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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Glad you liked it, perhaps this outfit will actually put out what they advertise unlike DLA." Things changed, and DLA has done a lot. A lot more than either of us that's for sure. Just because they don't release things on YOUR schedule, or things don't go exactly as they intially planned doesn't mean they didn't do anuthing.I think they must have beat up your family as you seem to hate them with a passion. R00fles! Anyways, this outfit's interview is cool. Hoepfully, they do soemthing as user made stuff for NWN2 has not been impressive thus far. I tried one of the so called greta ,modules, and quite after 10 minutes 'cause of agrbage. And, found one PW that might have potential in the future. Still have to try out the POR Remake though.
  2. JE is awesome. Anyone who disagrees is simply wrong. JE is the apex of what an Action RPG should be. Great combat, and great role-playing. 'Nough said. P.S. Sure, it could be improved. All games can. Espicially that overrated KOTOR series. Even the FO series, and BG series needs improvement. LONG LIVE JE! DOWN WITH KOTOR!
  3. Oh, SNAP!
  4. IWD was fun, and cool. IWD2 was not. Kinda like TOEE. It coulda been good; but just missed the cut. Both of these games ar egames that i got deep into it ebfore I couldn't take the lack fo quality anymore. LONG LIVE IWD1!! P.S. Neato interviews.
  5. "Unlikely when Edwin is 16 levels higher than Elminster." How did Edwin accomplish that? I believe Elminster is level 29ish in 2E. the amx level for a wizard in TOB is mid 30s is it not? Your math seems to be off...
  6. "Pot calling kettle black?" No. I only do that when justified.
  7. MLB 2K7 (xbox 360) - Pretty decent game. Too many homeruns is the most glaring flaw. Not as good as MVP Baseball 2005 though. NBA 2K7 (xbox 360) - Could be an okayish game. Computer makes too many free throws, and is too easy to foul. Player fouls hoots are simply a crap shoot. MVP Baseball 2005 (PS2) - Best sports game ever. Top 3 game ever. Fable: the Lost Chapter (PC) - Off kilter start; could have potential. Call of Duty 3 (xbox 360) - Just finished it, and about to try online. Pretty fun game despite being a FPS. Gears of War (xbox 360) - Overrated. NWN1/NWN2 (PC) - Still trying to complete my NWN1 module. Hoping something will come out of NWN2...
  8. "I for one am not going to get Bioware's next game till I see how well they are going to support it" Hehehehehehe. This is funny. P.S. NWN2 support is cool.
  9. Many people disagree. Go figure. *shrug*
  10. Were you able to play the game, and finish it? If so, it's not that major of a bug. I, for one, like 'fire and forget' games. Because, it means I cna go on and play other games too. There can be too many 'NWN' type games, imo.
  11. "If you don't like a game that gets patched after its release go play Jade Empire. It seems that it is a fire and forget game from Bioware and Gray matter. " What did you expect? It's likely not that buggy since it's just a port with some additions. It's a 2 year old game so bug testinga nd fixing was done 2 years ago. I'm glad it's fire and forget with JE: POC. It be a waste of BIO/GM's time. P.S. I'm glad that Obsidian is trying to improve NWN2. It needs it to maintian interest so people (unlikes silly me) will build some worthwhile modules (and finish them unlike me!!!) or PWs. R00fles!
  12. Why is ti everytime soemthing doesn't go someone's way they always cry foul and/or bribery? R00fles!
  13. Fable: The Lost Chapter. Weird beginning that alternates between really good and relaly horrible.
  14. I know that Mr. Bulock. My point is that Atari/WOTC allowed many changes to D&D stuff in the game so it makes the argument that the models are as they ar ebecause of thatw eaker sine Atari/WOTC didn't seem to mind many other chnages. This goes for both NWN games (in fact, any D&D game). Besdies, I doubt every single character model is exactly like its pnp counterpart. But, yeah, everything needs their approval. "had to match up reasonably close to their source stuff. If you compare our elves to the Forgotten Realms guides, you'll see that the art stayed very accurate." This, of course, is true. Reasonably close of course can be interpreted differently by different people. Anyways, for me, it's no biggie one way or the other. NWN2 character models are fine the way they are.
  15. Obsidian mad ethe game. the complaints should be amde to them. Afterall, not eveyrthing in NWN2 is exactly as it is D&D pnp so that kind of argument doens't hold as muych water as otherwise. Anyways, actually on topic, I don't have time comparing things directly and it's been awhile since I've played pnp and a month or more since touching NWN2 sadly (lack of quality player made modules/PWs); but last I checked, D&D elves are supposed to be HOT (with exceptions, of course). That's the way it should be in games based off of it. But, all that said, this is the way it is: "Don't like it, tough. Its not going to change." The game is made. Time to move on.
  16. Trix was a punk. But, a fun punk.
  17. Irreleavnt. We're not talking sales numbers. We're not talking classics either. We're talking best games. "I predict Oblivion will be one of the latter, since it seems to contain little if anything that will render it a classic." Then don't put it in your top 25 list. On this list, it's top 25. Period. I don't care for Oblivion, but if someone feels it's top 25 worthy then it's top 25 worthy to them. It doesn't matte rhow long a game is released. If someone felt that PST was worthy of being top 25 then they should feel that when they firts play it; not 20 years later. R00fles! P.S. It seems you are more upset with oblivion's inclusion on the list; not that it's a 'new' game. P.S.S. I'm sure most obsidian fanboys would be jumping up for joy if NWN2 makes the list depsite it being 'new'.
  18. Yeha, you probably stick tor eading Archie comics. P.S. D&D novels are underrated.
  19. PST is not a top 10 game. I wouldn't even consider it a top 10 CRPG. Maybe top 10 PC RPG though. "Sure, quality can be judged, but in order to go into the "best of all time" category there has to be some "time" to establish where the game sits in relation to all other games that have come before." Nah. if a game is worthy of the best ever then it's worthy of best ever at release.
  20. They allow such silly hight variances yet don't allow, IIRC, variances in skin colour. R00fles! P.S. hades, there once was a 6' (7') drow in a novel. L0LLERPOPS P.S.S. Remember, while all the race shave height/weight ranges; they aren't neccessarily the extremes of a certain race. *shrug*
  21. " Not with standing how good or bad the game is, you can't judge a game as being best of all time when it has been out for less than a year. " I disagree. A quality of a game cna be judged as soon as it comes out.
  22. 'Without the ability to reason we are nothing better than animals." Except, by dfeintion, humans *are* animals.
  23. " Is it our simple biological physical forms?" It absolutely is. "Being human is beyond just our physicality." And? A newborn child, and an old geezer with an extreme cas eof alzeihmers are still humans. What do you refer them as? Pieces ofc rap? Feces? What? They are still human. Period. Even mass murderers are human. Rapists are humans. Star athletes are human. Even you, and I ar ehuman. We're human because we are human. Period.
  24. I think the fact we are human makes us human. Biologically we are human. A cat doesn't know it's a cat; but it's still a cat. A shark doesn't know it's a shark; but it's still a shark.
  25. "A human isn't a human til they have the cognitive ability to realize that they are human, and if they lose that capability what made them human is also lost." That's absolutely nonsense. You are implying that a newborn. isn't human nor is an old geezer with severe alzeimer's. That's beyond silly.
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