I can't really express my revulsion on learning that the Bush administartion condoned the use of torture techniques. Condoned them, and it seems, still thinks they were OK. I've explained at length on this forum why torture is the intelligence gathering choice of fools and psychos, and after writing to my MP about this issue just now, I can't be bothered to repeat myself. I realise that Obama would not have been able to release the files without promising immunity from prosecution to key players, but at the same time, I do feel that the top brass ought to be put on trial.
This is not simply a question of justice. Having a former VP defend torture merely perpetuates the lie that torture is unpleasant but effective. It is not effective in itself, and rules out the use of techniques like turning agents, which are genuinely effective. The fact that the administration must have ordered the policy over the heads of the generations of professionals who know and accept this is further evidence that Bush/Cheney have grossly mismanaged a vital enterprise.