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Everything posted by Craftsman

  1. Eirther way just lots of side quest that are only skill percific would be welcomed greatly. And losts of them. At least 10 7 for each skill.
  2. Yeh. His just sitting there. Knowing the answer and enjoying our ignorance
  3. For all of you who dont know what it is heres a brief history History of the Ter
  4. I guess this is what all RPGs would strike for. If KOTOR 2 could do this it would easily become the great RPG of all time. Easy. Im willing to wait longer for the game if they can impliment this. KOTOR 3 will be a next gen title, a long way away.
  5. Why not? The only reason we coulnt have that option was becasue the xbox didnt have enough memory. This is a story type issue which is defienally possible.
  6. Theres a puzzle in in the sith tombs involving moving rings form one pole to the other and certain rules apply.
  7. December for the Xbox people. Oh well at least i can read all thos reviews
  8. Yeh. A spoiler fourm, just like at Bioware is needed.
  9. Well if theres nothing to do after theres no point in it being open ended.
  10. Also hope theres more scripts to choose from.
  11. If this happened, it would make KOTOR 2 a huge leap over the first game.
  12. Yeh. I wonder what quests will be done with the sith that went into hinding.
  13. Well if a grenade attack can hurt more that one guy than why couldnt a meele attack?
  14. Maybe Malak was just a Sith Lord apprentice.
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