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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Can't be worse than pheasant. :x
  2. I wondered the same thing. Interestingly, the same change in FO3 stopped it crashing (no exaggerations) every five to ten minutes after my housemate started playing it on my win 7 machine. Nvidia card, if that helps.
  3. I still can't work out how to play caravan. Despite reading two guides.
  4. Yup. Thanks to British Telecom* ignoring my problems my internet had been down quite a bit. Yet Steam works more or less without causing issues. ~~~ Random aside: either we had a small earthquake tremor, or my house is shaking for some other reason. Hope it's tanks. * More than 50 mentions, you bastards
  5. I just think it's interesting that it seems people will put up with lmost anything until they get hungry, or fuel prices go above a certain point.
  6. Interesting question there, Gorgo. If they'd been slaughtered to be turned into a delicious cury, would it be as bad?
  7. Well, again, perhaps in order to have a revolution you need a degree of organisation. Plus a degree of revolutionary vision. Which if you spend all day tending a herd of whelks you may lack. Plus keep in mind that just because a few hundred thousand march about it doesn't mean there's a revolution. We had 500k+ at the anti Iraq march. Although I'll grant you the worst they could expect is having to wee in public.
  8. OK, NOW I have a mental image of Volo trapped on a table by a mouse. EDIT: For the record, in my image Volo is just a bunch of dark non-euclidean triangles.
  9. Proof cats are evil.
  10. Most of the time when I read for fun it's in the bath, or when travelling, and either way the book's going to get wet - travel in England being what it is. Kindle can't do that. Unless you rigged up some kind of projector. That could be awesome.
  11. I've only ever killed small game. Pretty weird when I forgot what it was like. I saw a woman killed with a shiv once. That was quick. She just fell down, like a puppet with its strings cut. In fact it was the easiness of it which was most disturbing. *shivers*
  12. Interesting that LoF is weighing in on the MB's side. I just had the most fantastic mental image of LoF's birthday party.
  13. I know that wasn't your point, man. One reason it's commendable. Had more than 40 texts from one of my exes today. I guess I really could write love letters in the old days... No action on that front. But occasionally it's nice to regard the dusty souvenirs. ...And if any of you work out who I'm talking about and call her a dusty souvenir, we're all dead. Seriously.
  14. I was thinking rocket launcher, until I saw this: http://www.break.com/index/spanish-protest...t-launcher-fail
  15. I'm reminded of the end of the poem 'The Sceret People' There is a world of difference between what scholars may say in dusty beams of light, and what kings may sign in fire and steel, and what ordinary people think as they scrub the toilet.
  16. LOL ...babies.
  17. Thought: if you're going to have a processor and so forth, isn't it a bit of a missed trick to have just written text? I've been told by teacher friends they can't even DO lessons which are text based any more.
  18. But I'm saying that it isn't inherently political, and nor does it have only political themes to it. I'd be an idiot if I claimed there had been an Islamic transition to secularism. But On the whbole it's not a big deal. Where it becomes problematic is when you have one or more factors in addition: 1. Uneducated stone age bastards 2. A radicalisation machine, along communist infiltration lines (pioneered by the MB, incidentally) 3. Some sociopolitical problem which benefits from the simplicity of simply pointing at the opposition and screaming 'unbeliever'.
  19. Some people do it on principle. But yes, the majority derive courage from very simple things. Despair is an absolute classic. I'll say it again, for the record. We have been living in a golden age, and I very much fear that this century will have more unrest and slaughter than the last. The great tragedy being (in my mind) that we will have provoked it not by action, but by inaction.
  20. The method of killing them doesn't bother me. It's the waste of material/opportunity.
  21. Alright I concede on the point about textbooks. If only because presumably you can search references easier. But also it must be easier for schools, as you say.
  22. Could well be. Sorry. I'm posting a little late in the day here. Brain's a bit mushy.
  23. I've been doing some work using Scrum. Like it a lot, actually.
  24. Finally a mod project I can actually understand! Good clear layout and decsriptions. Now I can understand it, I quite fancy it.
  25. ORLY? Then in the words of my sister: sucks to be you. To move on to Monte, don't you think you're being a bit blinkered? Religion in general has a political connotation. It sets out a vision of who we are, and what our purpose is, and how to maximise ourselves. If anyone from any religion believes that strongly it's going to influence their political behaviour. Not much has been made in this thread of the outrage many Egyptians have shown for terror attacks. The ones in my mind are the recent church attacks, and the attacks on tourists in Alexandria. Actions designed to provoke and glalvanise, but which seem just as profoundly to divide without altering the religious convictions of anyone concerned. You're also ignoring the fact that the parents of our nice young jihadists (at least anecdotally, viz The Islamistby Ed Hussain) were strongly in favour of a personal spiritual Islam. Taking those two things together I have argued, and still argue that the MB are just fascists in beards rather than coloured shirts. Rootless and feckless young men, and inadequate older men, looking for a way to walk tall on the faces of others. Tempered for good measure with some cod-Marxism if memory serves.
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