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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Surely he's in Cali, tho. Don't they settle things by pushing a shark through the letter box?
  2. Lay it on us, man. Lecture me up. This is fascinating.
  3. You may be interested in the philosophy, but wake up to the real world. People are incarcerated all the time based on whether we have the money to keep them. It may be argued that government has a duty to human rights, but it must have a primary duty to the rights of its quiescent citizens. Or the entire notion of the state goes kablooie, and we have no logical recourse but lynch law.
  4. There are scam sites? Weird. I still say you'd have caught them if you'd done what I said.
  5. It seems to me that you've condemned two superb games for no other reason than bugs. I am getting shriekingly tired of people whinging about bugs. A newly released game of any complexity seems to come with bugs as standard, and I can see why. You can't possibly test for all the things that may happen across the entire range of players and platforms. So long as updates happen eventually, and in reasonable time, ok. To expect otherwise would be to saddle devs with an unreasonable standard, and delay games by months and you STILL wouldn't spot all the bugs.
  6. I don't see it is necessarily a scam, although I agree flags should be raised. I suggest that you check his details with the hospital immediately, and contact teh doc in question at the address and so on that the hospital has NOT the one he has given you. Keep us posted.
  7. I just got told about this for the first time. What is it? What kind of posterior damage will I take from Microsoft for partcipating, and is there any way to get my Fallout3 DLCs without it?
  8. Morgoth, I don't want to be rude, but you're saying no mod could possibly make Fallout interesting? What about a mod which introduces three new plotlines, 100 well crafted NPCs, and teh ability to form a barbershop quartet with you, a supermutant, and dogmeat? I like the sound of the GNR100 mod. I'm downloading it now. BTW, how come there's no mods to make people uglier as well as prettier?
  9. That's a very interesting abstract. If I understand correctly it's simply talking about under-stimulation, and over-stimulation, but with reference specifically to relevance to the subject. If this were true then presumably one might make one's natural environment more stimulating by learning more about it, and making the attached scheme more complex, and inter-related. This would make, say a cup of tea or a desk , more stimulating.
  10. I freely and fully accept that the use of the death penalty should be restricted to only the most extreme cases. however, I do think it is fair and sensible to advocate it where an individual would be expensive to incarcerate, and when they have no possibility of reform, combined with prolonged sadism evident in their crimes. I say this out of compassion for those who might better benefit from the same resources, and who richly deserve them. Not least of whom are their victims. It costs 50-100k a year to hold someone in high security. That could change a lot of lives. Instead what do we get?
  11. Thanks for explaining, Krez. I appreciate you say it ahs a very short term effect, but opiates are strongly habit forming. Would that not be the case here? I'm not forcing this. I just thought it would be intesting to question the assumption that it's fine.
  12. Nutmeg also causes a bad trip. Lasts for bloody days.
  13. I'd be deeply suspicious of any claim that such a massive effect on brain function could leave no long-term traces.
  14. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...ex-profile.html I suggest that this is ONE SMALL PIECE of further evidence supporting the death penalty. There is small doubt over guilt, massive evidence of previous violent offending, and negligible hope for reform. And that's leaving aside the justice of ever releasing a man who commits such revolting crimes over a few pounds.
  15. Dumbass question: where do I buy these damn things? You'd think it would be on the official website, but apparently that would be too easy.
  16. I just went to the FO3 nexus, and liked the interface but HATE the mods! Everyone seems hellbent on ruining the style of the game by making everything as shiny as possible, and covering it in boobs. this seems a colossal waste of time. I couldn't be downloading teh mods if I didn't have the internet, and therefore if I want boobs... make it cool. Make it post-apocalyptic. Hell, make it 1950s. But don't turn my bloody game into *rant rant rant*
  17. http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/interna...f-200906041803/
  18. OK. So to me it sounds like the (dammit, what's the name for the gaps between neurons?) suffer from a buildup of neurotransmitters. Monoamine oxidase ( which I know from studying risk taking) breaks down neurotransmitters.. and bingo, it seems other people thought of this first. However, what I would suggest by way of refinement is that the ADD child has normal production levels of MAO, but a far greater number of gaps between neurons. Synapses, that was it. Far more synapses. Not enough MAO to go around.
  19. I started out being very prudish, as I'm pretty anti-drugs - knowing too many people who have been ****ed permanently - but that is hilarious. EDIT: Also hilarious:
  20. dude... he was PROUD that he had four kids by four women in one year (twice!) I know he's probably a jackass, because he did it on purpose. But if you wandered up and informed me that I'd done it while trying not to be a jackass, I have to say I'd be doing victory laps.
  21. People like features if they know what to do with them. Otherwise we're talking those things on penknives that claim to be for getting stones out of horses hooves. I personally am often told I have a good telephone manner, but perhaps for that very reason I avoid the phone at all costs. I find it totally exhausting. I much prefer email, because it is simple, concise, and allows multimedia interaction, and has a record. I think a really sensible communication system should assist people to communicate in ways that they choose, rather than some communist nightmare of single usage style.
  22. I'm hoping for the one where the spec ops dude kills the chef and uses his carcass to win the million pound jackpot.
  23. I have Fallout 3. I have played it thrice over. I now wonder if there are any mods or other upgrades to make it replayable. Answer my question!
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