the recent attacks, which have only served to heighten readiness. The real story here isn't terrorism, it's the corruption. Huge 'advert' for doing business in Russia.
  17. Or unless you're an actual nerd and therefore know about cloudflare. Sorry to disappoint, but your friend isn't a techie, he's just some guy who thinks he knows stuff just because he can reinstall windows by pressing "next" all the time. I have to defend my mate. He certainly is a techie. I care not for your cloudflare. I've seen him trying to do washing.
  18. All this arguing about gay marriage. Speaking as a bachelor, I observe that marriage involves putting on a smart suit, being charming at people, meticulously planning decorations, and dancing. Marriage is already the gayest thing I do.
  19. Well? Did I? Nearly, man. Nearly. EDIT: Death may be the ultimate obscenity, but I find it a farcical adornment to bow and scrape before learned men who avow our best reaction to be placid and pure inaction. How can it be right that we should extend our lives by not living them? I do not believe that puling abstinence can be the correct way to burn up my fragile and flashbulb span of experience and thought. To refrain from hurting others by my life I can understand. But to refrain from hurting yourself? It's as much cowardice as it is vanity. Curse, fail, fall, shine, shiver. And do not pretend otherwise.
  20. I'm going nuts trying to find this video of a recitation of 'Do not go gentle' by Dylan Thomas. I could have sworn I posted it here. The really weird thing is I can't find it in my internet history EITHER. EDIT: Found it. Best reading ever. Nice video, too.
  21. In line with topic theme: Richard Burton talks about alcoholism. I dare you to watch it through in one go.
  22. This is funny because I was just checking into the thread to see if GD had said something about health insurance that would send me back the other way.
  23. As a further point, supposing the UN gets full compliance in its 'health drive' and we all fall into lockstep immediately. Not one single person is going avoid dying. Every single person the UN wants to 'save' is still going to die. Of something else.
  24. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-26014693 The World Health Organisation just tripped my (highly resistant) "governments are fascists and need to be opposed by violent revolution" alarm system. They want to regulate sugar and alcohol sales world wide, including pricing and availability. The rationale for their actions seems to be: - diet influences cancer rates - cancer is bad - we have to regulate those influences My objection is that EVERYTHING influences cancer rates. The WHO does not have a free pass to regulate everything I do. They can completely, sincerely, and spectacularly F*** OFF.
  25. Actually that is probably a blessing. I assume you got the information from the person who rear ended you, and if your bumper needs to be replaced, it doesn't really matter that it has a second ding in it. Then you don't have to worry about chasing down the hit and run, and getting into a dispute over it. I agree, assuming it's a straight replacement job on the bumper.
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