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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. " Firefighters didn't rescued someone from the fire? " That's cute but your little ice cream you posted is irrelevant. I surely don't read a lot of posts or news articles bashing firefighters so your comparision is rather full of spaghetti cheesecakes.
  2. "That there is higher standards for burger flippers than people who have the legal authority to kill people is ridiculous. " But, their job is soooooooooo hard and stressfullllll… and, they're only humannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn…………. who cares if they murdered a woman in her sleep for giggles. The biggest issue to me with the police is not the bad cops; it is the many excuses the good ones and their supporters dish out. Ridiculous.
  3. Violence aside (which isn't cool), forcing people to wear face masks isn't. I remember when the 'health experts' claimed that face masks weren't necessary now some places are legallu enforcing them. Not required here yet we aren't as fubarred as the US. Then again, the US hasn't had a mass shooting like we did during COVID-19 so good on them for that.
  4. So.. the police manage to shoot and kill an unarmed sleeping woman... but didn't kill the man with the gun? That is some weird ass ****.
  5. Soviets are evil anyways. Afterall, they rigged the US election... by spamming the internet...
  6. "I think you've spent too much time on Breitbart," I never go to Brietbart or any news site willingly - only when someone links an article. This means I often go to ****ty ones like Salon. *shudder* Bottom line is PM Blackface has admitted to being a wannabe dictator and is anti freedom therefore he is anti Volourn just like Trump, Hillary, Biden, and eveyr other politician. Politicians are NEVER pro freedom. Not a one.
  7. PM Blackface doesn't give a ****. He raises salaries by 10%, taxes by 20% for the same people to pay for said raises and he's a 'hero'. LMAO Let's not forget he happily gave pay raises to ministers during this COVID-19 debacle. LMAO Then again, this guy loves dictatorships, trahs talks his own party when they DARE oppose him and kicks them out when they say bad things but is -aok with his own racism. See, his actions dealing with Indians, blacks, and other Indians. LMAO
  8. They may say it but are full of ****.
  9. Are people still defending the Chinese gov't? The same government who **** on a doctor for speaking the truth who then 'mysteriously' got the virus afterwards and die. And, now, China is pretending they see him as some sort of heroic martyr even though they branded him a traitor? That China? The Chinese gov't answers to nobody lest of all the Chinese citizens.
  10. The justice system in NA (Kanada has this same issue can't talk for Europe but I'm guessing they have the same sort of issues) is to be fair and balanced but it isn't. The state double dips and tags up a lot of laws/crimes that are basicly copy of others so when someone commits a single crime they end up officially charged with a dozen. That way they can initmidate and bully the accused into accepting a 'plea deal'. ie. Someone gets caught stealing a car they end up charged with 10 different crimes and they can 'plea' down to 1. LMAO It's absolutely disgusting, unfair, evil, and monstrous.
  11. What does him being gay have to with 'governing the best'. That logic makes no sense. Afterall, one of the arguments we pro gays (lol) use is that sexual orientation doesn't make you better or worse... yet here you are claiming that him being gay makes him a better president... preumsing being hetersexual or bi or asexual would make him worse. LMAO
  12. *shrug* We had a mass shooting in Kanada not long ago. Ah, Kanadians. LMAO
  13. Just another law targeting people who already follow the law and aren't a threat with guns. This is just so they can pretend they are doing something. It won't solve a damn thing except make more criminals and lead to more deaths, theft by gov't and prison time for non threatening citizens. But, in the end, Nazis will Nazi. And, PM Blackface is definitely a 21 century Nazi. I hagve no doubt he would kill and inprison more people for 'wrongthink' if he could.
  14. Nobody - individual or party - is owed votes. That is dictatorship talk. If you want someone's vote earn it. If Donlad Trump is so horrible it should be easy to get independents/undecided on your side. If you take at face value that all republicans are evil and stupid (which is what Dems actually believe and vice versa) it shouldn't matter. repubs are the minority. But, hey, keep labeling people deplorables and other awful names. That'll get them to vote for you. I dunno about you if someone labels me evil and/opr stupid, how does that encourage me to vote for them? LMAO I would be worried that they would use their new poer to destroy me. I know if I had power and there was someone who I thought was pure evil, I surely wouldn't help them. LMAO BTW, Some of those people in that article don't know the definTion of 'friendship' and 'agree on everything'. LMAO Semiquote: "We're friends. We're brothers. We agree on everything. But, he's an idiot, selfish, and hates Amerika." L0L0L0L0L0LLIP0P
  15. Well.. if the fed gov't makes a law that states that they can have access to it legally the state would have to give them the supplies, right? So, it would be the state governor breaking the law and said guards would be criminals if they 'defended' the criminal. Not, that I think this should/will happen but the governor is acting like douchebag making him just like Trump who he supposedly hates so why copy him? LMAO
  16. 6 of 7 are white... and, I've heard from many that Asians are basically white +. LMAO
  17. "Unless you're Native Amerikan, we are all immigrants. This country was built on the backs of immigrant labour." FAKE NEWS. 'Native Amerikan' doesn't even make sense. At all. We don't say 'native amerikan' in Kanada. On top of that, Amerika (US) and Kanada (the country not the fabled area from the past) didn't existe until Europeans came and conquered the continent. The progeny of the original settlers are not immigrants. If you are born on this continent you are not an immigrant. How am I an immigrant when I was born and raised here and have never been anywhere. (Not to mention I have Indian ancestry in me lmao). You do realize that almost the Indian nations/tribes/land were build build on blood, war, and conquest right? The biggest, and strongest tribes wiped out the weaker ones just like the Europeans did. All are shameful but the one-sided shaming and revisionist history is laughable. Of course, none of this or your silly pasting changes the fact that when you move away from country a and go to country b you should adapt to your new homeland not the other way around. You likely left it because you saw it a ****hole and wanted a better life. So, why change your new home into your ****ty old home that you fled? L0LZ
  18. If you move to a different country you should adapt not the other way around. But, I get it, this is the anti West prejudice showing usually from Western peons. This reminds me of a westerner who gets int trouble with some bogus law in some 3d world **** hole. The westerner is blamed for not knowing better and not following the law as written. But, when a foreigner comes to the West and runs afoul of the law (usually but not always more legit) the West is blamed for not adapting the law to suit the newcomer. Western citizens are told to follow the law no matter what. Others are often given a pass. Talk about bigotry and law expectations.
  19. That's weird. The article doesn't say why she took the test. Was she forced to or did she requested. She says had no (or little) symptoms - the people they tend not to test so why was she tested in the first place? Hmmm...
  20. That makes no sense on either side. The US gvo't isn't an 'invisible entity'. It is real, it exists, and it doesn't give a **** about you. Both sides trying to compare the US gov't to the Christian 'god' are idiots. Afterall, if one doesn't believe in god than one can't blame him for awful happenings but the US gov['t is surely real and is responsible for some evil ****. Problem is both sides are two faced. They are only pro (or anti gvo't) when it suits their purposes. Lefties: US gov't is evil, and commits mass murders and is bad for supporting dictatorships. and intervering in others lives in other countries. Also lefties: Want gvo't to ban all sorts of things, they hate mass imprisonment but are also pro mass imprisonment and murder. Claim to be pro freedom of speech but also want to ban music, tv, books, and movies. Rights: Anti gov't when it comes to defending their guns, and religious rights, and freedom of speech and pure freedom. Also Righties: Want to ban music, tv, books, and movies. Don't like vaccinations b/c of gov't conspiracies. Scum. ALL OF THEM.
  21. "Parents would give those names to the cop for confirmation" Why? It's none of his business. He needs a warrant from a judge before he can request/demand medical info. He used intimiation, bullying, threats of kidnapping and murder to flex his uscle. EVIL. As for police in general, their mantra used to be 'serve and protect'. Now, it's 'anyone who isn't a cop is the enemy and a threat and must be eliminated at all costs if they don't bow down to my godhood'. Defending bad cops doesn't help the good ones at all. It makes their jobs even harder when you justify scummery like that.
  22. "The troubles with that are that the US still hasn't provided any evidence, let alone proof, for their accusations against Huawei. " China is the evidence. China controls all aspects of Chinese life including business. It is a Chinese company so you should not be entrusting it with sensitive things. one thing to get cheap China labour for random toy parts 9which can actually be dangerous) but sensitive computer stuff in the computer age? Risk is too high, imo. But, I get it. That's 'racist' to point out China's basic dicttaorship where they control everything. Just ask any success businessman in China who sucks up to the dictatorship one day and is doing great and the next criticizes them and magically somehow they are deemed 'worst criminal ever'. LMAO China and Russia are two peas of the same pod. Untrustworthy dictatorships that are given mostly a free pass because of their size. One is white one isn't. Wgich one gets bashed more in the West? LMAO To me, the West is racist because it tend to work on the basic of low expectations because Europe especially feels it is superior to all others despite both world wars originating there.
  23. Don't feel bad for that piece of crap.
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