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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I can't think why I didn't use this again.
  2. Having had a chance to concentrate, and done some work to assist, I set to on my friend's problem. According to my analysis there are four component sectors to the problem, listed here in descedning importance: 1. A biochemical architecture in his brain/glands/breakfast cereal 2. A cognitive architecture in his thoughts and attributions 3. An interpersonal architecture of his immediate social circle 4. Peripheral environmental factors According to the same analysis as his friends we have an inverted capability to assist on that list, beginning with peripheral environmental factors. So we're making sure all teh mundane stuff is handled, then moving to support his girlfriend in anything she needs. That should square everything we can really access, and leave the remainder to the professionals.
  3. Trying it now... EDIT: You must be thinking of the presentation package. I'm talking about documents. I've had some success using a footer for every page. I put the logo in one footer and it turns up on every page. I can also put a background colour in the footer which looks rather nice.
  4. I've lost my gokking manual, so I can't replay it.
  5. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/persona...ur-savings.html I thought this article was very very interesting, as I feel it exposes not just the managers' venality but the abject passovity of investors in general. Most of my exposure to this osrt of thing comes through my family but it is literally appalling to see how often boards and funds fail to protect their own interests in the face of some mouthy halfwit in an expensive suit. And note that these are not cranks suggesting the system is misbehaving, but very senior staff.
  6. I was thinking along those lines. Maybe they're trying to set a number of them free. Th eplayers show up to face a young one, rather than the older one. Perhaps for comedy purposes the militia could shoot the older one to death with mass cannon fire as it goes past the Carcera, heading West. then many locals can go into mourning.
  7. Whoah, hold on. I'm not knocking Openoffice in general because on a cost performance scale it does rather well. As in IT'S GODDAMN FREE. Plus I expect the option is in there somewhere I just can't find it.
  8. I'vebeen looking for one, but the only thing I can find is an option to make an image into a watermark style. I can't find a way to watermark every page.
  9. I've been experimenting with a new format for my presentations, and I want to use a project logo at the bottom of each page. However, at the moment, being an imbecile, I'm simply pasting in a logo on every page, and of course every time I edit anything the logos ALL move. Is there a master template or something which I could create, like in PowerPoint? If so, how?
  10. OK. I'm trying not to be irked, but I seem to have been frozen out by my mate's girlfriend. I'm 99% sure it's not the case, but it sure as hell feels that way. NOw I'm in a bind because I can't throw myself into the situation without making it painfully clear that I feel I'm being frozen out by vuirtue of being unable to get permission and... ... oh ffs. Why do women insist on complicating everything? [no offence intended. I have to let off steam]
  11. Well, let's think about it logically. If the palyers themselves don't have sufficient strength to harm the animal then they will have to exploit some other source. This could be: 1. External military 2. Chemical potential energy, like fire or gunpowder 3. Physical potential energy, like a collapsing building 4. The animal's potential energy, at the charge, say 5. Try to focus their available energy into a single point, preferably the brain or heart or something. maybe a ship's mast as a extra large boar-spear.
  12. I don't think Kings oF Leon are Rock, though, are they? However, I have to concede your main point.
  13. Those names are "normal". Just outside of Turku, there's a village named "
  14. Good advice. I should go.
  15. Monte, I know you and I are designated old buffers but give them a break. Pigeon crap is fething awful stuff. Carries about a zillion diseases. The real story here is how we as a nation put up with the vermin ****ing on everything. My solution: take animal rights extremists, sellotape them to pigeons, and leave them somewhere cold and made of concrete.
  16. My best and oldest friend got taken into A&E due to depression. This is like my most indestructible pal from school, who came unstuck at some point in the last ten years. I have literally no clue what to do. I feel like I should storm down to London and sit at his feet like a bloodhound. But rationally I don't see what good I can do.
  17. Yet at the same time, I think it is a relevant and interesting book. Even if Ian Fleming would have written it better.
  18. OK. Meanwhile, what do you think this cult is up to? How many sections are there? Who are the key motivators? I like to have things driven by character rather than organisation. Because characters can be described to the players.
  19. Nope. Alien Swarm. I tried it a bit. I think it could be fun, but only with you chaps. When is the Society OF Dangerous Obsidianites going on its next bug hunt?
  20. And there I was, thinking I'd invented it. Of course, there's also the fact that I today accidentally came across a pic of my ex at some office party - and almost came unglued on the spot. I try not to think about some of my exes for the same reason. Actually, I should drop a couple a line tonight, see what they're up to.
  21. I got it for free today...
  22. I made anaourocj up for this game, so I guess they can be anything I like. However, the basic model is a bull type of creature, about the size of a small elephant (only wider and with stronger shoulders), with at least some horns, and a discoloured pelt of warp hues, stretched over a clossal array of muscle. Anaurocj are pretty wily, if they attain any great age. They can differentiate between humans - hence the feuds with certain auroceda - and discern a great deal from smell. If they had any sort of means of manipulating tools they would probably be considered smarter than trolls. And if they had any aspirations besides rutting and eating they might be more widely spread than ogres. Anaurocj are not in fact related to minotaurs. The former are animal mutations. The latter are human mutations (probably). For obvious reasons anaurocj are sacred to Slaanesh.
  23. Ironically, historically England has done well for cooking. Right up until WW1... Simple food doesn't need to be lacking in flavour you just need good meat and fresh rough grown vegetables. Roasted grass fed lamb, nutty boiled potatoes, garden peas, a dab of mustard... Anyway, that aside, I guess it really depends on what you are like as a person. What's your perfect day, and how does it go for your family?
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