"Graphics are either taken from KOTOR1 or of very similar design because I hardly notice any difference."
And? How is that bad? That's a GOOD thing. The games are like two years apart.
"Surprisingly, NWN2 actually turns out to be a WORSE game than KOTOR2."
Nah. Much like NWN1 being better than KOTOR1, NWN2 is light years better than KOTOR2. No contest really.
"that the game reuses most if not all of NWN1's sounds, musics, and voices. How very original."
Good. I'm glad. Sequels shouldn't be original. They're sequels because they tend to be sequels to a successful game. No need to reinvent the wheel. In fact, some cases in where Obsidian tried to reinvent the wheel is where they went wrong.
KOPTOR1 is an ok game. NWN2 is a good game (just like NWN1 OC) that can become much, much better as time goes on.