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Lord Zacarus

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About Lord Zacarus

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    My Throne Room in the Imperial Palace on Coruscant
  • Interests
    Star Wars, Soccer, Baseball, Tennis, Golf, Football, and Racing.
  1. You idiot you'd kill yourself with one of those plus you wouldnt be able to go stealth they could still hear it and then light up theres to find you
  2. Darth Revan, Darth Malak, Darth Sion, and Kreia all combined. I am a great strategist like Revan. I am cruel and at some times just an ass like Darth Malak. I cannot be stopped pretty much like Sion. And i am a liar and manipulator like Kreia. If i could choose any star wars character it would be emperor palpatine.
  3. This version is if you play on the light side. In my opinion you should be able to pick if you want to play on the light side or dark side at the beginning of the game and it would change the storyline and settings completely. The game should open up with a cinematic where Jedi Master Atton Rand (Same age as he was at the end of kotor2) is taking you (small child you design around the age of 1.5 or 2) from your home on Nar Shadaa and taking you to Jedi Academy on Coruscant. You then see cinematics of you learning the ways of the jedi (or sith if you chose the dark side at the beginning of the game which i think you should be able to do). Then you see yourself assigned to a master and it is Atton Rand. Bao-Dur by the way is using his thoughts of what should be done in the galaxy as a diplomat in the Galactic Senate. The Miraluka has returned to her homeworld to help in the rebuilding of it. The Handmaiden has become the historian of the order and Mira is in the process of negotiating with her people the Mandalorians to sign a peace treaty with the republic under the leadership of their mandalore and prepare for the return of the exile and revan, who are searching for the real sith. Bastila has come out of hiding after the defeat of the sith in kotor2 and has become the head of the jedi council. You do a few missions as a padawan under the watch of your master Atton Rand that have clues to where and what is happening to the exile and revan. You then see your player grow up(the way that you designed them to look of course) and become a jedi knight as your master, Atton becomes a member of the council on Coruscant. A few months later Revan and The Exile who have been designed to match your character from past games return with the warning of the true sith invasion coming in a matter of weeks. With this news Revan has been made head of the Jedi Order by Bastila and the exile has been incorporated into the Republic's Army as the General of all ground forces. Master Atton has been incorporated as the Supreme Admiral of the Republic with Carth as his second in command. The game truly starts now with you going to the worlds described as the targets of the sith by revan and the exile. You of course loss the battles on these planets and loss friends along the way like Handmaiden, the miraluka, Mira, and even Carth who is killed in his command ship that accompanies Atton at the battle of Coruscant. You have become a Jedi Master, Watchman, etc.... by this time of course promoted by Revan himself. You then face the oldest of the sith lords the true sith lord who is as old as the sith teachings themselves. Bao-Dur and Atton are killed in the battle as are the hundreds of jedi who were taught in the same period as you. So you Revan and Bastila get seperated on the way to fight this sith lord who is waiting on the top of the Jedi academy and Bastila gets their first and is struck down. You get their second and fight the sith lord with anger and hate coming close to the dark side you kill him. Revan comes up and you turn on him but he tells you to come back to the light in a long and drawn out way and you eventually do. Revan is saddened by the death of Bastila but he controls his emotions because that is what Bastila would have wanted. The game closes with a cinematic showing you the day that you are to be accepted to the council in front of the hand full of jedi left and you look around as their are hundreds of jedi spirits outside of the windows in the air watching you with admiration and you spot Atton as he walks through the wall and stands beside you smiling and Bastila waves to you as she stands by Revan. The Exile is surrounded by his friends from Kotor 2 who have died.The spirits disappear as a young boy walks in accompanied by a jedi knight. The boy smiles at you and reminds you of atton and so you volunteer to teach him. Fades to black. What do you guys and girls think? I think it would be cool.
  4. Whats the book for the SW books after return of the jedi.
  5. The answers i put in the poll are based either on appearances or on personality. I'd have to say that Mara Jade and Mira are basically identical twins. I mean the red hair they both worked for the top smuggler boss of their time. Mira was a mandalorian and Mara was an imperial.
  6. Man why dont you stop smokin yoda and think about it. It would be nice.
  7. I agree with the topic starter. Make a game that takes place in the Mandalorian Wars but have real time combat incorporated not just a straight up RPG. Give it an academy feel to it. That would respond better. Except with choosable dialog and custom character and skill.
  8. I think everyone will admit that Star Wars does have the cheesiest lines and acting. I mean the only reason so many people are into is because of the storyline and the lightsaber battles.
  9. Are you guys retarded I mean if you control the government you control your country you could become the emperor and also get the government to fund a program to create the first lightsaber and its technology
  10. I just think youre a sexist whore
  11. Lord Satasn you agree with me on many subjects but im afraid you are wrong here my "apprentice". Yes with every dark comment you say you fall more under my control. There is no need in fighting it for i am the true dark lord of the sith.
  12. I think a grey jedi is like a man without a country he has no one to back him up
  13. If I can help send me a message and let me kno.
  14. if they spend more than a year making kotor 3 then it will be a great game i say give it 2 to 3 years
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