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About DarkLordoftheChicken

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  1. I do recall saying "on a diffrent scale", what I'm saying that the same thing both have in common is that we're trying to deny what is there with excuses or lies.
  2. So here is a question, if someone was to kill someone else, stuff them in a closet and just say "I didn't kill him", does that change the fact that they killed someone else? Cause that's what some of you are saying with the whole "Just refuse" or "Don't play the game", it's the same thing, except on a diffrent scale.
  3. Both are just as bad, there used to be a time long ago where just being gay was punished(this is NOT a threat, this is a FACT), and now today gay peaple have enough liberty to walk around and openly admit it, but they seek more, now they want it in video games, and soon everything. Again I have nothing against gay peaple, they're decisions are their own, but this type of thing is an invasion, peaple may put it aside by saying "You don't HAVE to be gay in the game" but that doesn't remove that fact that everything is trying to be converted to gay as well, I am fine with peaple being gay, I am not fine with them trying to change everything to their liking.
  4. I don't hate gay peaple, but putting gay options into games like Star Wars is just abuse in a way, sure everyone says R2-D2 and C3P0 are gay, but that theory makes no sence on the count that they're both droids, I for one would be very disturbed if a character in a game tried to hit on me, even if I could refuse, it's still disturbing in a way to me and perhaps others. Again, I meant no offence to gay peaple or anything =).
  5. It worked with (6*2)-8+9*1 for me, if it still does not work then it must be a glitch in the game.
  6. I would take Visas to clear out the sith, Bao-Dur is useful for removing mines and technical related tasks, if you have handmaiden trained as a Jedi, I would suggest bringing her along.
  7. Well, I tried this and you can equip the gizka with the lightsaber, but it doesn't appear during the game, though it can use force powers. =)
  8. KOTOR III: The Jedi Masters
  9. The droid planet seriously wasn't finished, mines won't go off, and there is no background, and the containers are listed as empty until you take what they have in them.
  10. Darth Vader may have been the choosen one, and he might be very skilled with a lightsaber and the force, but he was really more of Sidious' servant, if Darth Vader was as great as you claim, why didn't Vader just overthrow Sidious himself and rule the galaxy himself? Because he knew he wasn't strong enough or smart enough to do so. Edit: not to mention that Darth Vader also not only betrayed his master, but the entire Sith Order, he turned back to the light and killed the Dark Lord of the Sith, that would have been fine if he took the mantle of Dark Lord and continued the order, but that is not what he did.
  11. The game also states that Nihilus used the Ravager to escape the graveyard which is Malachor, so this tells us Revan is not Nihilus, because no where does it mention that Revan was stuck on Malachor during any time in either game.
  12. I totally agree...I wanna a game where you can finish off the Republic <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, and also being able to raid the Jedi temple and kill them all, it would be better then fighting 3 crippled Jedi...that was sorta weak in KotOR 2, and in KotOR 1 you can't even fight any Jedi except those on your team. <_<
  13. How the hell do you know how old they are? I think someone been playing this game too much. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because in KotOR 1 someone mentions she is 14, and since KotOR 2 takes place 5 years after KotOR 1, she would be 19 in KotOR 2.
  14. The prestige classes...I thought it was cool actually being able to carry around Sith titles =).
  15. I agree, the topic's point is too post things you liked about the game...not bash the topic or peaple's opinions. =)
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