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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. That's absolute balony.
  2. NWN's interface absolutely crushes' BG's. And, one of the best reasons is the radial menu. LONG NWN! BEST GAME EVAR! BG IS DEAD! Anyways, Obsidian's two sequels have been fun in their own right; but they failed my expectations. I expect sequels to be 100% no doubt better than what the follow... both failed to do that. Fun games thoughh, and that's what matters. Not every game has to be the 'best ever'. Only NWN gets that award.
  3. "which they swindled the old geezers family out of)" No, they didn't. She was the 'old geezers' wife. She had every right to a share of his ph@t lewt. It shouldn't be up to us tod ecide that she was a golddigger or not. He amrreid her. That wa shis choice, When you marry, your money because your spouse's. Period. Only if you are force dto marriage is that null and void. As for Smith, I don't know why people feel the need to trash her so much. She's just a human being. it's not like she's a mass murderer or anything. She made mistakes. Big deal.
  4. This is disgusting. But, don't try to blame all Amerikan hospitals for what is likely done by a handful of jerkoffs.
  5. Volourn


  6. Lighten up? I'm skinny enough? Are you trying to kill me? Gah. Talk about evil. Isn't that quite an extreme reaction to our disagreement over this issue? Hmph. :'(
  7. "Snicker's voluntary withdrawal of the ad." Voluntary my butt. The ad never would have pulled if the whining hadn't started. The commerical was funny. not the funniest ever; but amusing. Only those who are looking for a problem would find it offensive, imo. I doubt most gay people would think about the commercial for more than 2 seconds. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if many of them laughed. Why do people cry over crap like this? This is just as bad as the b00bie showing at another Super Bowl. Lame.
  8. "The mega nerd (every club has one) had an aggressive stench that attacked your nostrils a full five meters before he actually walked past you." How rude! You never side hi to me. :sad:
  9. Volourn


    "But Lunqvist really sucks." No, he doesn't. If it wans't for him, the Rangers wouldn't even be in the game since they cna't seem to score more than 3 goals and even then they are lucky. He had a bad start to the season but since early December, he's amongst the league leaders for GAA and S%.
  10. Volourn


    "How is Shanahan responsible for your team's lack of success?" Comapre the Rangers from last year to this. Biggest difference? Shanahan. Goals or no goals; he surely hasn't improved the team. In fact, the guy is near worthless even strength hence his minus.
  11. Volourn


    Lunqvist played poorly in the 3rd against Detroit; but overall he's been phenomenal since early Decemeber being top 5 in the important goalie stats. Lack of scoring is the problem plus Shanahan.
  12. Volourn


    Oooo... Skooled! :'( P.S. The best rants are full of things that get snuck in! L0L
  13. Volourn


    Please quote me where I said Shanahan sucked. I said he ruins team chemistry. HUGE difference. Last year: Rangers nearly win their division, and make play offs for first time in 7 years depsite everyone naming themw orst team in NHL. This season: Rangers will be lucky to make play offs depsite people having the gall to vote them 1st place in division. Biggest difference: Shanahan. Game over. P.S. Goals aside, the guy is a -. That's pathetic.
  14. Volourn


    HIP HIP HOORAY! NEWSFLASH; Rangers miss the play off, and Shanahan sucks and ruins team chemistry!!!
  15. I thought the commerical was hilarious,a dn I never ever once though,"OMG! That's gay!" Talk about lameness on the part of FLAAD which is not surprising since all 'right groups' have a habit of always overreacting, and whining like little babies which distrupts their actual worthwhile goals. Absolutely pathetic on GLAAD's part. Stupid morons that they are.
  16. Love, like, enjoy, whatever. It shouldn't matter really what the name is if it's fun to you. I'd buy a BG3 Action Adventure game set in the ES world if I thought it be fun.
  17. Needs? I think you missed the point of K's post. I'd be happy if FO3 was fun. sadly, sicne I'm no fan of Betehsda, I'd be shocked to see a fun game. That's why I'll be waiting on it. You, on the other hand, LOVE Bethesda games, so you should be able to enjoy FO3 just fine if you get past your silliness.
  18. Interplay is not dead either...
  19. "Rofl, pointing out double standards to make a point about fundi stupidity, I like." Acting stupid doesn't prove others' stupidity; it only proves your own stupidity. In essence, this warrants a: R00fles!
  20. "especially Kreia which is best written character in Kotors." No.
  21. "Its called setting continuity." It's called mutation.
  22. "Graphics are either taken from KOTOR1 or of very similar design because I hardly notice any difference." And? How is that bad? That's a GOOD thing. The games are like two years apart. "Surprisingly, NWN2 actually turns out to be a WORSE game than KOTOR2." Nah. Much like NWN1 being better than KOTOR1, NWN2 is light years better than KOTOR2. No contest really. "that the game reuses most if not all of NWN1's sounds, musics, and voices. How very original." Good. I'm glad. Sequels shouldn't be original. They're sequels because they tend to be sequels to a successful game. No need to reinvent the wheel. In fact, some cases in where Obsidian tried to reinvent the wheel is where they went wrong. KOPTOR1 is an ok game. NWN2 is a good game (just like NWN1 OC) that can become much, much better as time goes on.
  23. They could chnage it to suit him unless the coaches are thaqt inempt. What hurt the Baesr this year offensively were the turnovers which is something Garcia is really good at avoiding espicially this season. Remember, with Chicago, a QB doesn't have to win on their own, they just can't lose it.
  24. Rex Grossman didn't really have a chance. He's like a young QB going up against one of the best who had everything on the line. Grossman will be back one day. The Bears should definitely stick with them unles they can get an upper echelon QB for a y ear. Perhaps someone liek Garcia who is likely depsite beinga wesome gonna be thrown in the trash by Philly.
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