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Everything posted by AnakinSolo2002

  1. Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber has a blue crystal with a white core. that's why it looks lighter.
  2. Make that two major bugs. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ahh no...
  3. yeah i thought that was pretty cool too. too bad i don't ott an ipod
  4. (w00t) Just lettin everyone know, if you don't get Lucas Arts Insider Newsletter... ...that They are releasing/have released whats called Star Wars
  5. the problem is he said, i think, that it was working, and now it's not. he's got a friken insane computer don't know why it would be crashing there. fireGL's coost like $600+
  6. when you do something and you look above your head to see how many XP points you got.
  7. did you have this problem before? it could be a driver issue. have you just installed new drivers, or changed a setting?
  8. starwarsknights, pcgamemods ar down for me, but lucasforums is werkin
  9. yeah well that too :"> I feel so ashamed, and I just watched em again last weekend.
  10. I don't know what these guys are smoking. Force deflection works anytime when you are NOT using a lightsabre. It DOES work with blasters. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Care to explain HOW one is supposed to deflect blaster bolts with BLASTERS???? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> have you not seen Return of the Jedi? on Cloud City I seem to remember Vader Reflecting/deflecting Han's blaster shots with his HAND. You reflect with the FORCE not with the blaster.
  11. i think i did once, not sure how i did it though. make sure you use a mele sheild right before you fight. that helps a bunch
  12. no problemo big man. took me forever to figure that out. glad i could help someone
  13. that exact same thing has happened to me. I can't explain why it happens. and you even played over again. just curious but when you did things in the academy, did you find your friends before competeing in the echani training fights? because for somereason the characters somehow get stuck there sometimes. so the next time you try and go through the academy do the echani fighting before you find your friends in the holding cells.
  14. I'll sell you a Gainward Geforce 6800 GT
  15. but handmaiden is hot, visas is an ugly blind chick, i've never liked her.
  16. Well, i've been gone for forever and descided to pick the game back up. so... I'm 5 hours in, first meeting with Atris and I hop in the ship, cut sceen of atris telling some sister handmnaidens that 'handmaiden' has left with the exile, then it loads and all i get is a black screen. now i've reloaded and retried this enoough times to know theres nothing i can really do, does anyone have any suggestions? or am i eternally screwed? "I have a bad feeling about this." thanks for any help.
  17. guys... why are they complaining about 2 Sions? Does no one remember the galaxy droid glitch in thr xbox version of KotOR where you'd get multiples of party members....?
  18. For them, yes... For us... NO... it just seems like everybody's doin it these days...
  19. Buggy Games keeo people interested... it's a little known fact, but when people buy something, and it has a few kinks, they would rather spend months trying anything to get it fixed than simply getting off their ass and take it back to the store... It's true, and LA know's it...
  20. It all depends on the size of the monitor really, and the color contrast possibilities. Well it depends on a lot of things. What it boils down to is, The higher the resolution, the bigger the monitor the better the image will look.
  21. I don't think KotOR or KotOR 2 would have been STALE if they had been released even 6 months late. I mean, not trying to compair them, but how long had HL2 been delayed? It's done pretty damn fine. If LA and Obsidian would have delayed K2 a little while, I would have been more than happy to wait, I would have had so much respect that they were willing to delay to fix the fact that the "live update" part was broken and to actually do the POLISHING. They released the beta, they didn't even get to polish for more than most likelly a week! Pushing TSL a month early was the stupidiest more I've ever seen, people buy more things after christmas then before anyway, stupid move, yeashe, They could ahve avoided most, maybe even all of this.
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