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Everything posted by Lucius

  1. Alan, it's simply a social democrat (or similar) with very patriotic views on other issues, they are pro welfare state, pro bigger police force/military, pro harder sentences, and against immigration etc. I should know, I've voted for them (for better or worse) once. Well, as for my commie remark, it was simply meant as a jab against all the reds in europe who moan about the growing patriotic/nationalist trend in some nations, yet whenever their own commie masters has seized power in the past, it turned out to be anything but unpatriotic.
  2. Lady in the water yesterday, I liked it.
  3. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Gimli!
  4. Easy for a breeder to say.
  5. I thought that joke was gonna end with them ending up stoned somehow. You disappoint me.
  6. That's really quite a defeat, Kirottu. You might as well let them occupy you again.
  7. I wish you luck, Feng.
  8. Yep, pretty median here too. Lots of guys my age and younger are taller than me.
  9. That Joe guy does seem kinda nice, for a rep.
  10. Someone grap Kumq, he's about to faint... Wait, I'll do it. Anyway, I'm 1.84 myself. Not gettin' any taller, no sir.
  11. Nice dodge, not a word about the added drawings I just mentioned to you. See no evil much? I'd post em here, just so you can see how nice it was of the muslim traitors to pin them on us. But that probably wouldn't be PC enough for the fora. Do PM me if you wanna see them. As for deportation, they were deliberately damaging the nations reputation and ultimately its safety in their quest to stirr hatred, as guests of this land, they should've been shown the door. One of them doesn't even want to learn the language. Edit: I'm sorry if I sound too harsh and unreasonable, but I'm tired and pissed off.
  12. There's a difference, Jon did it to his face, and in a hostile fashion. I didn't hear Colbert call Joe a retard in the interview on the report, and I don't think he's been there before.
  13. And in that little "except" you probably have the answer Einstein. Me, I like them both.
  14. Are you really this stupid? FOR the third and final time, some of the most outrageous toons were NOT created by the paper. We are talking about pics of mohammed being mounted by a dog, mohammed with a pig face, and mohammed as a pedophile. I'd say those make the original 11 seem rather harmless. Of course, you probably haven't even seen any of them.
  15. First of all, you can shove that wise ass dictionary crap. Second, yes the original cartoons were drawn by danish artists, but the ones that really caused the uproar were added by the muslim traitors as they embarked on their journey to preach hatred against us. This has been all over the news here, and the fanatics in charge of the little scheme was pretty much in a ****storm when we found out. (unfortunately, they weren't deported) Oh, and one of the fanatics was also cought on hidden cam saying that if the moderate muslim politician, Khader, ever made minister, they should bomb him!
  16. Launchie, It's been so long since I flamed, but at least I don't flame America anymore. That's a good thing, right?
  17. Oh and a funny fact regarding that! One of the fundamentalists who preached hatred against us in that troubled period while on tour in the ME, was actually begging the the cruel danish government for evacuation, as he was stranded in Lebanon when Israel retaliated. Of course, we, the bad guys helped out our loving citizen in need, just as any bad guy would.
  18. Pop, idiot, know of what you speak before you open your mouth. The drawings that really enraged the muslim world was not made by danish artists, they were made by resident MUSLIM fundamentalists who then proceeded to tour the middle east with these newly added (and quite outrageous) drawings. Hell, before the traitors toured the middle east, months had passed and no public outcry. And really, the violent protesters who burned our embassies, on grounds of drawings made by MUSLIMS who's been blessed enough to be allowed to live here, are just confirming exactly why the current majority of Danes doesn't want more immigration.
  19. I haven't. And I'm damn well never going to either.
  20. Yes, that's how it was supposed to be. We had a wonderful summer, then suddenly in august it stopped and it's been raining ever since more or less, but just a week ago it returned again, still going strong. I'm telling ya, something's wrong! :ph34r:
  21. I had a wonderful day, got off from school at 10:00, 1
  22. You can edit the entire world! And noone can stop you, you swedish bastard! )
  23. Whenever I read something important, like I did yesterday regarding the bolshevik (Damn reds!) attempted invasion of Poland post WW1, I can't help but think that the details I'm getting fed could just as easily be utter BS, I have no way to tell. Unless perhaps if it had stated that Alien gunships arrived to assist the Poles. But y'all know what I mean... right?
  24. It's called something else in CoV I think, sidekick doesn't ring any bells to me, it's something more sinister is it not?
  25. I just read in the news yesterday that according to Wiki, my city is rife with drug addicts and gang violence, with mall shootings and what not. A city of some 10.000 people. It seems now someone has rushed into fixing it. "In the recent years there have been stories about crime and drugs in the medias, even in this Wiki, but the stories are wildly exaggerated and most of it cannot be documented. Niv
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