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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Because of course they couldn't possibly do that for themselves. Sssh. Let the wee fellah get excited. There's no sense in telling him that for the same money the project could employ 10 or 20 locals to do the work better, and retain the skills in the community. It's an adventure. He should just enjoy it.
  2. What, the BeeGees don't make you want to strut? I do not *strut*. Legs not long enough.
  3. Hooray for personal toughness! Commisserations so far as required. Now then, about this lich-camel...
  4. What, never?
  5. That's pretty cool, even without recognising any of the people.
  6. I voted 'other', since the first two names sounded a bit foreign. Also, lol'd at the socialist healthcare thing. Am expecting a tirade of ill-informed lunacy with eager eyes and restless fingers.
  7. If things look a bit dodgy, act crazy. Also, always carry a set of or two of cheap pliers.
  8. Have kinda derailed. Although to try and bridge the gap, how much of one's identity comes from those we romance?
  9. I could just have my maths all wrong, but if 'green' power from solar is 20 times more expensive then doesn't that mean it would need 20 times the economic activity to pay for it? Wouldn't that have all sorts of anti-green concomitants?
  10. Thanks due to Enoch. Man, this was getting unbelievably crap until he showed up. One of my favourites:
  11. IAEA report
  12. Ugh. Yet more prohibition lunacy. You saw the recent report pointing out yet again that it isn't working, and only causing huge problems?
  13. Let me tell you a secret about being pretty: it doesn't matter Yes. Yes it does. As evidence I give you the internet.
  14. Still wading through Robert Fisk's Great War for Civilisation. Contemptible. Utterly contemptible. Latest objection: hagiographic quality of his description of Khomeini. Still more ludicrously, he casts America's behaviour in Iraq as BOTH sides in Iran in almost adjacent paragraphs. To have been present at so many interesting incidents, and to have produced such pointless monomaniacal drivel is almost enough to make one weep.
  15. Let's remember the difference between in U.S. between jail and prison, eh? Ouch. caught out.
  16. Thanks. I study international relations and diplomacy, so I'm not pulling crackpot conspiracies out of my bum. Then, with genuine affection, if not respect I would point out your two glaring errors, and why I'm calling you a conspiracy victim. 1. The fallacy that benefiting from an event is enough to tie you to an event. 2. An erroneous assessment of capability. People see the Western powers benefiting from almost everything, and combine that with a belief that we have almost limitless espionage and military power. The former is true because we're fantastic capitalists and do indeed find a way to get a benefit from most things. The latter is just not true. And even if it were, it presumes that Western governments have a cohesive narrative and goals which the secret powers actuate. But the most cursory study of history should have shown you that we don't work that way. Even during high tide points like the end of WW2 our policies and power was a total muddle.
  17. It's just occurred to me that ironically the refusal to use nuke power to spread the energy load will lead to more rapid depletion of fossil fuels and possibly an exchange of actual nuclear weapons. How we will laugh when we realise our mistake.
  18. Sounds like you're probably right to be worried. But on the other hand, my 'understanding' of US jail inmates is that they're fething mental. Kill and be killed type of ****.
  20. Ooooh yeah.
  21. To kick off, let's have nominations for a tune with such an inescapably rump shaking beat that even I will be forced to wiggle, in spite of medical advice to the contrary.
  22. 10:1 he's trying to impress the girl form the wedding. I ain't pretty enough to get smart AND sexy in one girl. My mate is having a few issues surrounding custody and his 'baby mother'. Said 'd try and give him some perspective on the importance of being around for different stages, and what things he could leverage to leave an impact.
  23. ROFL. *ow* I sincerely doubt there's that much ecstacy being taken! Not to romanticise it, but I'd swap our heroin users for MDMA users any day! Hard to say, of course. You might possibly see more doses being taken, but in terms of dollar volume or addiction I'd bet good money on cocaine or heroin. These days maybe even ketamine would pip it.
  24. Thanks Hurlshot. I already read that one! I've finished the brief now, and can summarise my conclusions: 1. Children begin to develop a sense of identity by the time they can speak, and perhaps as soon as they recognise their parents 2. The development of identity occurs most strongly through interaction with others. In particular primary caregivers. 3. Identity continues to change throughout childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. But extreme divergence from norms in early identity forming is associated with problems in later life.
  25. Shenanigans is a great word. I believe Gfted1 used it a while back and I've been trying to put it into use as much as possible ever since. ~ While researching this I came across the theory of communicative action. That we are defined by and through our communications with others. If you read the wiki page there, you will see that Habermas felt that it was through reasoned egalitarian discourse that oppressive social structures could best be combated. Check us out! Mo'f'in freedom fighters up in heah!
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