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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Well, it's a bloody good documentary. Also good fodder for roleplaying sessions in either warzones, or maybe Cyberpunk 2020.
  2. I assumed you internets goons were able to sidestep such measures like a thin girl sidestepping an oncoming wallaby.
  3. Don't look at me, man. One of the main players is moving house and job.
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0125...and_of_Anarchy/ the title is 'Land of Anarchy' And it's a fascinating half hour look actually inside Mogadishu, showing the fighting and the devastation. My favourite bit is the incredibly calm Ugandan officer. "Oh yes. That's a mortar."
  5. Just a thought, but have you considered running her chair by hooking cables up to the clock on the town hall and waiting for a thunder storm?
  6. Obama is the antichrist - because he got a dog and Sirius the dog-star is somehow related to.. which means.. that he.. SATAN! You have to love the logic of these guys. I know. Proper conspiracy theorists. None of your lame out of date engineers and faulty equations for these chaps. These are real men. True heroes of mentalism. "The UN building is made from satanically slaughtered goat blood! Why? Because the architect got married in a church with a masonic symbol on the wall! And the masons themselves were tutored in how to make buildings by space lizards! Why? Because only a lizard would make St Paul's cathedral into the shape of a mammalian teat! They're mocking us, do you hear?" (I just made this up, before anyone quotes me. But I'm sure it's true.)
  7. He's not a communist. Just a troll with delusions of intellectual grandeur.
  8. Unfortunately no one really is. Of course the politicians have spent most of their lives getting to know the trade - while your average Joe is busy trying to figure out his work/speciality.. Asking someone to use their >8 hour spare time keeping tabs on the government is asking a lot and unfortunately (again) the press doesn't seem to do a good job either. My answer must remain "Boo f***ing Hoo". You want democracy - and believe me you do - then you have to up your game and work at it.
  9. Want to set up a union? We could get fat paychecks for making them go on strike.
  10. Anyone else notice: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthrea...mp;pagenumber=7 http://forums.obsidian.net/lofiversion/ind...t54899-200.html http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthrea...hreadid=3200905 http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthrea...mp;pagenumber=4 http://lfeffortposts.wordpress.com/2010/09...der-lukashenko/ LoF/Freedom Fighter/Obyknven is Cycloneman. Oh how we laughed. You pointless ****.
  11. Old skool conspiracy theories, including why FOX is satan, proven using numbers.
  12. I certainly don't have much sympathy for people claiming that their democractically mandated and supervised institutions aren't 'theirs'. On the other hand I don't think Britain is terribly good at paying attention to what our government does. Not in any meaningful way.
  13. Failpenguin.
  14. I just realised that it's been so long since I was obliged to work with bungholes in an office I can't stand that I can't sympathise with Malcador.
  15. Lulzsec pwned. By other hackers.
  16. Small query: you weren't a woman originally? Not since the last time I checked. Good. Because that would certainly have increased the unexpected shock value of your news.
  17. I'm increasingly and unutterably depressed by the total shocking and incoherent mess the democratic nations are making of everything. We are neither soberly and educatedly taking action, nor just getting drunk and getting on with things, but soberly and hysterically running in small circles and watching the X Factor. The prospect of the fulcrum of world events being controlled by a certifiable loon of either party is simply par for the course.
  18. Small query: you weren't a woman originally?
  19. With affectionate disrespect, Orogun, you sound like you're advocating a return to old fashioned pre-1900 colonialism.
  20. I understand that there are conflicting stories of how Greece wound up in the mess she is in. but as I understand it, she now stands at a crossroads. She can take a loan from the Eurozone and IMF, with attendant austerity cuts in public spending. Or she can go bankrupt and have no public spending. I therefore have two questions: 1. Is this summary accurate? 2. If it is accurate then how does a populace completely fail at simple logic? No spending vs some spending? It's a no-brainer.
  21. I agree with the general thrust that progress is being made, and that the situation could completely unravel if we pull out. That will NOT be 'OK'. Strategically the opposition will claim that they won in Afghan, in spite of being consistently kerbstomped. Operationally you are going to see a concomitant rise in recruitment, and a return of trained indivdiauls from Afghan to other countries. Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq. All places we can't afford to get any worse because we have no rescue plan for these countries. Having said this I cannot believe that the UK is going to maintain its commitment so I find it hard to condemn the yanks for cutting and running. I simply think it's inexpressibly foolish and wasteful. This is not to say that the commitment to Afghan should be open ended. If it is that will only become a kind of colonialism. BUt the latrenative is that we need to deliver three things: economic growth, military security, and a political 'heart' or fire to enliven the minds of the Afghans. Yet I also think that all three are doubtful. We can't currently deliver economic strength in our own countries. The Afghan security apparatus is not as horribly compromised as Pakistan, but has a long way to go in terms of trade skills. And Hamid Karzai is a drugged up loon; not the kind of man to inspire a nation Ataturk style.
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