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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. For me, the issue here is more hypocrisy than anything. Let's be honest, if Ford, or some other right winger was caught wearing blackface they'd be crucified. Yet the media and others gave PM Blackface a pass and even relected him. LMAO No douybt if a member of PM Blackface's team had got caught wearing it he would have ****canned them in a heartbeat.
  2. If its accurate that's embarrassing.
  3. "China has addressed this spread effectively " L0L The disease spread from one Chinese city to almost the entire world. How in the world can you claim with a straight face that they addressed this spread 'effectively'? That's delusional gobblygook. China, btw, is a country that had done some of the following things effectively: 1. Punish a doctor for telling the truth. he subsequently died. 2. Lie about number of deaths. 3. Claimed it was over when there a few days with no deaths then it started again. 4. reopened certainly things (theatres) only to have to close them not even a week later. People who praise China are drinking the koolaid. Don't be like PM Blackface. Never admire the Chinese gov't in the way it 'runs' things.
  4. "ut you won't actually be under arrest unless you resist." This always makes me laugh. "Am I under arrest, officer?" "No." "Ok, I am gonna go." "If you (try to) leave I'll arrest you for resisting arrest." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
  5. "Seems like pretty basic stuff. Was Ontario police not able to demand ID, arrest or fine people before? Or am I missing something? " Demanding ID from random people on the street was deemed unconstitutional. Getting fines and jail time for walking down the street has never been legally allowed. Espicially, since they are literally letting prisoners go 'due to the virus' yet here they are planning to throw bunch of people in jail for walking donw the street not having ID with them. EVIL. As for the army thing, this is why I would never willingly join the army though I would fight to defend my family, friends, and country. The army is defacto a Nazi organization who does not give a **** about its members. It is about power, slavery, and control. They are more worried about the 'chain of command' then what is actually right. So, because of this, they lost clearly someone respected by his soldiers AND they hurt morale. BRILLIANT. The fact the army is often above the law (which they laughably are designed to defend) is a joke. (this is not an attack on individual soldiers). People try to praise the army for 'defending freedom' yet the army (any army) by its very existence is anti freedom.
  6. Ontario police can now demand ID without cause, can arrest (which can lead to murder/violence), and heavy fines (which will likely be suffered by the poor (you know the people who the gov't supposedly targeted with their cheques). Think of this. The gov't is in the process of releasing 'non violent criminals' because of the disease yet ar enow planning to arrest non violent people and storing them where/ In prisons. The logic makes no sense. Heavy handed Nazism. And, people like lambs will cheer the gov't on. PATHETIC.
  7. Nazism has started to rear its ugly head in Ontario. YAY.
  8. "Some interpreted " 'Nough said. "referred to El Salvador, Haiti, and African countries as "****holes", which was internationally condemned as a racist comment." Some countries are ****holes. That ain't racist. Hell, many people - including plenty of Amerikans think Amerika is a '****hole'. Trump has said some stuff but that page is a joke base dmore on twisting intepretations as evidenced by the above two 'examples'. Riidculous. PM Blackface LITERALLY wore blackface. Yet people still defend his 'non racism'. Not to mention outright mocking India and trash talking Kanadian natives. LMAO
  9. That Kanadian news is beyond FAKE and has so many holes in it. LMAO Kinda like the myth that Kanada has 'free' health care. And, unlike the US, our PM *is* no doubt a racist mocking Indians (both variety), wearing black/brown face, mocking his fellow Kanadians and blaming them for his screw ups. HAHAHAHAHA
  10. Gregory Pappas is a spiteful whiny jealous pathetic punk.
  11. Another reason to dislike the gov't. Trying to talk to them is worse than talking to anyone. All week, I've been trying to get to talk to them about my EI. I have yet to manage to even talk to a live person and keep getting kicked out of the phone call. LMAO If a business did this they would be out of business. L0LZ
  12. "blame entire on china may make vol feel better, but if such vindication means US and kanada reacts with insufficient vigor in preparing for the next pandemic, then it is utter misguided and unacceptable dangerous. " Laying the blame wher eit belongs - China - doesn't absolve Kanada/US/West for their missteps but let's confuse this. This mess occurred because of China. That isn't racism. That is fact. "Volo under the circumstances I thinks its best Canada and its citizens accept the temporary suspension of rights and certain Constitutional outcomes.... all Canadians, like most other countries, should be trusting and supporting your government . These are unusual times and they call for unusual actions from all governments " That's what Hitler said. In fact, I'd argue that it is circumstances like these where we have to keep our democratic laws in place - not remove them. Consitutional rights should NEVER be suspended under ANY circumstances. I trust the gov't as much as they trust me - ZERO.
  13. Our Kanadian gvo't has tried to do the same. Trying to take power from the House/Senate. "the ’Wuhan’ virus was very dangerous and likely introduced by foreigners" Uh. Not likely. It was. By China. Why try to pretend otherwise?
  14. But, animals aren't hit by the virus....
  15. "Western capitalism is dependent on Communist countries to provide raw materials to create products that benefit humanity. When Western countries start using raw corporate power to crush leftist countries, it is the definition of fascism. " Western countries were doing just fine before having to deal with Communist countries. Don't blame the West for Comminist countries treating their citizens even worse than the West does. P.S. That guy is a coward. He didn't care about anyone but himself. I feel bad for his family and friends, and feel pity for him but he was a coward who gave up - the definition of cowardice.
  16. The earth isn't healing. It was never sick.
  17. Like I've said before, most people are anti freedom. They only pretend to be pro freedom when it concerns their own freedom. It is all about power, control, and slavery. EVIL.
  18. Whines about facism.. supports China... LMAO Remember, China is the country that has full control of the situation to the point that they opened up theatres... just to close them up again. This mess is 100% their fault. PERIOD.
  19. "Russia is a multi ethnic country like the U.S.A. " L0L But no. But, what definition of 'multi ethnic' are you going by? I said 'often' diseases are named fior where they are found/who got it famous/who reported it. As for a disease's 'technical' name.. If you except most people to by gibberish labelings like Conravirus 1b26hj845gf, good luck with that.
  20. People claim they hate Trump because he is a 'dictator wannabe' yet these same people continue to show love for actual dictators like Iran and China. But, not Russia. Hmmm.. what is the difference between these 3 countries.. oh yeah, Russia is whitey mcwhite so it acceptable to be racist and hateful towards them. Again, diseases/illness are often named after where they originated. Hell, some diseases are named literally after 'patient 0' or the person who 'made I famous'. *cough* Lou Gherig disease *cough* (not sick honest). Does that mean the people who named it that are 'bigoted'/'hateful' towards Gherig? Hmmm.. P.S. PM Blackface, even after I praised him earlier, shows his true colours. Just another piece of garbage dictator wannabe. Not surprisng since he loves China and admires their ability to mass murder their own citizens at their own whim.
  21. Fun Thought of the Day: Everyone is used to lineups at the grocery store... usually, however, it is at the checkout line.. now, the lineups are to get in. LMAO
  22. Freedom. Freedom is good. And, no, China's economy is not 'unshaken'. Stop beliving China's lies. The fact you support the ONLY country (that I know of)that PUNISHED a doctor for daring to speak about COVID and then he subsequently 'caught it and died' says a lot about you. Stop defending China. They are evil and theya re the ones who caused this mess to begin with. Other gov't are now dealing with **** because of China. PERIOD.
  23. "You may not like them because -reasons- but it's imperative we all get along and respect our differences. " Chinese gov't? Nah. They are scum and evil to the core. Chinese people? Absolutely. They're cool. "That's a frightening bit of karma for Ron. " Look at this. Another religious nutball spamming his cult. Karma either a) doesn't exist or b) is as much a psycho as 'God' is. Yeah, the 80 myear old grandam who has done nothing wrong her entire life gets Covid -19 and dies? She musta deserved it. A little kid suffering abuse from their parents. Deserved it. Because, you know. Karma. Karma, according to its religious followers, only punishes the wicked and rewards the good. L0LZ
  24. China deserves all the **** they get. They are the only country I know off who PUNISHED a doctor because he dared warn people about the virus. He subsequently got the virus, and died. China is an evil dictatorship that murders and terrorizies its own people for giggles. P.S. Russia is just as bad.
  25. She's in for a surprise. Most dudes ar ejust gonna be sitting arounding drinking, playing video games, and masturbating unless thye already have a girlfriend/wife. They ain't gonna to waste their time pretending to listen to the nonsense spewing out of Kaitlyn's mouth when there will be no reward for at least months. LMAO Or they'll fake it while masturbating to her. LMAO x 2
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