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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. It could've been 60-90 seconds shorter, but it's on point. I chuckled.
  2. "The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play." -- Kirk, 'Shore Leave'
  3. Ice Age is a generally stupid movie (in a harmless sense), but it had Scrat, so I forgive it a lot else. All the Ice Age movies should just be all Scrat, all the time. Twister is a brain at door OTP popcorn movie. I found it hilariously fun at the time. "Cow!" I also liked Dante's Peak ok - wasn't as fun as Twister tho. But they outdrove that pyroclastic explosion! Movies love heroes outrunning ... stuff! Mostly I just liked Pierce Brosnan at the time.... The other volcano movie of that period - Tommy Lee Jones, Volcano (in Los Angeles!) - that was beyond even my limits for brainless disaster movies, because it wasn't even remotely OTP fun. And it was more "Lava" than "Volcano." Which was boring.
  4. Why does everything in this game want to knock me down and rip my face off? NOT a nice doggy. Pardon me, just keeping the mud off my shoes. ...I got to the train, which is probably about where I stopped originally. I circled around a bit and decided to jump down what appeared to be a 6-7 foot drop to an area below a platform (instead of climbing the ladder like game told me to). Apparently six feet is too high or something and I landed so hard I insta-died. I went "Pffft" and exited game again. 10-15 minutes every day, that's about my pace. Hah.
  5. I woke up at six this morning and it was a nicely pleasant temperature outside. Which means it'll be way too warm by mid-afternoon. I keep looking into low/no carb/sugar snack foods (high protein is fine, high fat is not) because while I haven't been doing it much lately, I am still a severe munchie (vs. meal) person. The past couple months I keep wanting this or that and it's wearing on my brain willpower....Keto diet is low carb concept but I'm not sure I'd care for dried cheddar cheese balls ("Moon Cheese"). Also, they're still high in fat/cholesterol, like cheese. Seems like you may as well just eat ... fresh cheese. So I ordered jerky again instead. Gotta keep looking...something besides dried meat or seedy crackers would be nice, is all ...
  6. I missed the large, center single-cities 7 Days no longer does, and this is even more ginormous, would take forever to "clear out" every POI. Thanks, 3rd-party map generator! I also made the block grid size smaller so POI's are closer together. When you run around ground-level, it feels much more like a city or suburb, to me anyway.
  7. ... can play as adorable fuzzy creature thing and wear cute/funny hats and helmets (very important!). Can ride/fly on things, flashy combat animations, has a photo mode, enemy design looks fun, loot, quests. But I have ... doubts. We've all been fooled before, right? What I'm hoping for is some sort of weird gameplay mashup of (modern) Fallout-y rpg styling and Borderlands speed but with much more stylized/action combat, or something. I'll probably wait a few days for first impressions (especially re: initial performance/bugs), but ... I bet I'll end up buying it. If only because of the hats.
  8. I haven't played much further (my "wife" is leading me somewhere outside) - the lack of manual saving is annoying me since I tend to suck at these type of games - but I thought this was a good comparison article re: ray tracing in this Metro edition. Mostly it seems to brighten/lighten up areas that used to be dominantly black/dark so you can see more details, notice npc's etc more easily in some situations that were too "black" before. Less noticeable general effect outdoors. I still feel like in some cases it makes blacks look a tad "grey" or at least it feels too lit up for my tastes. I'd probably like it somewhere in the middle. I turned the gamma down a notch or two, seems to help. But it does look good, simply a preference thing I suppose. Anyway ... outside of that article's examples, here's a couple of my own early pics I still had of original, vs. Enhanced: ..according to article, this spot was much more "pitch black/grey", now it's warmer and feels sunlit. And just because:
  9. I think genetics - and being in pretty good dancing/cycling/hiking type shape for most of my first few decades - is the only reason I never inflated to 200 pounds in my later years. For my size I can eat huge amounts before I feel even remotely "too full" - I think my stomach is the size of a large burlap sack or something. Also, I lose weight pretty fast if I make any effort at all. Shoulda been a competitive eater.
  10. Is it wrong that all I got from that posting was "LOL, Floogle, snort, snuffle, giggle." If I was really into those smaller indie type games that one is likely to just play through in a day or two, once and then done, I might like a streaming-game sub for that type of thing, if it meant I could play 6 a month for $10 a month or some such. Maybe. But I don't play those kind of games. Even if I can't or don't care to mod something, I've never wanted my ability to play (non-online-MP) games to be dependent on whether or not my internet connection is working.
  11. This Sat. it was pizza while watching "Unhinged", since it seems to have become an Amazon Prime freebie. I was expecting an older style thriller/suspense in the Falling Down sort of vein, except with less social issue posturing. What you get is a completely over the top violence/action film that starts to border on comedy horror cheese. Mr. Crowe seems to be taking his role very seriously but it's just all so non-stop OTP with nary a breather you start chuckling. Wouldn't have been worth *paying* for, but I didn't dislike it - if ya have nothing better to do it's only 90 minutes and it goes well with pizza. Most people will likely have something better to do, tho.
  12. Eww, Photos app. WPV still works fine. Altho I have no idea if one bought/installed Win10 current version from scratch if one could still make it appear. I'm guessing it would still be there if I installed from my 2019-ish USB win10 stick (I did not "upgrade" to Win10 from any other Win version and WPV was still in the files). (late late edit: 2019, not 2018. Me and dates can no longer be trusted, sigh)) Which reminds me, a forum mentioned an open source viewer called nomacs that I still need to check out. I think I'd still prefer WPV for quick looks but it seemed like decent option if it ever does stop working. Better than Irfan anyway, as a simple viewer+some mild other functions.
  13. Win10 update: ---Oh, ugh, Edge. Command prompt, uninstall Microsoft Edge. Thank you. Side effect: if I accidentally click on one of those "web help" links - and such is always an accident, I don't need their stupid interface weblinks - it just flashes white for a second and goes away. Hahah. ---New systray and taskbar shortcut for blutooth and ... Windows Viewer? ... delete/go away. ---Uncheck "let apps try to make text non-blurry" again. ---Recreate Paint Shop Pro exe shortcut again because Win10 update kept thinking I needed a CD to run it from the old shortcut. wtf? My fear is one day Win10 won't let PSP even run, it is a very old program. ---EVGA Precision suddenly seemed to think I only have two gpu fans, not three. Reinstalled, fixed. ---so far it no longer remembers that I want a different background on Monitor 2 (the TV). Goes back to Monitor 1 background if I turn TV off/on. ---everything else seems the same (settings/how I have it setup I mean) but could be some changes I haven't noticed. At least it didn't go totally fubar. I can now ignore "Check For Update" button again for another year or two.
  14. Well, I updated Win10 (PITA, pffft) ... but I have no visual frame of reference for this game - since I never played it for more than 20 minutes or something - so I have no idea if it looks "better" or not. I feel like some darker early intro bits it looked more washed out than before (black levels). Other times it looks perfectly fine. Dunno. I have it basically "maxed/Ultra" but with DLSS on Quality for 4k/50-60fps. Without DLSS/native-4k, it's around 30-40fps. Basically, like Cyberpunk was (for me), 4k/DLSS etc. performance wise, maybe a bit better than CP. ...if I can make myself play farther I'll try to get some shots of something more lighting/RT heavy, if I can figure out what's supposed to be different.
  15. I recently noticed a few people giving me some kind of award icon on Steam forums, and when I looked those up, apparently I have over 52,000 "Steam Points" (yes I had no idea they existed, before), probably largely from purchasing my games. Quickly glancing around it would seem to allow me to "purchase" around 5200 smilie icons (if there are even that many available). I love smilies, but that would be a bit excessive... I see no other use for them that I'd care about at all (fancy profile page stuff? avatar frames? pfft, don't care). I guess all of these Steam thingies are like a whole mini-game unto itself for some people. Me, I don't even care about in-game achievements...
  16. Well I did actually download it (it's a separate "game" install, you don't add onto the previous version) but apparently I'd have to update Win10 for it to work. I don't know how far I'd have to update Windows (absolute latest or just from six months ago, for example). Anyway, I have nothing against updating per se but I am far too lazy at the moment. ...which is my problem with all things PC nowadays. I'm just too lazy to want to deal with all this 'stuff' anymore. ...*takes up knitting*
  17. ^ Never mind! Don't need no stinkin' RT Metro update for entertainment. Found a 3rd party map generator for 7 Days to Die that is much better (and much much faster) than the one given in the game. No more biomes always at map edges, I could make it all forest, or all snow, if I wanted, totally flat, etc. Going to take a while to figure out creation of perfect map! Maybe only one giant city? ... Goes up to 16k size (vs. 8k game default) as well as many custom sizes and settings. Pardon me while I get lost.
  18. Anyone trying/going to check out the Metro RT upgrade (supposedly free if you own game already)? ...trying to decide if I feel like bothering putting Steam in Online and d/l-ing/installing it when I know I'll barely look at it. But it's free! ...I'm sure it'd cripple my rig at 4k, but, despite the fact I don't really care about RT, ofc I'm a curious cat who likes to see things with her own eyeballs. Hmm...
  19. So if I eat a few tablespoons of butter with my fruit pops, it should be fine, then, right? ...but then I'd have a heart attack, especially since Type2 seems to keep my triglyceride levels elevated (even tho the other LDL/HDL #'s are "super great" at the same time...). I can't win. ...vegies/small amount of meat and some high fiber bread/grains seems to be the thing for me. Some Type2's state they can't even eat a few common crackers or a single cookie etc but such doesn't bother me too much as long I'm not scarfing down a whole box every day HAHA
  20. It's not access, it's the sugar/carbs. Oh sure, like all such, if I ate one once a week it'd be fine but that wouldn't happen. My self control usually comes from ... not having any such in the house. I didn't buy/eat ice cream all the time but if I bought a pint, it was eaten in one sitting. When I got out of the hospital I was all "veggies and fruits, low carb, low fat!" etc. And I bought a watermelon. Apparently I should not eat watermelon (bananas are apparently pretty "bad" too). Or a lot of the high sugars fruit. When I stopped eating an apple or a pear or a handful or two of cherries with every meal my blood sugar went down/was more stable. Fruit hit me worse than eating a slice or two of bread, or a couple squares of dark chocolate. So now it's largely just veggies/low fat proteins. Anyway ... next time I actually walk-in to a grocery store I might try sugar-free fruit bars (Splenda) ... maybe they'd be tolerable and be half the carb/sugar content of most fruit bars. Amazon Fresh tends to be terrible with more specialty items like that.
  21. The weather is growing warmer and I want strawberry fruit popsicles.
  22. My mother was like that - she'd leave the front-street living room curtains open all day. There were zero curtains in the family room/kitchen. She'd enter my kids bedroom, cluckcluck at me, and throw open my curtains like I was a plant that needed sunshine. Then she'd leave and I'd close them again. Makes sense to switch office spaces if you have different preferences. ============ Unrelated, but the convo made me wonder if I could take a picture of how dark my room is during the day if no lights on. With the phone. It's seemingly impossible because of all the auto-filters and focused auto-exposure phones like to do. I had to put it on "Pro" mode and still only got sorta-kinda close - and the reflections in the TV look purpl/brighter when they're not. Actually I'd like it a bit darker for watching movies/TV. Need to toss up a new black sheet on each window I think. It's noon when I took it. Edit: if you have your display brightness way up, it's gonna look way brighter than it should be, too.
  23. ^ You could hire hubby. ...at any rate, re: windows, you just need black curtains. Multiple layers if they get actual direct sun exposure, because over time that will fade the black into brown/purple. If no direct sun exposure, it won't fade much. So a couple white sheets, then a couple black sheets over that for example. It won't be pitch black (well, unless you go all-out with window coverings of some kind, like nailing boards up) but it'll be dark enough. If too much light around window edges just tack stuff to the wall to cover those. :P Plus black curtains don't show up reflected in monitors much.
  24. ^ I feel like making a basement dweller joke, but I shall refrain. ...If we had a basement I'd prefer to be in it because it would likely be a lot cooler in summer.
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