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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "In the United States, white-on-black racism is worse." Racist.
  2. "The latter is largely a fiction." You are gullible. Now, youa re implying that all women aren't sexist and there is no movement to belittle men and treat them as second class citizens when anyone with a brain knows that isn't true. "Please, feel free to point out where I said that. I said that white-on-black racism was more unjustifiable, implying that black-on-white racism is also unjustifiable." You did it yoruself. You claimed balck racism against whites was more justifible hence being able to be justified. That's bull. Racism is NEVER justifible.
  3. "It seems like you're rejecting the feminist movement?" It depends on which 'feminist' movement you are referring to. Is it that one that strives for equality or the one who seeks to belittle men? There's a HUGE difference between the two. "White-on-black racism is an institution, black-on-white racism is not. White racism is more powerful, more unjustifiable, and more virulent." You finally amdit it. You are racist towards whites 9even if you happen to be white since self hatred is possible). You claim that racism towrds whites is justifiable. LMAO No tracism is justifiable. Period. Why are you so haetful, and racists towards whites? Racism is not a white disease perpetrating on other races alone. ALL races suffer from that horrible disease. All of them. Espicially since racism isn't just a white-black issue either.
  4. Skin colour is irrelevant. Those who think in terms of black and white are racist. Whites cna be racists. So can blacks. The fact you think it's okay to be racist towards whites is not cool nor is it okay for whites to be racist towards blacks. Why so racist? You sounmd like those people who bash all Japaense because of certain games. Don't be a racist. "It's like saying that feminists are the REAL sexists, because they fight mostly against male chauvinism (rather than female chauvinism)." Riiightt.,. Because, it's socially acceptable to be sexist towards males. So.. not only are you racist, you are sexist too. Wonderful.
  5. "White racism in the United States is fundamentally different from black racism. Black people have a legitimate reason to be angry at white people: white people benefit from the United States political, social and economic systems in a way that blacks do not. Whites do not "suffer" under the "black jackboot." Racist. Racism is racism. Period. "To put it in another way: Suppose that I am being mugged, but the man who is mugging me does not have a lethal weapon (knife, gun, etc), nor do I have a reasonable belief that he has one. I remove my pistol and shoot him dead. While wrong (I have applied lethal force in a situation it was not necessary), it is fundamentally different (and less wrong) than if I had been shot by the man mugging me, while I did not have a lethal weapon (or, for that matter, even if I had one)." Has nothing to do racism. It's hialrious you think it's okay for minorities to be racist. That's bullocks. Racism is NOT a white disease. All hauman no matter their race can be afflicted by it. That's a fact. Some of the most well known racists are black. Or chinee. And, yes, white. Whites cna be racist. So can blacks. This is FACT.
  6. "Non-whites disproportionately suffer in the United States armed forces, their opinion is thus more important in this matter." Racist. "49% disapproval isn't high? Oh, okay, why don't you just tell me what is "high." At absolute minimum, a clear majority. And, for it to be 'high', 65%. "Listen; If Obama succumbs to the desire to throttle racist republicans, Fox commentators or Tea Party crazies, he's sure to lose. When you start a fight, the enemy has an arsenal of techniques at their disposal with which to drag you down. He can't afford to do that, not even once. That's why he can't be a "Black Panther" or mount the barricades the way you dream of. He's gotto have a heart for every American, whites and blacks, rich and poor. He's gotto want what's best for everyone. That's the only way a good person stays in power. If he forced the average American to face even one of the many lies they live every day, you'd be stuck with Sarah Palin sooner than you could say "creationist"." Ooo.. Another implcation where only white people can be racist. LMAO NEWSFLASH PEOPLE: Racism is not a white disease. It's a disease that all races can suffer from.
  7. I'm not angry. You are the one who sounds angry simply because I don't want to be your friend. Poor Hurlshot. Volourn oesn't want to be his e buddy. Boo hoo. Believe me, if anything I'm too anti angry. L0L
  8. "even in October 2001 36% of non-whites" Racist. "were not in support of the use of ground troops in Afghanistan." And, oh, lMAO. That would mean 64% of non whites were in support of it. The easy majority. Why are you such a tool? You have to be a troll as you can't even use your 'facts' correctly. "By June 2002, only 51% of the general public was in favor of mounting a long-term war against terrorism." A majority yet again. Aren't you suppsoed to at least try to prove what you are claiming? It's embarassing.
  9. "They've already got a new studio at ea" They were fired. They have the right to get new jobs. And, actually, it's a new company that's being funded by EA. A little different. Either way, once again, they were FIRED. They have the right to look for and get new employment. You make it sound like they're evil because they sought employment after beingB FIRED. I guarantee you if my current employer FIRED me, I'd be looking for a new job. Duh. "And they ignored direct standard orders on MW2 (by not posting the acti logo in the game AT ALL)" I agree that this seems petty on their part; but isn't Activision the publisher? they should have forced them to put in the game or do it themselevs before publishing it? Still, very petty thing to do.
  10. So an admission of trolling. You should be reported. I won't because I'm cool though. Besides, you gave me an excuse to disucss the Rangers. R00fles!
  11. What does that matter? Since win does an Oscar determine if soemthing is a movie. It's supposed to detemrine what the Academy think are the best movies. Nobody made the argument that adult FILMS are Oscar worthy. But adult FILMS are MOVIES. So.. if they aren't movies why are they called ADULT FILMS. FILMS. FILMS. FILMS. "Is it really too much to ask that the same is done for video games?" A game is soemthing you play. A video game is a game you playn using video. Rapelay fits that category to a tee whether one likes it or not. P.S. Where are pornos/adult films usually bought or rented? The video/movie store. 'Nough said.
  12. How come he isn't participating in the playoffs? Not goodm enough? Bored? He should be there.
  13. "I'm here for you if you need to talk buddy. I know you don't like using PM's, but if you need a friend, just let me know. Life doesn't have to be this hard. " Why troll in a serious thread? Calax has a fmaily issue, he posted here as he wants to see what others think. You alsom cna't read because if you had, you'd notice I'm having no fmaily issues. L0L But, this thread isn't about me it's about Calax. He'll do what he thinks is best. At the very minimum he should demand his brother apologize to him and mean it.
  14. "In U.S. Many people who seemed to think black people were sub human, or that mexicans were destroying the economy etc. All I can say its a good job those people are not policy makers. People just seem to be afraid of anything they dont understand. America is seen to be intolerant, hypocritical and ignorant of the rest of the world. They are swinging their weight all over the globe to suit their own selfish interests." LMAO It's hilairous when someone labels something intoelrant when they're intolerant themselves. Aren you claiming the US voted a subhuman as their President? It doens't make sense. Let's not forget the Civil War was in large part to release BLACK slaves that were sold into slavery by their fellow BLACKS? Let's not forget that the majority of the world has enjoyed slavery at one time or another. Espicially those palces that have actually had the power to do so. "America is seen to be intolerant, hypocritical and ignorant of the rest of the world. They are swinging their weight all over the globe to suit their own selfish interests" Only by hypocrites who cry because they lack power or else they'd do the exact same thing. The vast majority of Amerikans have no problem with minorities. Also, it should be noted, that post 9/11 while other coutnries really got their racist on when dealing with Arabs/Muslims; in comaprison, Amerikan Muslims were treated beter there are exemptions, of course). LMAO It should be noted that Muslims are treated way better in Amerika then even in Muslim dominated countries. Just ask Iranians.
  15. "This is also why the Hart trophy exists. Ovechkin is great, he would likely get my vote for MVP." Sadly, Ovechkin likely won't win the Hart and imo he probably shouldn't. Caps are at the stage that the entire team is fantastic. It'll probably be Crosby, Sedin, or Miller. "well, other than the funny bait job that Krookie is doing" I know he was trolling. That's typical on Obsidian. Sometimes, however, it doesn't a master troll to get me to respond about the Rangers. LMAO No sill whatsoever. In essence, Krookie's troll attempt was weak, pathetic, and the easy way out. LMAO "Ovechkin gets.. nothing?!" He's got a lot. He prioved he's an awesome captain, he elad his team to the Presdient's trophy, he's still the best point producer in the entire league, etc., etc. Sedin may have won the Art Ross but we all know who teams would build around if they had a choice between him and Ovechkin. And, I say that liking Sedin.. but he's no Ovechkin.
  16. "Opposition to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq is mounting and (especially for Iraq) has been high since nearly the start" Lie. Amerikans supported the wars at one time. Nice try unles you define 'high from the start' as a minorty. Nice try, though. Please don't make stuff up.
  17. "A) nobody else seems to even think that acti MIGHT be right in any way shape or form because they're the big bad corporate goliath going up against west and zamp's david" Hey, I'm the first perosn tod efend the 'big bad publishers'; but in this case Act IS wrong. Even if the two dinks are also wrong, ACT is still wrong. They hired them to a do job, they did it, now pay them. And, you keep tlaking about about bugs but that's irrelevant as the game made millions. "B) West and Zamp need to be taken down a notch. Just because you do one thing in your life doesn't make you the greatest thing in the world" I don'ty evenc are about them. I played a COD3 once. *big whoop* If it wans't for this mess, I wouldn't even know who they were. P.S. Taking a side of the opposition just because others aren't is a sure sign of a troll. Now if you had an unpopualr opinion and defended bcause you thought it was right is cool; but not if you are making ana rgument just to argue.
  18. It is a game. And, many porn is movies. It depends though if it's just a bunch of sex scenes with no story or a movie that has full sexual scenes. Big difference.
  19. "There is going to be a time in your life when you will need your family, so be careful not to burn bridges. There are a lot of cliches regarding family for a reason." Nonsense. Some family 'bridges' deserve to be burned. it sounds to me his family (most notyeably is mother and brother) are scumbags. If anyone in my family had threatenined to kill me ever that be one bridge I'd brun without a moment's hesitation as he should. I don't care how nagry one is they should never threaten to kill someone in a serious manner. As for the mom, the best thing there is for him to move out ASAP. It's best for them both. She obviousily fears his growing independence so she uses money to keep as much control as possible. Thankfully, my parents are cool dudes and while there was a time where it was time to go it was on good terms. And, my siblings no matter how angry we've gotten with each other, have never used to threads of murder. Anyone who does is worth crap. Family is more than blood. Blood just gets you an in; but doesn't make one family.
  20. "Sedin matched Ovechkin's most points in a season, so I don't know how it is tainted. He had a great year, as did Ovechkin. Why do you feel the need to belittle his accomplishment?" Why do you feel the ened to belittle Ovechkin and the fact that he's the best point and goal producer int he NHL and all things considered equal he would have both the Art Ross and Maurice Richard trophies going away? Why belittle his accomplishments? Are yout ry to taint his great skill? The bottom line is as great a seaosn as Sedin has had and while he will get credit for the AR in the history books, Ovechkin had the better offensive season. *shrug* "now that Drury is on the down end of his career they have no one to score in big games." Drury hans't been clutch for eyars 0- not since the Rangers overpaid him and he was happy to count his money. "Lundqvist was clutch all game but couldn't handle the pressure I guess. " One of the most ignorant things to say about a Gold Medal winner, and the main reason wnhy Ny even had a chance. "Gaborik couldn't score in regulation. he's also anti-clutch," More crap by someone who doesn't know what he's posting about about. If it wasn't for Gaborik's clutch goal in the last game, this agme would ehav menaingless. But, hey, I guess one player has to do the work of many. LMAO Rangers lost ebcause they have a horrible GM, a horrible coach, a horrible captain, an injuredAvery, and no Jagr. Period. Plyus, Philly is simply the better team. It's that simple.
  21. "west and zamp are asking for "Millions". I'd say they're owed a couple hundred thousand but not millions. " You know this how? How the ehck do you make that determination? LMAO Bottom line is Activision owes them money and by withholding it, theya re stealing money that doesn't belong to them. It doesn't even matter if it is $1, $10, $100, $1000, or a $1million dollars. Firing someone doesn't give you the right not to pay them for work already done. Period.
  22. All it would mean is they get beat by the Caps. *shrug* I don't wnat the Ranegrs to eb successful until they fire their peice ofm crap coach and GM, get rid of that punk Drury, and beg Jagr to come back afetr they spit in his face as they've been going down hill ever since. Thank god for Lundqvist, Avery, and Gaborik.
  23. "It's called "dark humor," look it up." By definition, dark humour should be humourous. Nothing you wrote was. You look it up.
  24. "I'm still shocked that Sedin will win the scoring race this season." I'm nto. Easier to win the AR when you play a decent amount more games than your closest competitor. None of these races would be even close if Ovechkin played a full schedule since he's better than all of them. Grats to Sedin for your tainted, semi deserved Art Ross trophy. We all know that's it's truly Ovechkin's.
  25. Activision owes tyhem money. How much is unknown but they owe them money. Nobiody is disputing this yet Activision is trying to get out of payibng money they owe. That's theft. And, no, 'insuboridination' or whatever crap line ACT is using justfiies trying to steal money you owe somebody else. They were hired to do soemthing. they did it. Now pay them. Period.
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