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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I think he'll always be Judge Hades in my heart. Wait. Hang on, I don't mean heart, do i?
  2. ROFLMAO You mean you actually think that being gay is a choice? BUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  3. Woo found it. Take that! Bama bambabambabmambam This one time I was sitting at my computer and happened to catch something in the corner of the my eye and just watched as this gigantic black spider waltzed right in from beneath the door. Oddly enough I wasn't that scared but I think that's because I like to believe that I've been bitten numerous times by spiders over the years. In the past on frequent occasion I would wake up to find small bite marks on my arms that would kind of puss up and one time even on my eyebrow but kind of inconclusive because well I'd be like dead. Edit: Actually according to wiki the majority of spider bites are completely harmless. God damn spiders get a job. :'( We had the same problem when I was a kid. I can only presume that you and I are part fly.
  4. I am pleased to report that I had three beers in the pub last night, then a very fine malt whisky when I got home. I played a couple of hours of Red October and was awesome.
  5. Woo found it. Take that! Bama bambabambabmambam *Awe*
  6. Oi! I'm white upper class (proper upper class, none of your colonial nonsense) and - so far as I know - heterosexual. I haven't had any problem with gay people besides all the shrieking since I was about 18. I haven't understood homophobia since I understood they weren't monsters. They were good people that you CAN rely on to do a proper job and show guts when it matter etc etc. In fact I'd go further: unlike 'straight' people, declaring yourself to be gay takes genuine courage. So you can be sure on average that a gay fellah is more likely to stand his ground than some 'straight' Walter Mitty.
  7. I've had three pints of real ale this evening and I feel great. Proper pub, plenty of chat, all smiles and warmth in the heart of growing cold and rain. Bloody tops.
  8. Keeping in mind how we are constantly reminded that Muslims should be vocal about opposing terrorism, I'd like to be vocal on behalf of Britain in opposing that no-neck vomit-beast who apparently is the new EU foreign minister.
  9. I've had more than a few barneys with Numbers in the past but I take exception to you labelling him non-intellectual. If anything the bastard is too intellectual.
  10. Time for YOU to join the Army, fellah. We'll show you how to die for freedom.
  11. I shall be drinking beer. Long live us!
  12. LOL Kids these days don't make models. T***s I'm having a massive problem at the moment with ranger blobs. To the uninitiated this means several units of rangers. Now the basic rule of these things, as you probably already know is that every unit has something it can't kill and something which can chew it up. But here's the comedy side-splitting gag about rangers: There's NOTHING they can't kill, and NOTHING which can kill them. Not even in combination. They move bloody fast, they're a big squad, they have good anti-tank and excellent anti-infantry. Also, they cannot be suppressed. Their one vulnerability is artillery, but the AI never keeps them still long enough to hit. I thought this was interesting as an example of an out of control unit. Essentially as soon as the AI uses them that's it, end exercise.
  13. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8367141.stm A major study in Spain - God bless you chaps, by the way - suggests that men who drink every day reduce their risk of coronary heart disease by over a third. Combine this with other studies which show that active ingredients in wine reduce cancer, and active ingredients in real ale fight bacteria and I think it's pretty clear. Who's with me?
  14. LMAO EDIT @ Shryke: Even God is getting jealous.
  15. I'm with kirottu. Why just yetserday there was ometing in the news about an ex-husvband cutting his ex-wife's bloody hands off! No more marriage, no more divorce, no more awkward silences!
  16. Thanks, slugman. Today is a rest day. So that means I will do core strengthening exercises at a low level several times. Tomorrow will be "walk-jog for fifteen minutes" Whatever the hell that means. I shall assume it means um.... I dunno. Suggestions? Then 3x pressups max 2x 7 Dorsal raises 2x Tricep dips 3x situps max 60 secs rest between sets.
  17. Ba ba ba bumb bum barrraram.
  18. I don't have a issue at all with terror. Its a natural human emotion and in some cases a very good self preservation reaction. However TERRORISM on the other hand certainly needs to be addressed but NOT at the expense of our civil liberties or bypassing our legal system. If that means once in a blue moon something gets through so be it. No one said a republic did not come without sacrifice. I'm certainly not in favour of abandoning jurisprudence however I would put a few points to you. 1. Sometimes the sacrifice of life cannot be borne. i.e. attacks with WMD 2. I have very narrowly (as in feet and inches) lost two friends, civilian friends, to terror attacks in Madrid and London. I would be content to have my emails read - for example - to keep those dear friends alive. 3. Sometimes the sacrifice you allude to needs to be in individual freedoms, not life and limb. What do you reckon?
  19. I don't think you should balme yourself at all. At least not that way. I suggest you need to find a better way to relate to the content. I connected to my psychology by starting a cult. My later studies were more natural.
  20. One man's pickle is another man's terrorist.
  21. Woooo HOOO! I just finished the next daty on the list, which was: 5 back to back blocs of 1 min fast run 2 mins medium run. Plus to warm up I did five mins jogging, 16 pressups and 30 situps. Warm down was a short walk and stretch. Later I have to go meet people which will mean a one hour walk. But the main thing is I did teh run and didn't collapse. I was really worried how far my fitness might ahve droppped but I managed fine. Kept my head up, no shambling.
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