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Everything posted by Retnuh

  1. Wow, don't know if I should post (dark side is strong here). This is the first time I have heard that information. I hope that isn't their intentions.... if so.... LAME!
  2. I really don't know if Obsidian cares. I would like to think they do. I think if it is at all possible to fix this, Obsidian will try....hopefully. I want the game to be repaired and the original content reinserted just like everyone else. I know they have seen the petition (I believe it is 700+ now) and they must know about all the problems we're having with the game. Word is getting around. This is really turning into a riot of sorts. Something good will come out of this or $*** will hit the fan....just wait and see. PS. I have seen the "PC patch is coming" statement...but that does nothing for the Xbox version. Hope we don't get screwed on this.
  3. There is ABSOLOUTELY NO WAY that you can compare Kotor 2 to Halo 2. Halo 2's story was so unbelievably hard to follow because of all the gaps spent between the two characters. You play as Master Chief, then play as the Alien, then go back to Master Chief with no idea of what happened the last time. K2's gaps are short, sweet, and had little to do with the main story. I do agree that K2's ending stunk, especially knowing what I know about the stuff that was cut, but Halo 2's craptastic ending was on another level.
  4. Out of this group, I would have to go with Darth Sion in a fight. Just for the fact that you can't kill the bastard, although I know he is mentally weak. None of these guys could really affect his mind much. The Exile was the lone exception, because of his/her special ability. But seriously, Palpatine is pretty much a Dark Side GOD. Every name on that list should tremble. "Children with lightsabers"...correct? Yeah, I know, he got thrown down a shaft by a beat up Vader...whatcha gonna do? Why is everyone so freaking stuck on Revan? This almighty Sith Lord got put into a coma because his ship got shot, and was then BRAIN washed...lame. 1-6 (in a brawl) 1.Sion 2.Vader 3.Tyranus, Revan 5.Nihilius 6.Maul (why is his name even on here?)
  5. I was wondering what was the deal with that door. I always thought I had just missed something.
  6. Bioware did a great job on K1! They single handedly revived my interest in Star Wars. Before K1, I could give a **** about Star Wars. Do you forget what it felt like when you found out you were Revan? I myself was in shock! The game had control of my life for a couple weeks. Obsidian did a good job on K2. They weren't having to reinvent the wheel. I expected so much more. I was very disappointed, although I did enjoy the game. I just felt like maybe they were in over their heads and didn't manage their time or resources well enough. THEN, the other day I see the thread about the things that were cut. WHAT!?!? Why would you cut those things? This totally changed my view on Obsidian. They have all the potential in the world to make the best Star Wars game ever, but that potential is stagnate. They had a great story, but couldn't see it through. Bioware, on the other hand, created a story and made it work. Because of this, Bioware should have control of the game. That would be the best business move. Obsidian....you're fired!
  7. Damn. My day was going so good. I was content with the idea that the game was just poorly done and rushed. Now I guess I just have to live with the thought of what could/should have been. I myself would love an explanation on this, at least an acknowledgement that what we are saying is being heard. This is so disappointing.
  8. Dude, you have a messed up game...I would restart the Goto level. Ummm...I believe I had this same problem, but I don't know if I have the correct answer. Anyway, Get the Power Supply codes from the terminal where the Exile was held. Use those in the main terminal and shutdown the secondary power. Switch all available choices over to secondary power. Also, make sure you have loaded everything that you have recovered (mine codes, power supply codes, shut down codes...etc.) Hope this helps.
  9. Before you talk to Bao-Dur, take all your lightsaber crystals and put them in the secrect compartment in Visas's room or in some container nearby. Go to Bao-Dur and tell him you want to build a lightsaber. Since you don't have a color crystal you will automatically recieve one (I got a green one every time). Ta da.....lightsaber. ps. this is the way I did it. if you have a light saber color crystal then you will have to install that color crystal. might as well get a free one, no?
  10. The game file size is too large. They haven't made a memory card that can hold that much. There is a 16mb, but even it come up a little short.
  11. Those are some good ideas....don't know about McConaughey though.
  12. Disciple = Ellen DeGeneras Also, in my own opinion, Visas kind of reminded me of Angelina Jolee....the lips?
  13. Uh.... 1-There is a terminal where Exile was detained by GOTO, I believe that is where the codes are. 2-You have to go into the Flophouse. There are two dudes standing in the first room talking. Leave your companions out on the docks and turn on stealth. Walk into that room by yourself with stealth on and they will speak. This will open the "Juma" mission. You also have to do this to hear what the two guys in the corner of the bar are saying. Hope this helps.
  14. Secret compartment.... that is the key word. It wasn't in K1 so how would any of Revan's gear get in it? Did he just happen to stumble across it. I don't think the Ebon Hawk comes with an owner
  15. I posted that same question a month ago and got no answers. There are many doors that you can't access but seem as if you should. I remember one on Telos in the underground base. No one (including Obsidian) can/will give you an answer that is definite. It was probably a strip club full of female twilek dancers.
  16. I blew open the door to the library on Korriban where the holocron is located but it says it is damaged?? I told Atton that Revan saved the republic when I was on Peragus. Shouldn't I get the Bastila holocron??
  17. This is my second play through. The first time I didn't have any glitches/bugs of this magnitude.
  18. I don't know if anyone has experienced this glitch/bug. I will try to describe this as best I can. I will label this a spoiler to be on the safe side. Need to know before you read this: Playing light side, Lv. 15 Sent. Do I have to start all over???? Please help.
  19. Thanks guys, thats helps out alot!
  20. So, which class gets which bonus? Is it Sent. +3 constiution, Coun. +3 Dex., and Gaurdian +3 strength? What about dark side and the prestige classes?
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