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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/....11-threat.html
  2. My point, which may be wrong was that splurging unedited mass data like this is precisely the aim of sites like Wikileaks. But there are consequences in doing so.
  3. Sorry. What I mean is he _may_ be right. But that argument is too complex for the news. So we just get the banana skin and swanee whistle edition.
  4. Yeah that was what I was getting at, right now the biggest fraudsters get bonuses and a nice retirement fund. Which is sending a signal that it not only pays to be a greedy bastard, you'll also get away with it even if caught. I'm willing to debate it, but I'd come down heavily on the notion that internal fraud and external fraud is committed by the same sort of people working to the same motivations. In my experience internal fraud is something committed by improperly supervised individuals who undergo some sudden shock to their motivations. Either transition to a greedy lifestyle, drugs, or unexpected financial loss. External fraudsters are a profession in their own right.
  5. It is funny. But I do wonder whether we are judging our politicians on too simplistic lines. Simply because we ourselves are too thick to understand the correct complex ones.
  6. Doesn't surprise me in the least.
  7. Chicken or the egg. If the financial sector had been more responsible and the government before that had been more open about rolling back regulations and if the public had been more vigilant etc etc. This isn't just a product of openess, but an underlying problem about how society handles disproportional greed. I don't follow you, Ros. If you read the story these are external (apparently) fraudsters. Probably professionals since they worked the human angle using the copied materials. I don't think "stop people wanting to take millions of pounds" is the solution. EDIT: Although it would also help if fraud convictions carried more than a slap on the wrist. And were actually pursued with vigour.
  8. Walsingham


    I am now assuming that 'limbo' in your status means the dance, not the location.
  9. In general I'd agree. BUt judging by Krez' manic enthusiasm for tech I'm going to put on my deerstalker and suggest he either works for ASX:TLS or knows them really well. Surely that would enable him to know about things like forthcoming patents and so on?
  10. Story. Fraudsters used documents obtanied from transparency material to siphon off millions of pounds. I'm not against transparency, but this is precisely the sort of irrseponsible, unedited material that 'powers' Wikileaks.
  11. I was just about to follow those instuctions then I realised to do so would cost 2D3 SAN.
  12. People in the public eye don't always say what they want to?!!!!
  13. You could get a person and put it on that robo mule. Have a cycentaur.
  14. Tarna, I don't know how reassuring this is, but: I know how physically undignified you must feel. But morally and intellectually, on here, you're shining brass.
  15. It can be a little wearing. However, the thing which really boils my bacon is when they post total gibberish and some godforsaken link. It's noise in the signal, trash, waste. How many ergs of power and man-hours of effort are being wasted on this crap?
  16. This is true. However, the point is that it demonstrates how much the thing can schlepp. I can imagine the artillery loving those things.
  17. Gentlemen, we have radiation-proof powered armour.
  18. Think about a plank of wood. Works for me.
  19. That sounds like the entertainment industry of today... As a teenager I once came up with the brilliant idea of writing a program that could write programs. The idea was that in one kilobyte on an eight bit system, there was a finite amount of programs possible. Of course it fell flat on its belly when it came to figure out a way of evaluate the result for beneficial effects and identify the new patentable algorithms from the random system disk formatting algorithm and the 99.99999% unusable white noise Yes, the folly of youth Patent the bastard anyway. You never know. In the US system it might stick.
  20. I thought the point was to come up with new widgets No. That's TRIZ. EDIT: Krezack would like TRIZ.
  21. I share your alarm at management bull, so can see why you might have switched off. Yes, some companies use the term sloppily, just the way some firms say 'logistics' instead of 'moving stuff about'. But that doesn't mean some companies don't use it. Principles and standards of getting what customers want, methods of testing and demonstrating the usefulness of new stuff, methods of testing for and demonstrating complex emergent properties (when it is going to break). All that is systems engineering. And there's a lot more. More importantly , it doesn't mean that the world doesn't use it! For me the heart of it is complexity. Understanding that ALL things are complex, because even something simple like a spanner is nested within other systems, cultural, legal, environmental. they interact with the spanner, and make its behaviour hard to predict. Those ol' unintended consequences. The purpose of systems theory and systems engineering is to assert that we know damn well that smoke affects insects. We know insects are everywhere. We know the smoke has been a constant. If we asked A or B we would discover that they do not suffer from insects, and this is unexpected. Really good engineers have always been systems engineers. But the whole point of the profession of engineering is to codify and formalise what would otherwise be art.
  22. I've been putting a lot of effort into my singing lately. I wonder if I've busted a fuse?
  23. Up and grinding through objectives, but have developed a stammer when talking on the telephone. It's really very very strange. Suspended all calls, and am now doing some background reading.
  24. Surely a firm whose shares appreciate at 10% is demonstrating unusual growth? I woudl have thought that unless they are about to change tack you should hang on to go higher. Novice at shares, so ready to be wrong.
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