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Everything posted by Sorwen

  1. So you do it with the lights off.
  2. Fine I'll wildly speculate. Life with Revan scared her hair white, but it is actually Bastilla.
  3. I know there are a few "What new things you want" threads here and there, but I wanted to focus on feats the good the bad and the missing. Well mainly the bad and the missing from a d20 stand point. You can't really say KoToR was a d20 starwars game, but it was really close. Flurry(Change) - flurry was interesting, but seemed to take the place of the Whirlwind feat which I like more IMO. This opens up for Cleave and Great Cleave for a change and more attacks rather than flurry as well. Force Mastery and High Force Mastery(Add) - The one thing I like in d20 is getting these two feats. They end up give you free force actions. This would be hard to do in the flow of a KoToR game. It could have a delay between uses to clear up the fact you can only use it once a round. The effect it could have is the next force power you use the casting time(for lack of a better word) would be set to 0(instant) for a partial action at Force Mastery and set to half for a full action at High Force Mastery. Lightsaber Styles(Add) - One thing the d20 SW Hero book added was Lightsaber Styles(or was it forms?). This is nice as it adds a little bit more to how your character fights with a lightsaber. They are all kind of neat in their own way, but I'm partial to the one that takes your damage from dex. Since they are going to have animations that will be different by feat and level this may already be in. This style is more finesse so you could have some cool animations that reflected that. (Change) I would also like to see more automatically gained feats. In d20 Jedi didn't have to waste a feat slot on Jedi Defense. It is automatically gained at a certain level by type of Jedi you are playing. This makes you the "movie" Jedi and still play around with some of the other feats.
  4. Gah! I think your right about Carth. Ran behind the rock. Was just wishful thinking.
  5. First, Ya for levels over 20. No, in the d20(SW) there are no SET levels over 20. Last comment I heard was they said there was not point. There is enough content to easily go over 20. They didn't feel a need to write epic level stuff. The level up progression is easy to follow they suggested just adding more levels. I assume what OB will do is give you about 30 maybe? 20 for a normal character level and 10 for prestige class. If that is the case hopefully they will let you level up back and forth so you don't have to wait for level 20 if you qualify for prestige at level 6. I've wanted to play a Guardian/Weapon Master and hope they do the WM justice.
  6. Not to be rude, but the Farce only works on the week minded.
  7. I love KoToR, but that was based more on story than game play. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed the game play, but it was lacking a few things. Here are the lightside/darkside things missing at least. Missing from the Lightside: They did the best on the Lightside IMO. I did find a few things annoying. The fist was on Talis. You would break into someone's room, steal their stuff, listen to them beg you not to hurt them, and there was nothing wrong with this. How about at least a Greayside point? Loose some of that goody goody for breaking in. Let mode know before hand that is the case, since it would be the first game I know of to actually do it. This is a Dark/Light issue On Dantooine in the cave I killed those eggs. First I don't see why I had to. How did the eggs have a crystal to start with? Second though there was no Darkside point or Lightside. If killing unborn life isn't a Darkside point, then surely saving future people from being attacked by those spider things is worth a Lightside? I really think I shouldn't have had to do it at all, but when I did I should have gotten a Darkside point. Missing from the Darkside: You had to play a thug most of the time to get a Darkside point. My character wasn't a thug. Beating up kids for lunch money wasn't his style. Force Manipulating those trappers on Kashyyk so the ran away and the others killed them was. Cutting down anyone in my way with my lightsaber was. I don't mind brute force, but you don't have to be a bully to be evil. It was hard to keep Darkside points a few times. What I was doing was evil because of the reason I did them. (add) Ah another thing. Some of the "Neutral" powers should have give a darkside point depending on how they were used. If I force push a droid(which they were immune in the game, but they threw them all around in the movies) off a cliff it shouldn't matter, but if I did that to a living person it should be a Darkside point. (add) Also I should be able to strike down anyone(save maybe storyline needed person). All those arrogant sith I couldn't strike down when they didn't bow down to me. I had some others as well, but now I've forgotten them. I'll add them as I remember.
  8. I totally disagree. I couldn't even finish Torment where I've complete KoToR twice(started a lot more times). KoToR is the only game I've complete in a long time. Usually I get to a point where I'm bored and I know it is only a matter of sitting there long enough and I'll complete the game. That is about the time I quit and never touch the game again. It was KoToR's story that had me wanting to finish the game. For me if this game lives up to nothing else it has to live up to the story of KoToR. Heck KoToR has had a better story than the last two SW movies. While I find this teams work good they lack something that Bioware seems to have. I can't really say what it is, but it has been just missing in all their games. I bought Fallout 1&2(only completed 1), Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape. I got bored on all except Fallout and only completed because I was bored. They start great concepts, but they just can't follow through with the game/story. I have to say while KoToR2 sounds good(like the others did) I really have my doubts. They don't suck, they just don't live up to their potential.
  9. Rather than argue back and forth with everyone here is the situation of my two endings that the game would need to pickup from if what they are saying is correct. These are both male endings. Some spoilers if you haven't completed the game. Lightside *********************************************** Revan - Of course the hero and savior of the galaxy. Bastilla - Redeemed and in love with Revan. Hk-47 - Fully operational. Though a bit put out, and still evil, follows Revan's orders. Mission - Alive and was waving at the end. Zaalbar - Same. Jolee - Cantankerous as ever I would assume. Canderous - Following Revan as the man who defeated them in the Mandalorian wars. Carth - Annoying as ever. T3 - Silent as ever. Juhani - Follows Revan as he redeemed her. *********************************************** Darkside *********************************************** Revan - Lord of the Sith Bastilla - Claims to still be in love with Revan and his devoted disciple. (Side note: I'm one of the people that believes this is possible and still be a Darksider) Hk-47 - Fully operational. Though quite happy that his evil master is as back to normal as he is. Mission - I can't remember for sure. I thought there was a way to avoid killing her, but I wouldn't swear to it. I'll have to check my save game. Zaalbar - Unhappy, but loyal life debt slave. Jolee - Dead. Body rotting on the tower on the Unknown planet. Canderous - Following Revan as the man who defeated them in the Mandalorian wars, but happy this time. Carth - Dead as a door nail. Quite gleefully struck down by my lightsaber on the beach. T3 - Silent as ever. Juhani - Laying next to Jolee. Don't they make a lovely couple in death? Edit forgot NPCs. Will add in a bit.
  10. Great they mention Revan, but what about Bastillia? My biggest concern is story. Next is they mention you will not start as a Jedi(again). Please no 8 hrs of non-Jedi Talis again! I played through once then cheated all the other times so I could start as a Jedi(should say almost start).
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