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Everything posted by Dashus

  1. Around 15MB give or take a couple MB's (mostly give ) Installed you're looking at about 100MB at this point.
  2. There are a number of items that aren't listed with the sabre prog bars, not the least of which are bugs, so while a sabre bar may be full for a particular module that doesn't mean that work is "done" in it.
  3. And it's fixed in the new build. These guys are serious <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah it was fixed but it introduced the slight problem of them not spawning at all ...which is now fixed; just forgot to remove it from the changelog in the thread.
  4. No someone will be testing it; you are correct battle in that some bugs were introduced by the patch and we would like to make sure that those who play without will be getting an identically performing mod. So someone (maybe not wild ) will be testing it before we release.
  5. OK we'll probably fix that then. We're all running with the 1.0b patch. While we don't think it''ll be required we can't guarantee that it will work without issues as we've not tested against an unpatched game. We might get one of testers to make a run-through just to see what happens when we're closer to release.
  6. The infinite XP one. When you keep searching the body and the Hssiss's keep spawning...ring a bell? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah I got that...that was essentially void of any hints as to what and where the hell the bug is. And you're one of our beta testers...
  7. Thought you were playfully hissing our decision to restore it Remind me again hsiss bug this is? I did a search on "hsiss" through the game files and got nothing. Keep in mind we've not "played" this game in the gaming sense for well over 6 months so our memories of things aren't always great.
  8. Hsiss " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No that was actually a bug ) It increases a count to keep track of the number of party members you'll have to kill based on what NPC's are available. Then in another script it spawns the NPC's but it stopped on the first valid spawn. So if you have all 12 party members available (minus kreia which makes the count 11), the game will only spawn Atton, Bao-Dur, T3 and Visas, meaning you'll have to play through it 3 times.
  9. Most covered by battlecookkiee () but we'll go through them again. There is a handy feature called 'search' people... 1a) No 1b) No 2) Yes 3) Open SWKotor2.ini and put Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 beneath [Graphic Options] 4) See the "Fixes" section of our downloads page 5) Download the 1.0b patch 6) I'll assume you mean the "neverending battle"; Yes. Or you can just not choose the lightside option.
  10. Not even our idea really " The removing of her hood was actually scripted and all but they overloaded the engine, so 999 times out of 1000 it won't play. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That is not the factor now. Right? Or, is that something that you cannot get around? Its a pretty nice touch to Dantooine. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> oops. "won't" = "wouldn't". We did fix that.
  11. Not even our idea really " The removing of her hood was actually scripted and all but they overloaded the engine, so 999 times out of 1000 it won't play.
  12. You make that sound abnormal That's all a mod really is in the first place I should qualify that by saying that while the edit of one file will in fact require the inclusion of all the other files in the module regardless of whether or not they've been modified, we've modified near 250 scripts across 47 modules. More than half the area files (are, ifo, and git) have been modified as well. And like I say if we were to just throw all this stuff in override it would be a mess. This is really the preferred way.
  13. VERY small thus. But what do you expect if all the used stuff is already installed on the disk of the users? Not sure what you mean. Due to the fact that most of the required stuff is already installed on the user's PC there isn't a need for a very large file (120MB for extra (restored) stuff... that's a breeze compared to some patches for some games...) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Still not sure what you mean I'm confused by "But what do you expect if all the used stuff is already installed on the disk of the users?" What "used stuff"? Can you rephrase the question? Also the 120MB isn't "restored stuff" per say...I'd say there's maybe 4 or 5 MB of "restored" stuff (not counting audio files). The problem is 2 things: first putting everything in override would be a logistical nightmare (not to mention the fact it wouldn't work quite right because some files in different modules have the same name) and second laying other mods on top of this one would be a pain with everything in override. If only 1 file in a module is edited the entire module is built into a .mod and included. This means that a one line change to a script will force adding the entire module it's in (upwards of 4 or 5MB in some cases). Annoying but worth the ability to drop your own files in override and not have to worry about permanently overwriting stuff. That said some global stuff will be in override but far fewer than would be if everyything were there.
  14. VERY small thus. But what do you expect if all the used stuff is already installed on the disk of the users? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not sure what you mean.
  15. Once it's installed it will be fairly hefty; at present we're looking at around 120MB installed. The installer itself will be about 15MB give or take a couple MB's.
  16. Not "dies" persay; it's only VO and his line is something to the effect of "Make my sacrifice matter."
  17. 1) No. There's actually very little evidence either way. The only evidence one has that bao dies is in the VO of promotional material. On the other hand we've seen nothing that says he lives either. We've found a way around the problem though (and no we won't be saying what that way is; we'd like to leave some stuff as a surprise ) 2) Again the M4-78 restoration is not us. That is a separate group entirely. Vash will remain where she has always been: dead on the floor. 3) What tomb thing? Dustil? Or the "looping battle"? Dustil won't be restored because he has no VO. The "looping battle" bug has been fixed. 4) HK-47 is solo at the factory (if you take the steps to get him there). 5) What "mode" are you referring to? 6) *sigh* no one learns do they? More than 0%
  18. Actually the Ep 3 comic points out that Qui Gon learned the "force ghost" ability (sic) from a shaman because it was essentially forgotten. This would seem to imply that there was a time when such knowledge was common (or at least more easily accessible).
  19. We will not be adding any, no.
  20. After we get 6 acceptances it will be 10 and we'll likely run with that until 1.0b1 at which point we'll double the size to 20-ish which we'll run with until release.
  21. 6 more Beta Team invites went out this evening. A fairly even mix of here and TG board members.
  22. There are arguments for having her be LS, DS and neutral. Keep in mind, she appears neutral because Obsidian made her neutral; we didn't change her alignment when we restored this part of the battle.
  23. Well she wasn't what one can truly consider a "darkside" character even when she first appears. She doesn't fight the exile out of hatred; she fights him/her simply because that was the mission and (more so) because she's drawn to the Exile.
  24. New WIP Words beneath the thumbnail are from the beta tester.
  25. The UK and US versions are identical near as we can tell. TSLRP will be released in all 6 of the languages the game was released in.
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