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Solar Xero

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Everything posted by Solar Xero

  1. Basically the whole damn storyline is one great big test of your " f word" nerves!!!
  2. how many endings are there anyway?i have seen only 2
  3. this random item system really kills me,damn <_<
  4. thanx people,if u ask me, the main thing that needs 2 b fixed is the storyline (kotor 2) , and they need 2 add some cool full-helmets.And another thing, Revan is way better than the exile!
  5. alright people,here's something to blab about.i need your opinion on this.What do you think is the most disturbing thing in KOTOR 2?What do you dislike the most? Maybe the the all mighty creators will actually take our opinions seriosly.......yeah right and my name is "darth Full of sh*t "........so?
  6. she's just a weird old woman,that's all :D
  7. basically he's a bad motherf..........errr....guy
  8. yeah,but oyou have more room for crystals if you are carrying 2 lightsabers.you can put more crystals in 2 single lightsabers than in 1 doublebladed therefore increase more of your stats , correct?
  9. thanx,by the way,is the ending any different when you play as a female?
  10. i've played kotor 1 and 2 a couple of times and i NEVER chose dueling instead of 2 weapon fighting,i mean does it have ANY advantages at all? plus you can always increase your stats more by carrying 2 lightsabres (more crystals ). Am i wrong? anyone?
  11. alright,basically the topic says it all.i didn't even know the disciple could join my party,so,how do i get him to join???
  12. bastla /carth subplots?what are those anyway?i've never heard of them.an answer would be a wise choice at this particular time
  13. jedi=wusses,sith+endless power
  14. nice....if that's what u wanna hear
  15. yeah....atris pretty much sucks.......but BANDON......my god.... btw. what's up with sion's accent? i think he and bandon should hook up
  16. there won't even be a k3 the way things are goin'
  17. aight people,i thought this would be interesting to chat about.i'm sure ya all went thru the game several times so i need your oppinion on this.WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE BEST ITEM IN THE GAME? ( armor , robes,implants,crystals.....anything!!!!) let's hear it
  18. i got it on dantooine when i was supposed to meet with the remaining members of the jedi order but they were all dead cuz of me.so kreia start's blabbing something about me being her failiure,she knocks me down,leaves,and i get force crush,best force power by far!!!die worm!
  19. haha.really nice work ,the exile is a perevrt!!!i knew there was something strange about him!!!!
  20. yo peops!!!!! the illest idea!!!listen close...u play as a completely new charcter which has no past,with some new force powers etc....in a completely different galaxy...everything knew.....wierd memory flashbacks from the fist an second game...AND THEN U REALIZE THAT U ARE A FORCE FUSIUON BETWEEN REVAN AND THE EXILE ( when the exile found revan a bond was made between the 2,tha bond had to be strenghtened if they were to defeat the true sith,so they fused into 1,however the proccess ended up in memory loss) i know it's kinda stupid but that way u can actually control both of them and still will u be able to choose how u look like.watcha think?
  21. Thank you <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah,but how do i get it!!!want it really bad!!damn i need a women
  22. guardian /marauder ( high strenght+master fury+strenght over 40!!!!!add a little dark mastery and u will crush everyone!!!!!!!!!!!)
  23. both games haid their charm,if obsidian 'n bioware could work together on a third sequel for about 2 years solid i'm shure it would be a killah game!!!
  24. i totally agree withcha bro,the ending has no climax at all!!!! the story is great through the whole game.....and then comes the end part....not fitting at all <_<
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